Who could have predicted the renascence of Russian patriotism andtraditionalism resulting from the Nazi invasion of 1941?
But the Russian people liked it, and the regime used traditionalism and nationalism to cinch Communism in the Soviet Union.
To human traditionalism he opposed the sole authority of the word of God; to clerical materialism, a church which is the assembly of the saints; and to Pelagianism, the sovereignty of grace.
According to their views the traditionalism and pelagianism of the Romish church had set up the supremacy of fallen reason in opposition to the divine supremacy of the word and of grace.
The Chinese were still to use orthodoxy as a tool of control and social pressure as the major instrument of constraint, but they were not to be allowed to fall into a blind traditionalism which would isolate them.
Manchoukuo bases little of her official ideology on such a dangerous outlook and prefers to propagate a Confucianist traditionalism in so far as she propagates anything.
It is placed in the present section as illustrating the principle oftraditionalism which, in a fanatical form, brought about the Origenistic controversies.
The remark was an allusion to the great festival, which according to Jewish traditionalism was to be a feature of signal importance in the Messianic dispensation.
Attempts to patch the Judaistic robe of traditionalism with the new fabric of the covenant could result in nothing more sightly than a rending of the fabric.
Jewish traditionalism forbade the utterance of the sacred Name; yet Jesus claimed it as His own.
The traditionalism of centuries was opposed to any such view.
Now I, for my part, utterly deny the proposition which these allied forces of skepticism and traditionalism are enlisted in supporting.
This is a fair sample of that lazy traditionalism which Christian opinion has been constrained to follow.
Traditionalism, wherever it is found, is the enemy, because Traditionalism is only another name for indolence.
The priesthood can gather its people together for war, but its traditionalism and all its methods unfit it for military control.
Within my generation the vanguard of humanity has passed from the age of traditionalism to that of scientism and this transition is the greatest and most salutary event in the whole history of humanity.
The general traditionalism had not prevented humanism from penetrating Paris also during the last quarter of the fifteenth century.
It would, no doubt, have been difficult for Erasmus to find in the arid traditionalism which prevailed in the University of Paris the heyday of scholastic philosophy and theology.