If better, it will tend to supplant the parent stock; if worse, it will tend to be extinguished by the parent stock.
Now let us see how this principle of benefit being derived from divergence of character, combined with the principles of natural selection and of extinction, will tend to act.
You must show that the plain, direct, ostensible, primary object and tendency of your law is to execute the power, and not that it will tend to facilitate the execution of it.
It will tend to avoid collisions with all foreign nations.
A reference has been made to the British Government on the subject, which, it may be hoped, will tend to hasten the decision of the commissioners, or serve as a substitute for it.
Stimulating food eaten to excess is injurious alike to man and beast, and by inducing digestive disorder and cerebral congestion will tend at least to precipitate the attack.
The exercise of Division along these lines, and according to these rules, will tend to improve one's powers of conception and analysis.
Exercise and practice along these lineswill tend to cultivate the faculty of Abstraction.
Mental arithmetic, especially, will tend to strengthen, and exercise this faculty of the mind.
In the first case, he will tend to superstition; in the second, to rationalism and indifference.
To the external force this emotional power will tend to appear as akin to revolution; to the intellectual side it will readily seem mere subjectivity and sentimentality ever verging on delusion.
And whole races have tended and will tend, upon the whole, to one or other of these three excesses: e.
Occasionally rubbing the soles with hot tar, and dusting over it a small quantity of iron filings, will tend to fill up the pores of the leather, and preserve the feet dry and warm in winter.
If a pump can be fixed in the place, or a stream of water conveyed through it, it will tend to preserve a continual freshness and purity of the air.
Good corks, soaked in hot water, will be more safe and pliant; and by laying the bottles so that the liquor may always keep the corks wet and swelled, will tend much to its preservation.
If the cellar is liable to damps in the winter, it will tend to chill the liquor, and make it turn flat; or if exposed to the heat of summer, it will be sure to turn sour.
Thus it will be under nature; for within a confined area, with some place in the natural polity not perfectly occupied, all the individuals varying in the right direction, though in different degrees, will tendto be preserved.
Ear-training and articulation exercises (as described in Chapter VII) will tend to make him accurate in this respect.
Rational explanations and good grading will eliminate bewilderment and, in so doing, will tend to make the course interesting.
Unfortunately this is not the case: more often than not, the student (even the student unspoiled by previous defective work) will tend to let his first language influence his second.
If he is English, he will tend to insinuate English sounds, English forms, and English thoughts into the new language, which will therefore tend to become pidginized.
The imperfection of all men's understandings and godliness is so great, that the differences of judgment that are among the best, will tend to the injury and undervaluing of their brethren.
Now, if any shade of feeling becomes fixed and dominant in the mind, it will tend to control all the images of the time, allowing certain congruous ones to enter, and excluding others.
A man whose mind is at the time strongly possessed by one kind of image, will tend to project this outwards with hardly any regard to the actual external circumstances.
In other words, the centres, as a whole, will tend to act at any future moment in the same complex way in which they have acted in past moments.
The more passionately involved he becomes, the more he will tend to resent not only a different view, but a disturbing bit of news.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will tend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.