It may not occur every day: it might not do to insert in the text-books as a rule; but once in a while there may be better businesses than saving one's soul and keeping one's conscience void of offense.
But how about what is called falling in love, when the wild ass has not been craving to have his void filled up at all, but is suddenly brought down unawares by an Amazonian arrow?
It was created to be happy in God; and, without him, the universe cannot fill the void in man's heart.
The snow by this time had settled down to a blinding drift, and the thermometer had fallen into an incalculable void of cold.
But the second was declared null and void by order of the King, as "irregular and unfit to be allowed of".
These officers gave it as their opinion that his Majesty did have the right, by repealing acts of repeal, to revive laws, but the committee agreed to move the King that the Act of Attorneys should be made void by proclamation.
The morning was dull and drear, with black clouds from the mountains and some sprinklings of rain, and when the dread hour struck, and Oscar came down among the mourners, his face looked ghastly in the void and heavy air.
They soon perceived that they had reached the void of space, for, though the sun blazed with a splendour they had never before seen, the firmament was intensely black, and the stars shone as at midnight.
The soul slips from earth's grasp, as air from our fingers, and finds itself in the frigid, boundless void of space.
This reduction in distance, and the clearness of the void through which they saw it, made it a splendid sight, its disk showing clearly.
When they came out shortly after midnight the girl's-face moon had already set, leaving a dark and dreary void in the part of the sky it had so ideally filled.
The deer are seen on the brow; void of fear they graze along.
It satisfies our taste, our intellect, our ambition; it sets us on a level with other men and gives us a place in the world; but now and again we feel a void it does not fill.
The void in his heart he had so long felt was filled by the little babe.
How shall I fill this measureless Deep void that the taking away Of a child’s slim beauty has made?
Love burns up the world to changeless heaven and blest, "Love burns up the world to a void of all unrest.
Ye know not how void is your hope and your living: Depart with your helping lest yet ye undo me!
She was and she is not; there is no such thing on the earth But e'en as a picture painted; and for me there is void and dearth That I cannot name or measure.
When we have left the atmosphere we shall rush through the void of space without knowing whether we are travelling at a thousand miles per minute or standing perfectly still.
She pulled out two cans of beer from a cooler and spit out the dark tactile saliva that had been littering her mouth in senseless mass and clutter no differently than planets in the void of space.
Chapter 41 To the ancient Egyptians man died each night in this void absent of the sun god and then each morning was resurrected in daybreak.
Still, the lesser knowledge that it was, it was repugnant by being so void of anything wise.
Carley wrenched her gaze from the desert void to look at her companions.
And when she looked out across a suddenly distinguishable void she seemed struck by the immensity of something she was unable to grasp.
One, swinging in the wind, stood out more sharply than the others, pierced like a sieve a hundred times through and through, and a void in the place of his heart.
Their great-coats fly wide; and we, we press close to each other in our corner of night; we push and hoist ourselves with our rusted muscles, to see that void and those great scattered soldiers.
But his thoughts were not so void of matter; and he muttered words which showed how deeply some parts of his late conversation--those which had seemed to affect him but little at the time--had in reality sunk into his heart.
THE PINE Some woodmen, bent a forest pine to split, Into each fissure sundry wedges fit, To keep the void and render work more light.
There was a dark void below us whose depth we could not fathom.
I lay lazily smoking and studying the color of the sky, as we call the void of space, where it showed a reddish gray behind the pines to where it showed a glossy blue-black between the stars.
Either the woman violently breaks the cursed bands, or she resigns herself to them; and then she seeks to fill up the void in her soul by adulterous amours.
One of the most effectual panaceas for certain varieties of sleeplessness is going to bed at peace with all the world, and with a conscience void of offense toward God as well as man.
His eyes darted here and there over the void as his mind struggled to straighten out this latest kink.
And out of thevoid cracked the retort: "He says, ask the American consul at Hong Kong.