His physician became insistent in his demands that he not only retire from business, but have an entire change of scene, to insure absolute relaxation and rest.
Thomas to return to the field, but decided instead to retire to Rossville.
We sat up to a late hour that night, and seemed quite unwilling to break up and retire for the night.
The Marcomanni retire into their own country, but M.
The candidate for a tour into heaven would retire to some isolated spot, fast until the brain was maddened with delirium and the nerves excited to second sight by the loss of sleep.
Seeing that they were hopelessly routed, John shouted to his men to refrain from pursuit and retire within the boma.
They had advanced but a short distance when they were met by a volley from among the trees, and though none of the party was hit, John considered it prudent to retire into the fort and await developments there.
I am indeed, sir, an abhorred vacuum, and retire with permission to get jolly good tuck-in.
This affair ended with putting Sir Edward Coke on his knees before the council-table, with an order to retire to a private life, to correct his book of Reports, and occasionally to consult the king himself.
The youth of genius will be apt to retire from the active sports of his mates.
The sea will meanwhile either retire into its depths, or compel us to retreat before its advancing waters.
Long after the apostolic age, the same spirit continued to be cherished, and hence we are told of Polycarp that, even when bowed down by the weight of years, he felt it right to retire out of the way of those who sought his destruction.
I own, I was very much terrified, ordered them not to use him ill, but let him retire quietly, only to take care he was put out of the house.
I was obliged to retire in very bad humour, fully resolved to have nothing more to do with this silly girl, or her matters.
At length, in less than a quarter of an hour, her pleasure and her embarrassment overpowering her, she thought it best to beg leave to retire from table, under a pretence of wanting a little air.
As soon as Beriah Sellers had bade his friends good night and seen them depart, he did not retire apartments in the Planter's, but took his way to his lodgings with a friend in a distant part of the city.
Laura's few friends wrote to her or came and talked with her, and pleaded with her to retire while it was yet time, and not attempt to face the gathering storm.
Their meetings are not so long, neither do they retirebut fifteen minutes before them.
If any are unwell or tired, it is but a little matter to rap at the elder's door, or ask a companion to do it, where any one may receive liberty to retire to rest if it is expedient.
Monday evenings all may retire to rest at the usual meeting time, an hour earlier than usual.
Breakfast is from eight to nine, and dinner from three to four; and they retire from half-past eight to half-past ten.
At the conclusion of this meal, a hymn is sung, and the assembly retire to their homes.
In the upper loft is a large room where the care-takers reside, and where the boys who wish to read, write, or reflect may retirefrom the jabbering and confusion below.
Jean Charost followed immediately, and found the duke seated in his furred dressing-gown, as if prepared to retire to rest.
I will, therefore, beg leave toretire to De Brecy this very night.
He had not heard any thing for some weeks; and after a long ride through the neighboring country, he was about to retire to rest, when steps came rapidly through the long gallery of the inn, and stopped at his chamber door.
He now learned that the Duchess of Orleans, after a brief visit to the capital to demand justice upon the murderers of her husband, had judged it prudent to retire to Blois, and to withdraw all the retainers of the late duke.
By your majesty's permission," he replied, "I will retire to Briare.
Then pardon me, my lord," she said, "if I retire from your royal court to that of his highness the Duke of Bedford.
Gladly would I retirefrom all these cares and toils, and pass the rest of my days--" "In pleasure?
He was out rather late that night, and when he started to retire he dropped one of his shoes heavily on the floor.
When he was right under the ship's side, but still in the water, the captain ordered the engine stopped, and requested the passengers to retire to a safe distance.
As we rise from table the master of the house asks the doctor for a special consultation, and they retire for half an hour.
Late in the evening we retire to the room that was assigned to the Doctor and me.
I am tired almost to death and would retire immediately, but I interrupted you I believe in the utterance of some wise saying about matrimony.
There was no immediate reply and he began to fear he would be obliged to retire without seeing his uncle, when the door was slowly opened and Mr. Sylvester came out.
When it was time to retire that night I took the doctor to my room, and I think it was a surprise to both of us when we fell to talking about Mona again.
It had been a long day to us, and we were allowed to retire at an early hour, being conducted to adjacent and communicating rooms.
Darby touched his hat gratefully, and was about to retire within the house when he caught sight of Conyers at the window.
I can well retire and live for the next twelve months.
Of course, unless you would like to retire and rest for a while.
I do beg of you to retire now, and insist upon Mary doing the same.
Good Prince and I will retire early and, if you so desire it, we shall be very willing to welcome you in the Grey Room--say some six or seven hours later.
Perhaps, but it must be remembered that Rossini did not retire to his library or his music room, but to his kitchen.
I do not retire from a combat with the Attorney-General, but from a combat with a dungeon, deprived of pen, ink, and paper.
This last paragraph refers to the convention at Cintra, by which the French army was permitted to retirefrom Portugal in British ships.
On one occasion, when Feenou was on board the Resolution, an inferior chief ordered all the people to retire from the post occupied on shore by the English.
Being summer, the evenings were not long, and the weary fraternity found it no great hardship to retire with the birds.
Healthful labor again engages us till the last meal, when we assemble in social communion, prolonged till sunset, when we retire to sweet repose, ready for the next day's activity.
The French cardinals, or those born in countries occupied by, or subjected to the French, were ordered to retire to the various lands of their birth, in order to prevent the Holy Father from finding support in the councils of the conclave.
He imputed to him negligence, in not having attacked Montereau on the day before the action, when it was unprovided for resistance; and he ordered him to retire from the service.
Well then,' replied Murat, 'do you retire and leave me here by myself.
Whole battalions of conscripts dispersed entirely, and many left their muskets regularly piled, as if intimating their fixed resolution to retire altogether from the contest.
The French maintained themselves there until the defection of the Bavarians opened the passes of the Tyrol to the Austrian army, after which, Eugene was obliged to retire behind the Adige.
The terms then proposed to Napoleon were, that, abandoning all his wider conquests, France should retire within the course of the Rhine and the barrier of the Alps.
The allies were not aware of the amount of their advantage, and suffered the French to retire unmolested.
Sir Paul, if you please we'll retire to the ladies, and drink a dish of tea to settle our heads.
You had best make haste, for after she has made some apology to the company for her own and my lord's absence all this while, she'll retire to her chamber instantly.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.