In the treatment of merchants the rule of reciprocity which was laid down in Magna Charta is largely observed, and the Conference of Brussels in 1874 pronounced it to be contrary to the laws of war to bombard an unfortified town.
The power of the intellect in all its forms, recognisesreciprocity and scientific research; the power of brute force only recognises the idea of predominance and the subjection of others.
The genius of Prussianised Germany to-day combines the lust of conquest and power with the shopkeeping spirit, but even in this last, there is no idea of reciprocity but only of exclusive encroachment.
The United States and Great Britain effect a reciprocity treaty respecting Newfoundland fishing, international trade, etc.
We should have reciprocity in the fullest meaning of the word.
I still think myself, that delay affords a great chance of something turning up in our favour; already the rejection of any reciprocity by M.
An immediate repatriation without reciprocity according to detailed conditions which shall be fixed, of all Allied and United States prisoners of war.
This was primarily the result of Charlotte Bronte's nervous perception of character and recognition of the want of a truly psychical reciprocity with her friends.
Canadian reciprocitywas a part of Taft's tariff program.
The pressing demand for labour created by the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States led to great changes in the population of the Hawaiian Islands.
A nation is nothing more than the union of a great number of individuals, connected with each other by the reciprocity of their wants; by their mutual desire of pleasure.
There is or ought to be a reciprocity of interest between the governed and the governor: whenever this reciprocity is wanting, society is in that state of confusion of which we spoke in the fifth chapter: it is verging on destruction.
I saw thatreciprocity was the lodestar of his life.
You want to know jest where the reciprocitycomes in, anyhow?
The reciprocity of action established in the case of oxygen comes out here; the good radiator is found by this experiment to be the good absorber.
By this process also, which I have called Dynamic Radiation, the reciprocity of radiation and absorption has been conclusively proved.
Prove the reciprocity of this action by removing the suspended needle, and putting the other in its place.
This would have given a face of equality and reciprocity to the bargain.
I have made these preliminary observations in order that we might contemplate the Treaty upon its true ground, for a want of reciprocity has been a heavy charge brought against it.
A Treaty of Commerce with Great Britain, excluding a reciprocity for our vessels in the West India trade, is a phenomenon which had filled him with more surprise than he knew how to express.
Any thing short of this would destroy the reciprocity between the sovereign and subject.
There has been no kind of proportion of knowledge between the two classes--to use the expression of a British Minister, the reciprocity has been all on one side.
If a realreciprocity had been intended, why were not other kinds of private property, as vessels and their cargoes, equally protected against violation?
It established the doctrine that one systematic financier was better able to originate money bills and tax the people of the United States, than the whole collected wisdom of their Representatives, with the aid of a reciprocity of feeling.
My second point, the want of reciprocity in the instrument, has been so well explained by my worthy colleague from Virginia, that I confess I am curtailed in my sentiments a little here.
The McKinley Tariff Act also offered reciprocity to countries which would favor American goods.
The reciprocity features of the McKinley tariff (P.
This relation demanded a perfectreciprocity of benefits.
Is it not incomprehensible that the economist, who preaches such a doctrine to the people, can reconcile it with his principle of the reciprocity of services?
But names do not change the nature of things; and I defy any one to dare to maintain that there exists here, when all is done, a service for a service, or a reciprocity of services.
Properly speaking, exchange is the reciprocity of services.
The whole subject is now submitted to the consideration of Congress, and especially whether the concession proposed by Great Britain is an equivalent for the reciprocity desired by her.
This request is accompanied by a suggestion that unless some such reciprocity is established the benefits of the decree of April, 1834, will be withdrawn so far as respects this country.
The happiest effects upon the future trade between the United States and Portugal are anticipated from it, and the time is not thought to be remote when a system of perfect reciprocity will be established.
She and her Benedick now live apart, but with entire reciprocityof sentiments; each devoutly wishing that the other may soon pass into a better world.
The reciprocity of feeling was such that the various proprietors acted more like brothers in this matter, than like the jealous and exclusive creatures which landowners, as such, so often are.
Sidenote: The cult an expression of supposed reciprocity between gods and men.
A reciprocity treaty limited to the exchange of natural products would have been such only in form.
Duties were levied on certain commodities which are included in the reciprocity treaty now existing between the United States and the Kingdom of Hawaii, without indicating the necessary exception in favor of that Kingdom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reciprocity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.