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Example sentences for "caused them"

  • S: And We caused them to enter into Our mercy, surely they were of the good ones.

  • Whenever its messenger came unto a nation they denied him; so We caused them to follow one another (to disaster) and We made them bywords.

  • P: And thou wouldst have deemed them waking though they were asleep, and We caused them to turn over to the right and the left, and their dog stretching out his paws on the threshold.

  • The prefect, finding their constancy invincible, caused them all to be thrown into the sea, about the year 311.

  • The emperor Frederick Barbarossa having taken Milan, caused them to be translated to Cologne in Germany, in the twelfth century.

  • The governor, finding them all resolute, caused them to be torn with whips, and their sides to be rent with iron hooks.

  • And when he caused them to appear unto you when ye met, to be few in your eyes;h and diminished your numbers in their eyes;i that GOD might accomplish the thing which was decreed to be done; and unto GOD shall all things return.

  • And he caused them to fall through deceit.

  • And thou wouldest have judged them to have been awake,z while they were sleeping; and we caused them to turn themselves to the right hand, and to the left.

  • But they accused him of imposture, wherefore we delivered him, and those who were with him in the ark, and we caused them to survive the flood, but we drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood.

  • Immediately on entering, he caused them to be carried into the dungeon, where they were deprived of their badges of office and put in chains.

  • Being noticed by some spies, who gave immediate notice to Gonzalo, he caused them to be pursued by Juan de la Torre with a party of mounted musqueteers.

  • The confidence they expressed in this wild hope, opposed as it was to all probability, caused them to be regarded both in England and France as having the gift of prophecy.

  • To draw these two earls into his power, the king convened the Witena-gemot at Oxford, where he caused them to be murdered, and then seized their estates, as if they had been condemned by the common forms of justice.

  • Their virtue, nevertheless, caused them to be treated at times with respect, and honors were even rendered to them.

  • The king, having been apprised of this, caused them to be brought before him on Sunday, the tenth of October, and offered them great wealth if they would become Mussulmen.

  • Clare and her daughters, hearing that their father was so dangerously ill, sent to express to him the grief which it caused them, and they entreated him to mitigate their sorrow by sending them at least his blessing.

  • He caused them to be introduced as great persons to the tomb where Naneferkaptah was, he caused dirges to be made above them.

  • He caused them to bring a strip of royal linen before him; he made it into a girdle.

  • Naneferkaptah called a lad, and caused to be given the three hundred ounces of silver for the priest, and he caused to be done what he desired for two coffin cases; he caused them to be made as for a great and rich priest.

  • He read a spell to them, he caused them to live, he gave them breath, he cast them into the sea.

  • These yonge roisters assembled in the palace, euery of them maruelled wherefore the Duke had caused them to come thether.

  • And they sate not longe after that the table was taken away, but maister Thorello supposing them to be weary, caused them to be lodged in gorgeous and costly beds: and he likewyse within a while after went to bed.

  • Prosperity entered the land; it caused them to become a multitude.

  • Then he caused them to bring, written on a new roll, all the addresses of these days.

  • Xavier bade them address themselves to God in their own behalf; caused them to recite the litany on their knees, at the foot of a large crucifix; and then ordered them to retire, but to have confidence in Jesus Christ.

  • The sight of the holy man, whom all of them regarded as their common father, caused them to forget some part of their misfortune, and seemed to restore them to life.

  • Brute with his men following fast upon the aduersaries, caused them to plunge into the water at aduenture, so [Sidenote: Antigonus, the brother of Pandrasus.

  • Furthermore he caused them to stand in battell arraie vpon the coast, where he heard how the Britains were in a redinesse to withstand his entrance.

  • We had not long bene aboord, but through the helpe of God we caused them to yeeld vnto our mercy.

  • Afterward he caused them to bring him sixe pieces of his Tapistry made like litle couerlets, and gaue them to our men with so liberal a minde, as they easily perceiued the desire which he had to become their friend.

  • And they intended against him a plot; but he caused them to be the sufferers.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caused them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    caused him; caused himself; caused the; caused them; electoral vote; felt some; light window; means untried; mixed blood; modern writers; molten metal; natural fact; naval operations; rather coarse; report myself; sexual intercourse; short duration; sixty years; such words; superior officer; swift glance; take their; this area; who looked; would have been more