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Example sentences for "simultaneity"

Lexicographically close words:
simulating; simulation; simulations; simulator; simulque; simultaneous; simultaneously; simultaneousness; simus; sin
  1. Simultaneity of the intelligible permits no memory, iv.

  2. Simultaneity of everything in the intelligible world, iv.

  3. Soul power revealed in simultaneity of control over world, v.

  4. Simile of platonic vision theory to explain simultaneity of unity and duality, v.

  5. Simultaneity of end and principle in Supreme, v.

  6. And simultaneity presupposes spatial determination in the coexistent elements.

  7. Simultaneity is indispensable to distinctness, and so to number.

  8. From Bergsonā€™s point of view, it is a radical error, however universal an error, to regard the relation of simultaneity as a temporal determination.

  9. Simultaneity Bergson defines as the intersection of space and time.

  10. To measure the velocity of a motion is simply to find a simultaneity; to introduce this simultaneity into calculation is to use a convenient means of foreseeing a simultaneity.

  11. Plurality is simultaneity and juxtaposition; but conscious states prolong each other in an interpenetrating flow.

  12. There is an interesting likeness between his work in this and Nicolas Gogol's in 'Dead Souls,' which serves to illustrate the simultaneity of the literary movement in men of such widely separated civilizations and conditions.

  13. He was interested by the celerity, the simultaneity of his impressions, his reflections.

  14. In addition it has width and breadth, which are approximated by the idea of simultaneity to a certain extent.

  15. This is not, however, the simultaneity of events co-existent in our one, three-dimensional space.

  16. On the other hand, any two particulars of which I am aware are either simultaneous or successive, and their simultaneity or successiveness is sometimes itself a datum to me.

  17. And this succession and simultaneity being excluded from the permanent, and also excluding from the permanent all practical efficiency, determine existence of the alternative of momentariness.

  18. And, the more God-like the soul, the more would this sense of Simultaneity predominate over the sense of Duration.

  19. And finally, she follows John closely where he insists upon Simultaneity and Eternity as contrasted with Succession and Immortality, so as even to abstract from the bodily resurrection.

  20. This simultaneity and concurrency are central tenets of imposing Shock and Awe.

  21. We build on the trends of rapidity and simultaneity and seek to emphasize control and time.

  22. Every single quality, however, belongs to a habitually associated group of qualities, and can by the mechanism of simultaneity arouse the memory-image of this group.

  23. Simultaneity of impressions is therefore a cause of the association of ideas.

  24. Co-existence, simultaneity (the being together of outer or inner objects in space).

  25. Lipps recognizes as the really different grounds of association only similarity and simultaneity (the simultaneity of their presence in the mind, especially).

  26. Simultaneity in the mind is only the second process, for images are simultaneous in the mind only because they have occurred simultaneously, existed in the same space, were similar, etc.

  27. If, however, simultaneity is to be taken in this sense it may be considered the sole ground of association, for if the images are not simultaneous there can be no question of association.

  28. Lawfulness of Moral Simultaneity in the Sacraments Other than the Eucharist.

  29. The simultaneity of matter and form which validity requires must be either moral or physical according to the character of the Sacrament.

  30. In Baptism, Confirmation, Extreme Unction, and Orders, it would seem on account of the danger of nullity to be a serious sin to exclude all physical simultaneity between matter and form (e.

  31. There is physical simultaneity when matter and form are present in the same instants of time.

  32. As they were quite out of sight in the omnibus, which was itself out of sight, she failed, but as she fell back against her seat she treated the recent incident with a complexity and simultaneity of which no report can give an idea.

  33. This tends to recognition of simultaneity as a mode of time and of the simultaneous as apprehended in a single non-successive act of apprehension.

  34. This leads to the assertion that simultaneity is not a mode of time, and that time itself cannot be apprehended save as the result of synthesis in accordance with unifying categories.

  35. The objective spatial world is in time, but in a time which shows simultaneity as well as succession.

  36. The one asserts change and simultaneity to be modes of time; the other denies this.

  37. We can speak of simultaneity only if a multiplicity be given; and if it be given, its nature as simultaneous plurality cannot be comprehended through a causal law, which, as such, applies only to sequent order.

  38. When later Kant came to hold that consciousness of time is conditioned by consciousness of space, he apparently also adopted the view that, by reference to space, time indirectly acquires simultaneity as an additional mode.

  39. The distinction between representations and their objects also makes it possible for Kant both to assert and to deny that simultaneity is a mode of time.

  40. His view of it as inhering in objects, and as having duration and simultaneity as two of its modes, is bound up with his phenomenalism.

  41. IX Let us then seek to give an account of what is understood by simultaneity or antecedence, and for this let us analyze some examples.

  42. The qualitative problem of simultaneity is made to depend upon the quantitative problem of the measurement of time.

  43. We might also examine whether or not other things do not also possess this simultaneity of existence, as happens with father and son, and other similar cases.

  44. Simultaneity is the property of a group of natural elements which in some sense are components of a duration.

  45. Further in obedience to the principle of comprising within nature the whole terminus of sense-awareness, simultaneity must not be conceived as an irrelevant mental concept imposed upon nature.

  46. It is to be observed that the measurement of extended nature by means of extended objects is meaningless apart from some observed fact of simultaneity inherent in nature and not merely a play of thought.

  47. It is important to distinguish simultaneity from instantaneousness.

  48. Thus simultaneity is an ultimate factor in nature, immediate for sense-awareness.

  49. A duration is a concrete slab of nature limited by simultaneity which is an essential factor disclosed in sense-awareness.

  50. There are two concepts which I want to distinguish, and one I call simultaneity and the other instantaneousness.

  51. We base this negation upon the appearance of simultaneity ~ presented by the heavens, contending that this simultaneity is contrary to what we would expect to find in the case of particles gathered from infinitely remote distances.

  52. While Delacroix was busy applying the rudiments of colour science to thematic romanticism, Courbet was busy tearing down the tenets of conventionalism in subject-matter, and Daumier was experimenting in the simultaneity of form and drawing.

  53. Simultaneity to these painters meant the combined presentation of a number of aspects of the same object from many different angles.

  54. Daumier was the first painter to approach simultaneity in execution.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simultaneity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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