It is true that general satisfaction with them will be largely governed by the course of real wages after they have been in force a while.
The remainder of the book will consist of an attempt to mark out principles of wage settlement that could be applied with relative peace and satisfaction in the settlement of wage disputes.
To fix a ratio wage where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the average woman is not of equal value to the employer.
Everybody says that she is rich, and I guess that it must be true," muttered Jack, and he could not suppress a smile of satisfaction the child's information gave him.
And the Italian smiled at Sam's open-faced frankness; but utterly unsuspecting the splendidly concealed satisfaction that prompted the smile from Sam.
He looked over to his aunt, amazement, intense satisfaction and admiration sparkling in his eyes.
No time," was all the satisfaction she got, and the two hastened down to the shingle.
Oh, I'll see to it that you shall not have the satisfaction of betraying my hiding place.
That's easier, aunty," and a smile ofsatisfaction spread over his face.
Then, as he sat down on the stool at the end of the table opposite Dorothy, a smile of satisfaction stole over his dark, swarthy face when he surveyed the result of his work--a clean and tidy appearing room.
When he had finished he sat up and contemplated his handiwork with all the satisfaction of an artist.
I confess to the utmost satisfaction in the account of the smashing blows delivered by the guns of the Australian.
After referring with satisfactionto the gallantry of Montenegro in fighting as she was doing in the common cause, M.
Adela promised, with a mixture of emotion and of satisfaction with her own good sense.
He saw her smile, saw the handsome faded face of her lover, and the satisfaction in her father's air.
There is genuine content and satisfaction to be found in the conscientious performance of duty, however irksome that duty may be.
But, Adela, your father has great satisfaction in him nevertheless," Frau von Rosen observed.
It seems likely to become the general mode in this climate, and has given equal satisfaction to Sir F.
It brought much satisfaction to the royal breast of Tippoo, and still more perhaps to the boys who used to be taken to see and hear it when it was a show in Leadenhall Street.
So far as most of the hotels and restaurants of London are concerned, one may with satisfaction follow the advice of the Duke of Gloster to Anne, in the first act of Richard III.
In your votes I grant it true, but as it now stands with him, I can give reason to make satisfaction For what I speak; you cannot but remember The ancient difference between Lisander And Cloridon, a man in grace at Court?
The barbarous and most ingrateful Aper, His desperate Poniard printed on his breast This deadly wound: hate to vow'd enemies Finds a full satisfaction in death; And Tyrants seek no farther.
What satisfaction can their deaths bring to you, That are prepar'd, and proud to dye, and willingly, And at their ends will thank you for that honour?
She had not much heart for what she was going to do; but as she glanced at the long mirror she had the satisfaction of knowing that she had never looked so well in her life.
The insolent satisfaction of Pack as he ambled by the side of Miss Hollis, and Churton's striking release from liver, as soon as the Bisara of Pooree had gone, decided the Man.
Surely some regard should be had to the satisfaction of the people, who ought not, during the present scarcity of provisions, to be starved by the increase of an army, which seems supported only to consume them.
And will not this loss be amply compensated by the satisfaction of the people, for whose safety we are debating, and by the consciousness that we have neglected nothing which might contribute to the efficacy of our measures?
This is, I own, sir, an objection, which I despair of answering to the satisfaction of those by whom it will be raised.
It would give me solid satisfaction to punch that fellow’s head,” muttered the publisher in the street.
Our little party also had done extremely well, and we felt great satisfaction in displaying to them seven or eight packets of sixty skins each.
I returned their fire and had the satisfaction of seeing one of them fall from his horse.
She reproved the levity of those about her with an inner satisfaction at having "borne testimony;" and particularly did she labor with Patty, whose high spirits were a continual thorn to Bathalina.
She was not counting her conquests; yet she had a pleasant consciousness of her power, and recalled with satisfaction the compliments bestowed upon her in words or attentions.
Can't I have thesatisfaction of askin' when I've been living in tumbledown Irishy places over to Samoset?
If it is any satisfaction for you to know that, you are welcome to the knowledge.
It was not in accordance with Bathalina's principles to exhibit any satisfaction at being once more in her old home; but, as she indulged in the most sad of her minors, it was inferred that she was well pleased.
If a gentleman gets a box on the ear from another, and does not immediately demand satisfaction for the insult, and, nolens volens, make himself a target to be shot at by perhaps a better marksman than himself, what happens?
His first satisfaction at the news was passing away.
The appeal to weapons as satisfactionis likewise an offence against society, for it hinders the possibility of telling the truth.
There was a general air of satisfaction in his whole appearance, in his double chin, in his fresh color, in his round, shining face.
Inwardly Felix gnashed his teeth with rage, outwardly he expressed great satisfaction that the countess had at last broken the ice; it was a good sign that she was getting tired of her obstinacy.
I shall lose fifty thousand gulden, but I shall have the satisfaction of punishing my neighbors for their folly in lowering the price of the raw material.
The light seemed to have taken from her face that pride and self-satisfaction which, although natural in one so beautiful, gave an earthly expression to her face, and somewhat marred its beauty.
Indeed, he felt a good deal ofsatisfaction at the prospect of being engaged in a scrimmage.
You want the satisfaction of ordering me round, and you can't have it.
Will it be any satisfaction to him to get knocked over again?
His satisfaction was swept away in a burst of disgust.
They arranged to meet at eleven on the promenade leading to the Savoy supper-room, and parted with mutual satisfaction at the prospect.
We may frequently see a person voluntarily raising his eyebrows to express surprise, or smiling to express pretended satisfaction and acquiescence.
Savages sometimes express their satisfaction not only by smiling, but by gestures derived from the pleasure of eating.
The deep grunt of satisfaction uttered by a pig, when pleased with its food, is widely different from its harsh scream of pain or terror.
A degree of self-satisfaction was mingled with her benevolence, and she began to think how pleased her mother would be to learn how hard she had worked in the cause of charity.
Now, the pleasure you would enjoy in looking for the pocket-book would be the solid satisfaction of useful work.
His father gave him various kinds of work to do, and he began, at last, to find a considerable degree of satisfaction in doing it.
After the exalted strain of the first part of this letter, we confess to a great satisfaction in the latter part, which seems to come so much closer to the ground on which most of us live: "I delivered your message to Miss Shaw Turner.
A smile of satisfaction lit up the chief's features.
Don Ramon accepted with a proud smile of satisfaction a mission in every way so honourable to him.
The only person in the wide world who stood in awe of him was the general servant Bella, and she made no attempt to conceal her satisfaction at the attention excited by her shortcomings.
Mr. Samson Wilks, his steward, who had been with him to London to give evidence, had had a time upon which he looked back in later years with much satisfaction at his powers of endurance.
With the loaded revolver between his shoulders, the culprit was forced to obey, and Mrs. van Warmelo had the satisfaction of handing him over to the sergeant-major "all by herself.
Imagine her joy and satisfaction when they showed up clear and distinct, in a colour of yellowish brown.
He listened attentively, he asked a number of questions, nodding with the greatest satisfaction at her direct and definite replies.
The white diary gave a sense of security and satisfactionat the thought of the secrets it contained for future reference, and it was only after eight years that portions of the writing became visible to the naked eye.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "satisfaction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.