The sheep and goats became thinner and thinner, until they were too weak to go abroad and seek for pasturage.
Eight years previously the uncle had given Nathan a hundred pounds and sent him to the Cape to seek his fortune.
The Inconsistency of our Life with our Conscience:--however we may seekto justify our betrayal of humanity to ourselves, all our justifications will crumble into dust in the presence of the evidence.
But the principal thing is, that the man who regards labor as the business and the joy of his life will not seek that relief from his labor which the labors of others might afford him.
He will seek what he is to do, and how he is to do it, only when the tow-rope is removed from him.
He was from Smolensk, and had come to seek employment that he might earn his bread and taxes.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
If fallen in battle, and I knew where his bones were laid, whether bleaching on the plains of Xeres, or buried in the waters of the Gaudalete, I would seek them out and enshrine them as the relics of a sainted patriot.
Suddenly yielding to an impulse he did not seek to analyse, he said quietly, "I have never been a great reader of poetry, but long ago I was engaged to be married, to some one who cared very much for it.
There is no explanation; only the foolish would seek it.
Seek out the strongest and best men of both sides, and help them to gain the power and hold it.
It was stern again now, but she knew for a brief moment as he made the exclamation it had not been so, and for a reason she did not seek to fathom her heart was strangely glad.
Not even to seek renewing and fresh hopes, but only to crowd out of his life the memory of that upheaval and tragedy that, it seemed, had placed a stern hand upon mere joy for evermore.
It would seem that even to him, the figure of bronze, it was what she should seek as her métier.
Whereas she was just Meryl Pym, and though many needy peers chose rich wives from across the sea, anyone might know Peter Carew was not of these, and would sooner shun such riches than seek them.
We find long tracts of shore, where this sea-urchin is common, completely honeycombed and pitted by cavities and depressions in which they seek shelter against the powerful surf continually beating against the rocks.
Other mollusks burrow deep in the mud, many prefer sandy bottoms, while a host of other species seek homes upon the tangled masses of seaweed, living like arboreal creatures in the submarine forests.
Others in conversation seekrather contact with their fellow-men than increase of knowledge or clarity of thought.
I seek no reward, Crawford; I seek only the happiness of Peru.
There's no fun playing at hide-and-seek in the hills.
These worthy fellows can't understand us, and we're tired of playing hide-and-seek in the mountains.
After all, I was only a boy, with little ability and no training to seek for things lying beneath the surface.
In her extreme old age Sheil paid her a visit, the admiration which Lord Chesterfield was known to entertain for her having induced him to seek an introduction to her.
He had scarcely courage to seek admittance boldly.
These were dreadful thoughts; but he did not seek to get rid of them--rather encouraged the baleful imagination, and wrapped himself in its hostile suggestions.
The fatal box in which he had laid his train of destruction--the medicine chest where his father had gone to seek healing and had found death.
Grange but ould Sally, and the young Squire out upon the world to seekhis fortin' like any other man!
Submit, dear daughter, and do not seek to fathom the ways of Providence," said the abbe.
A woman has not the right which men have to seek the accomplishment of her hopes in open day.
It is not from you, Monsieur Minoret, a man sixty-eight years of age, but from your son that I shall seek satisfaction for the insults offered to Mademoiselle Mirouet.
I ought," he said, "to go into oblivion for three or four years and seek a career.
This must be done, if Poets would be Read, Who seek to emulate the Sacred Dead.
Of late I have had many letters to answer; and some very bothering ones from people who want opinions about their books, who seek acquaintance, and who flatter to get it; people who utterly mistake all about me.
Not that I mean to yield to the weakness of clinging dependently to the society of friends, however dear; but still as an occasional treat I must value and even seek such society as a necessary of life.
Senator Christiancy's failing health compelled him in the winter of 1879 to seek (under physician's advice) rest and a change of climate.
We can afford to leave the final verdict to another generation if need be, grateful as it is to be appreciated by the generation which we seek to serve.
General Gorham did not seek the office of Assistant Secretary; the office sought him, and Mr. Chandler himself would take no denial.
She must go on, and to seekprotection in the outer wall of the temple meant turning back.
At such times--in such moods as these--it is my nature to seekrepose in some calm tranquil idea, and I have now summoned up your image to give me rest.
Wherever I seek for her now in this world, she cannot be found, no more than a flower or a leaf which withered twenty years ago.
He did not require companionship, therefore he did not seek it, either in his walks, or in his daily life.
You will not seek in imagination for excitement, of which the vicissitudes of this life, and the anxieties from which you must not hope to be exempted, be your state what it may, will bring with them but too much.
Where they were different, he would make them seek the origin of that difference by causing them to examine well into the character and position of each separate writer, and how they would be likely to affect his conception of truth.
Look vp, sweet Babe, look vp and see 10 For loue of Thee, Thus farr from home The East is come To seek her self in Thy sweet eyes.
Will he hang down his golden head Or e're the sooner seek his Western bed, Because some foolish fly Growes wanton, and will dy?
Lord, when the sense of Thy sweet grace 1 Sends vp my soul to seek Thy face, Thy blessed eyes breed such desire, I dy in Loue's delicious fire.
Good reason: for she breathes all fire; Her white brest heaues with strong desire 40 Of what she may with fruitles wishes Seek for amongst her mother's kisses.
We goe not to seek The darlings of Aurora's bed, The rose's modest cheek, Nor the violet's humble head.
But if I must seek a new home let me go to it at once.
Marry me as I am, and for what I am in your sight, and seek a new life with me abroad.
Hide-and-seek as a game leaves little to be desired.
He is looking at her in the tender light with eyes that seek to read her heart, and he is very pale.
Obvious typographical errors silently corrected by the transcriber: volume 1 Chapter 4 : =Marry me as I am, and for what I am in your sight, and seek a new life with me abroad.
The French colonial authorities are alive to the Berber's ethnic affinities and tactfully seek to stimulate his dormant white consciousness.
If the lightning is going to be strong, better seek the open air.
The sentries will relax their vigilance and more than likely seek shelter under the trees.
Well, since we do not keep that article here, you had better seek it elsewhere,' interposed a brother of mine who is rather saucy.
Then, when sleep came to the over-wrought brain, she left him in the care of a kindly neighbour, and went tremblingly forth to seek her child's trusty old friend.
Is it a wise or a politic thing in the Government to seek to brand the Indian, in perpetuity, as a minor in the eye of the law?
When the knight heard this he said to the chaplain that within six months would he seek the sea for the springtide crossing, and thereto he plighted faith.
He was yet a young man, for he was no more than forty-five years of age, and his barons prayed him that he would seek another wife.
The ancient bridegroom, that the demoiselle should have wed, grieved yet more at the loss of his bride, but to no purpose did he seek her, for the hind had left no slot.
Altogether lovely in my eyes is this tournament wherein She has done my devoir; but very foully shall I requite such gracious service if I seek another Lady, or in my folly return to the vanities of the world.
Now let us seek our lord forthwith, and set before him our bargain.
Lady," said he, "I can no more, but truly will I seek you again.
I will now seek a bride for thee of birth and breeding--one of family and descent, one come of ancient race, with relations and friends a gracious company, a wife from honest folk and from an honest home.
Then Amis said to his companions-- "Behold these French knights who seek to do us a mischief.
Moreover, he found within a certain letter news that, very soon, this merchant, who so far had voyaged in so many lands, would seek Byzantium in ships laden with tissues and broideries and all manner of stuffs and merchandise.
I was only telling him how we once lost Dorothy in a game of hide-and-seek when she was five years old.
There was no question as to going out again, the ground was too sopping wet after the rain to dream of such a thing, so it was proposed that we should have a good game of hide-and-seek all over the house.
Those who, with sweet and unselfish natures, seeknot their own happiness, but are ready to die if need be for the right and the truth!
I believe that we ought to seek that point of stable equilibrium somewhere between a prohibitory tariff on the one hand and a tariff that gives no protection on the other.
When Cornwallis, after the surrender of General Gates, moved his whole army toward Waxhaw, Mrs. Jackson and her sons were obliged to seek a safe retreat with a distant relative.
Through the summer he worked in the hay-field, and then, the sea-fever returning, his mother wisely suggested that he seek employment on Lake Erie and see if he liked the life.
It was in vain for the loveliest and liveliest girl toseek to absorb his attention.
He wrote him: "The particulars of your plans I neither know norseek to know.
Worn and tired, he went to Cuba to seek restoration of health.
As he had made it a rule "never to seek and never to decline public duty," he accepted, on the small salary of six hundred dollars a year.
In keeping with the peculiar character of their grievance is the character of that factitious martyrdom which theyseek to build upon it.
It pays as well to seek for the bright side of our miseries, as it does to count our mercies.
Was it perhaps a recognition of this fact that led the statesmen to seek new territories for the Germans of the future?
Will mediocre men continue to seekthe teaching profession, while men of independence of judgment and character continue to shun a profession which offers little scope for their abilities?
It must be conceded, however, that the Austrian militarists had been grievously exasperated by the murder of their Prince, and the impulse to seek somewhere some sort of vengeance was, however mistaken, entirely natural.
There are political scientists who tell us that Germany is forced by her teeming population to seek this outlet to the East.