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Example sentences for "accompted"

Lexicographically close words:
accomplishment; accomplishments; accomplisht; accompt; accompte; accompts; accoont; accord; accordance; accordant
  1. D, and therfore can not be accompted contrary angles, So the angle by D, and the angle by C, haue D.

  2. B, or yet to the angle by D, for they onely be accompted contrary angles, whiche haue no one line common to them bothe.

  3. Thirdely he is accompted as parcell of the long square D.

  4. But if any man will take the angle by A, with the angle by B, or D, they can not be accompted contrary, no more is not the angle by C.

  5. Tenne or twelue housholds are accompted for one fire, and so pay tribute but for one fire onely.

  6. This city is accompted for traffique of marchandize the chiefe city of the world: for there is no kinde of victuals, nor anything else belonging vnto marchandize, which is not to be had there in great abundance.

  7. Is not man worse accompted of when he is most out of tune?

  8. I must needes speake, illud non ausim affirmare, his zeale was in setting up the house of God, not in affectate eloquence, he wrot not, he accompted not.

  9. Seneca thoughe a stoike would have a poeticall sonne, and amongst the auncientest Homer was no les accompted than Humanus deus.

  10. If the Load wherein the Tynne lieth, carrieth a foote and halfe in breadth, and be not ouerbarren, it is accompted a verie rich worke: but commonly the same exceedeth not a foote, vnlesse many Loads runne together.

  11. There was a place deuised for the speaker, named sir Iohn Bushie, a knight of Lincolnshire, accompted to be an exceeding cruell man, ambitious, and couetous beyond measure.

  12. For they are a nation much giuen to fortelling of things to come, but more to beléeue such blind prophesies as haue béene made of old time, and no man is accompted for learned in Wales that is not supposed to haue the spirit of prophesie.

  13. Hawkeshow, and the Wile brooke, whose heads are also further distant from the edge of Darbishire than that of Wie, and races somwhat longer, though neither of them be worthie to be accompted long.

  14. The third thing they talke of is vsurie, a trade brought in by the Iewes, now perfectlie practised almost by euerie christian, and so commonlie that he is accompted but for a foole that dooth lend his monie for nothing.

  15. Richemond, wherein are fiue wapentaxes, & when it is accompted as parcell of Yorkeshire (out of which it is taken) then is it reputed for the whole Riding.

  16. The Latins and Aegyptians accompted their daies after the seauen planets, choosing the same for the denominator of the daie, that entreth his regiment with the first vnequall houre of the same after the sun be risen.

  17. We find therefore for the first, how that Wales had hir thrée seuerall kingdomes, which being accompted togither conteined (as Giraldus saith) 49.

  18. If it be to be accompted good soile, on which a man may laie a wand ouer night, and on the morrow find it hidden and ouergrowen with grasse: it is not hard to find plentie thereof in manie places of this land.

  19. Thus miserably and repentantly dyed the Countesse, which in hir lyfe refused not to imbrace and follow any wickednes, no mischiefe shee accompted euill done, so the same were imployed for hir pleasure and pastime.

  20. The other marcheth with the glory of a present so rare and exquisite, as a great Monarch would haue accompted it for singuler fauor and prodigality.

  21. The preseruation of the people hath bene euer accompted among all nations, for the very supreame Law.

  22. And I am sure he shall be conueyed through the land with fiue hundred horses, and he shallbe accompted as one of the chiefest in the land next the Emperour.

  23. Such also haue written thereof, pretending singular great knowledge therein, and would so be accompted of, though in very deede not worthy the name of good and sufficient pilots.

  24. If there be any dearth (as they accompted this last yeere Anno 1588.

  25. Moscoua, that runneth close by it) is all accompted the Emperors castle.

  26. There are other / and not afew / which do themselues also denie the truith known / and yet wyll not be accompted to be forsakers of it.

  27. Sum beinge drawn out by the feate / were accompted amonge them which hadd sacrificed.

  28. Berthorshuol situate in the parish of Island called Landehum: who also for his experience in humane affaires, for his great wisedome and sage counsell was accompted famous.

  29. It contained moreouer so manie townes welneere, as there be daies in a yeare, which some conuerting into Cantreds haue accompted but for three, as Gyraldus saith.

  30. We find therefore for the first, how that Wales had hir three seuerall kingdomes, which being accompted togither conteined (as Giraldus saith) 49.

  31. Certes there remaine yet in this Iland the old burials apperteining to the most noble families that had dwelled in the west Iles; but three aboue other are accompted the most notable, which haue little houses builded vpon them.

  32. He repaired the third part of Tine bridge next vnto the south, which he might well doo; for he was accompted the richest subiect through the realme.

  33. By these meanes so vprightly things are ordered there, that it may be worthily accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.

  34. Moreouer one vertue they haue worthy of great praise, and that is, being men so wel regarded and accompted as though they were princes, yet they be patient aboue measure in giuing audience.

  35. Generally all these doe imprison malefactors, cause them to be whipped and racked, hoysing them vp and downe by the armes with a cord, a thing very vsuall there, and accompted no shame.

  36. A stiffe gale most parte of day and night 248 following, which might be accompted a tuffon or harrecano, with aboundance of rayne all day.

  37. Soe that they are accompted better then true men and better used then we, as apeareth by banishing Ed.

  38. Of all their wiues, the first is their legitimate wife, and all the rest are accompted but as lemanes or concubines.

  39. Generally al these do impryson malefactours, cause them to be whypped and racked, hoysing them vp and downe by the armes with a corde, a thyng very vsuall there, and accompted no shame.

  40. By these meanes so upryghtly thinges are ordered there, that it may bee worthely accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.

  41. M33 Ceffella accompted to be the place where the noble and wise king Salomon did fetch his gold.

  42. And if it had not chanced that wee had fallen into a chanell of deeper water, closer by the shoare then wee accompted of, wee could neuer haue gone cleare of the poynt that lyeth to the Southwardes of Kenricks mount.

  43. This mornyng a cold hor frost with a stiff gale wynd westerly, wynd encreasing all day, so that it might be accompted a tuffon, but not so much wynd per night.

  44. Yet they thought it best to stay till the first day of the new mowne, which they accompted a happie day.

  45. The third thing they talk of is usury, a trade brought in by the Jews, now perfectly practised almost by every Christian, and so commonly that he is accompted but for a fool that doth lend his money for nothing.

  46. The third thing they talke of is vsurie, a trade brought in by the Jewes, now perfectlie practised almost by euerie christain, and so commonlie, that he is accompted but for a foole that dooth lend his monie for nothing.

  47. Plato his time, which some of the people of the Southeast parts of the world accompted as 9000.

  48. The master accompted that the Southeast poynt of Frisland was from him at that instant when hee first descryed this new Islande, Northwest by North, 50.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accompted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.