In this case it is diluted with an equal quantity of distilled water, steamed for an hour, filtered, filled into sterile flasks or tubes, and sterilised by the discontinuous method.
Sterilise these coupled flasks by the discontinuous method, in the usual manner.
He recognised the distinction between what are now known as continuous and discontinuous variations.
Bateson on Variation As long ago as 1894 Bateson published his Materials for the Study of Variation, in which he set forth a large number of cases of discontinuous variation which he had collected.
We think it more probable that all species throw off at greater or less intervals discontinuous variations, and that it is upon these that natural selection acts.
We, therefore, seem driven to the belief that evolution is based on the kind of variation which Professor Bateson terms "discontinuous variation" and Professor De Vries calls "mutation.
To the discontinuous variations Darwin attached very little importance from an evolutionary point of view.
Discontinuous congenital variations or mutations are the usual starting points of new species.
Very different are the discontinuous variations or mutations.
The former correspond, for all practical purposes, to the continuous variations of Bateson, and the latter seem to be equivalent to his discontinuous variations.
Thus, this association is not homogeneous with regard to its rodent population; many of these species have local and discontinuous distributions.
Thus, in the lower chaparral belt, this rodent had a discontinuous distribution.
If they are not capable of mixing in all proportions a discontinuous change must occur somewhere between the regions where the substances are still unmixed, thus giving rise to a surface of separation.
Modifications of the system have been adopted for bridges with discontinuous spans.
In a three-span bridge continuous girders are lighter than discontinuous ones by about 45% for the dead load and 15% for the live load, if no allowance is made for ambiguity due to uncertainty as to the level of the supports.
Against this rationalistic tendency to treat experience as chopped up into discontinuous static objects, radical empiricism protests.
Change' in this case means continuous as opposed to discontinuous transition.
A theory involving some sort of a discrete or discontinuous structure of energy has been put forward by Prof.
The general effect on our physical conceptions, however, is the same: we have a purely discontinuous universe--discontinuous not only in matter but in energy and the flow of time.
A paper in which a discontinuous or "atomic" structure of energy was suggested was prepared by the present writer fifteen years ago but remains unpublished for reasons that will appear later.
The stripe on the 1st row is most variable; usually it consists of only a discontinuous series of dashes for most of its length.
Every stripe originates either as broad continuous stripe or as a row of spots or dashes, forming a discontinuous stripe, which in some specimens becomes continuous posteriorly.
If such were the case, reason would certainly be first, as alone making an intelligible continuity out of discontinuous perception and restoring total unity to each temporary part by a synthetic dialectic.
The voids in fine-grained shales may equal in volume those in sandstones and limestones, but the openings are so small and discontinuous that the water does not flow freely.
The question seems unmeaning, for the levels of value referred to are different and discontinuous and the magnitudes belong to different orders.
This objection will be made: that in the hypothesis of a discontinuous existence of things, reason may continue to do its work, provided the intervention of a possible perception be supposed.
In the case of all characteristic glacial cirques, however, the special feature is that the flat bottom of the cirque is discontinuous with the valley below; they are not parts of the same system of drainage.
Fourier ondiscontinuous functions have, however, begun to fill up this great gap, and have thereby introduced a new and essential improvement into the fundamental conception of Descartes.