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Example sentences for "accompte"

Lexicographically close words:
accomplishing; accomplishment; accomplishments; accomplisht; accompt; accompted; accompts; accoont; accord; accordance
  1. And whan thei schulle both passe, I not of hem which hath the lasse 2240 Of worldes good, bot as of charge The lord is more forto charge, Whan god schal his accompte hiere, For he hath had hise lustes hiere.

  2. What, Maister Leiftenante, quothe he, shall I accompte him a javill that shall doe me this day so singular a benefitt?

  3. Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed.

  4. He abode there, vntill the Vizeroy Don Antonio de Mondoza, and Chancery of Mexico, caused him to be apprehended, who sent him prisoner into Spayne, to giue accompte of his office.

  5. In Mexico was large and greate barnes and houses to receyue and kéepe the Corne for prouision of the Citie, with officers and vnderofficers, who did receyue the same, and kepte accompte thereof in bookes of paynted figures.

  6. It is reported of the Camelion that shee can chaunge her selfe unto all coollors save whyte, and you can accompte of all thinges save such as have honesty.

  7. And that the same measure maybe allowed to this armie in payinge them upp to the same ffoote of accompte as is alreadie given to those who have diserted the same.

  8. The Accompte of the Lorde Byshopp of Durham for cccli, receaved for the chardge of the Ladye Arbella Seymour.

  9. Al the azure in the worlde is nat to accompte in respect of reson.

  10. Coppie of An Accompte of monies Mr. Skelton is Creditor viz.

  11. For if I be not greatlye deceiued, I doe make accompte that you be the fayrest personage, the semeliest, the moste curteous, and wysest gentleman, in all the Realme of Fraunce.

  12. Therefore he that list to contende with me in curtesie, shal fynde in the ende that I make smale accompte of him.

  13. Is it to thee false theefe and murderer, that I ought to render accompte of that which I meant to doe?

  14. For I sweare by the Almyghty God, that so long as I shall liue, I will accompte thee none other, but the most cruell and mortall Ennimy that I haue in this world.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accompte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.