Modeling andsimulation is also benefiting from object-oriented technologies.
This exper-imentation must apply to all levels of military educational institutions; it must be joint; it can be accelerated by availability of recent advances in simulation technology; and it must have operational trials in the field.
Intellectual property rights, and the profit motive more generally, have a vital and beneficial role in moving innovations from lab bench to bedside, from computer simulation to actual flight.
Once the parameters of these parts are determined and standardized, simulation and design of genetic systems will become easier and more reliable.
To speak correctly, sense-illusions must be said to arise by a simulation of the form of just and accurate perceptions.
If illusion is the simulation of immediate knowledge, the most obvious mode of classifying illusions would appear to be according to the variety of the knowledge which they simulate.
The actor is a man who has elaborately trained himself in the simulation of certain feelings.
Still closer simulation of an epiclastic conglomerate may be produced in other ways and will be referred to immediately.
Mechanical changes in rocks subsequent to their formation may also cause the simulation of organisms by inorganic substances.
Simulation of organisms has frequently been the cause of error.
When rocks have been affected by thrust-planes, the simulation of bedding may be carried out to a very full extent.
The effects of thrusting not only give rise to appearances suggestive of unconformity, but naturally also to a simulation of overlap.
The viceroy is not distasteful to birds, but by its extraordinary simulation or mimicking of the monarch it is not distinguished from it and so is not molested.
There is a simulation of intelligence, just as there is a simulation of virtue.
The simulation and malingering practiced by the fox is common knowledge.
Thus Pelman[10] holds simulation in the mentally normal to be extremely rare, and he always finds himself at a loss to differentiate between that which is simulated and that which represents the actual traits of the individual.
Siemens[12] says: "The demonstration of the existence of simulation is not at all proof that disease is simulated; it does not exclude the existence of mental disease.
Pelman holds simulation in the mentally normal to be extremely rare, and he always finds himself at a loss to differentiate between that which is simulated and that which represents the actual traits of the individual.
He must treat it not as a real or genuine refutation, but as a mere simulation of such; and he must so arrange his reply as to bring into full evidence this fact of simulation.
Inga, afraid to notice this unhoped-for development even by a word, continued a simulation of work while watching him from the corners of her eyes.
And the conversation we held under the umbrella, without simulation or dissimulation?
I find it quite too severe a tax on my powers of simulation and dissimulation.
His plight seemed not so much simulation as one of traumatic hysteria.
Babinski had himself said that hysteria was a demi-simulation; but a demi-simulation is not a simulation.
For the minutiae of tests for these types of hearing disorder and their simulation and exaggeration, see the War Manual of Bourgeois and Sourdille.
There was no doubt that simulation could be ruled out; the differential diagnosis lay between a “confused state of emotional origin” and an “epileptic dazed state.
Babinski concedes that he has sometimes said that hysteria was a sort of semi-simulation; yet a semi-simulation is not a simulation.
Closely related to simulation is exaggeration or prolongation, conscious or intentional, of a real disorder.
Babinski notes that this association of conditions was remarkable in that it demonstrated that hysteria and simulation should not be confounded with one another.
Ballet’s definition of simulationis “a subjective or objective disorder which the patient invents with the idea of voluntarily and consciously misleading the observer.
Simulation of fever, and measuring of the temperature in cadets.
However, hysteria or pure simulation was suspected in these three Zouaves, and they were placed in small separate rooms.
Not a vestige nor trace of vegetation could be seen, except an occasional ridge of straggling pallid bushes, raised in hideous simulation of the broken crest of a ghostly wave.
When he reached the posada at the top of the hilly street, he even carried his simulation of the local customs to the point of charging the veranda at full speed, and pulling up suddenly at the threshold, after the usual fashion of vaqueros.
If it was simulated, the simulation was very perfect and complete.
He had seemed to recover from it, to come back from that wonderful simulation of death healthy, calm, reasonable as before.
Nearly every book on hypnotism gives various rules for detecting simulation of the hypnotic state.
That is impossible, for simulation and somnambulism are not reciprocally exclusive terms, and Monsieur Pitres has established the fact that a subject who sleeps may still simulate.
A simulation of such a signature by an expert penman will usually leave enough traces of his ability in handling the pen to pierce his disguise.
No positive rule can be laid down for the classification of their peculiarities excepting the manner of accuracy with which the simulation appearing in them is done.
Ernestine rose suddenly at her place, hands on table, leaning forward with a fine simulationof intensity.
Dick lazily hauled himself off the couch and stood up, shaking his head mutinously, as if tossing a mane, and stamping ponderously with his feet in simulation of Mountain Lad.
Lord Bacon, very justly, makes a distinction between simulation and dissimulation; and allows the latter rather than the former; but still observes, that they are the weaker sort of politicians who have recourse to either.
Any one guilty of fraud as great as this would have been, had it consisted of simulation on our part, must certainly have met with swift exposure, and been stripped of all power or opportunity for further mischief.
They appear to be intelligent persons, and there is little, if anything, in their manner that looks like simulation or imposture.
The first, that simulation and dissimulation commonly carry with them a show of fearfulness, which in any business, doth spoil the feathers, of round flying up to the mark.
The great advantages ofsimulation and dissimulation are three.
The simulation of higher things did indeed give the note of a very interesting period, but how shallow that simulation was and how merely it was due to Georgés own influence, we may see in the light of what happened after his death.