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Example sentences for "should send"

  • Cyrus was uncertain whom he should send on such an embassy.

  • At Lobore I might be able to engage a few hundred porters that I should send back to the vessels with an escort of fifty soldiers, to bring up sufficient ammunition and material for an advance south.

  • We remitted all further discussion till he should send me a copy of his letter.

  • I told him I was unable to answer that, and we omitted further communication on the subject till he should send me his letter written to Dr.

  • Being elected one for my own county, I prepared a draught of instructions to be given to the delegates whom we should send to the Congress, which I meant to propose at our meeting.

  • If a man is unable to be present at an afternoon tea, he should send a card the same afternoon.

  • A man should make a formal call on mother and daughter a day or two after her debut, and, if unable to do so, he should send a card.

  • After his selection he should send a gift to the bride, and may, if he wish, send it to the groom-a custom not yet clearly established, and one not to be either encouraged or followed with safety.

  • If unable to do so, he should send by mail or messenger a visiting-card, to reach the hostess during the ceremony.

  • Told him I should send him a statement of our Indian loans, and place Leach at his disposal.

  • Wrote to Loch to suggest that he should send Meyendorff's and Mouravief's books to Macdonald.

  • I sent the letter to the Duke to ask him if I should send it.

  • That, with whomsoever the Vizier should make war, Fyzoola Khân should send two or three thousand men, according to his ability, to join the forces of the Vizier.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "should send" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    allied species; exogamous septs; holy place; shall never; should advise; should bring; should call; should cease; should consider; should endeavor; should fall; should first; should get; should imagine; should keep; should know; should like; should love; should please; should probably; should stand; should strive; should suppose; should vote; should wish; should worry