He, the middleman, had a good thing of it, because he could cheat the captains of the boats in the measurement of the wood.
It is agreed that the revolt was a good thing; that those who were then rebels became patriots by success, and that they deserved well of all coming ages of mankind.
That those Chinese rascals should be forced into the harness of civilization was a good thing.
Industry is a good thing, and there is no bread so sweet as that which is eaten in the sweat of a man's brow; but labor carried to excess wearies the mind as well as body, and the sweat that is ever running makes the bread bitter.
He knew when he said a good thing that no one had ever said it before.
It is not certain now that the anonymous beginning had been a good thing.
Only Clemens could go, which in the event proved a good thing perhaps; for when Clemens and Howells set out for Concord they did not go over to Boston to take the train, but decided to wait for it at Cambridge.
It was moonlight, and they could tell the ice from the water, which was a good thing, for there were wide cracks toward the shore, and they had to wait for these to close.
Well, I suppose it's a good thing to have land in the market sometimes, so that the millionaires may know what to do with their money.
Yes; if he were a little more like Mr. Crawley it would be a good thing for me, and for the parish, and for you too, my dear.
He was still sufficiently exoteric to think that a good stand-up fight in a good cause was a good thing.
One could never have too much of a good thing," he was kind enough to say; and I made him laugh by my account of the conversation between the Duc de Choiseul and myself.
No, but it isn't a good thing for a young man to engage too soon in that pleasure which makes one neglect everything else.
I asked the Chevalier Zeroli after his wife, and he told me she was still abed, and that it would be a good thing if I would go and make her get up.
His news pleased me, as it is always a good thing to interest the public.
It is a good thing to know something about people of his kind, of whom there are far too many in the world.
You had an object in looking up that correspondence; you intended to make a good thing out of the facts you got hold of; and, if your information is sufficiently complete, you can make a good thing out of them yet.
But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and the laundry up there is one of them.
If this young Eden can arouse her interest in mankind in general, it will be a good thing.
Up to then he had accepted existence, as he had lived it with all about him, as a good thing.
But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
The husband thought, if the ornaments were not redeemed, he could make a good thing of it by taking them to London and selling them.
Ye'll make it out as trouble's a good thing, like HE allays does.
He admitted that they had a good thing, and that he should have to fight them hard; but he meant to fight them to the death unless they could come to some sort of terms.
That it's really a good thing; and he thinks that he has some ideas in regard to its dissemination in the parts beyond seas.
And he has arrived at the conclusion that mineral paint is a good thing to go into.
A few days after that he came down to Nantasket with the radiant air which he wore when he had done a good thing in business and wanted his wife's sympathy.
I wish you'd had some of ours; we had rather too much of a good thing; we drank them with our drink, and could scarcely keep from eating them with our food.
Considerations of modesty or propriety never checked her utterance of a good thing.
He thinks the defeat of it was a good thing, and so do I, and we agree in that.
And a good thing it was for Ranald that he did go that day with Harry to his "governor's" office.
It is true, he did not often go to church, and when the minister spoke to him about this, he always agreed that it was a good thing to go to church.
And as it turned out it was a good thing for Mr. Blair and for the cause he represented that Ranald was present at the great mass-meeting held in New Westminster the next week.
Yes, it was pretty safe that with Daisy away they, the Buntings, would be rid of that young chap for a bit, and that would be a good thing.
Not but what it's a good thing if these murders have emptied the public-houses of women for a bit.
Munsberg spoke to Tembarom in the manner of a man who, having done a good thing, does not mind talking about it.
I can assure you that an investment of this sort would be a good thing to depend on if the unexpected happened.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good thing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.