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Example sentences for "inadequate"

Lexicographically close words:
inaction; inactive; inactivity; inadequacies; inadequacy; inadequately; inadequateness; inadmissible; inadvertence; inadvertency
  1. He seems to grasp at whatever words come first to hand while the enthusiasm is upon him, as if all other must be inadequate to the divine meaning.

  2. This is a puerile and inadequate expedient.

  3. The work was left to be done by two curates, living on very inadequate incomes, while their rector satisfied himself with drawing the lion's share of the ample revenues of the parish.

  4. The truth is, that in Berkeley we have the meeting-place of two distinct streams of thought, both of which had already received distinct but inadequate expression in England.

  5. In this department all the iron and steel work of the lock and stock are moulded, for the ordinary method of forging conveys a very inadequate idea of the manner in which the material is here manipulated.

  6. Such is the demand for cresses, that they are now largely cultivated for the market, the spontaneous growth proving quite inadequate to the demand.

  7. In the case of small-arms, its powers, as we have seen, are wholly inadequate to the task.

  8. Sometimes this was done, but usually such expeditions seem to have been undertaken with inadequate forces and seldom resulted in permanent peace.

  9. Pride and weakness combined led them to take the dangerous middle course and send inadequate bodies of men singly into the disturbed districts.

  10. He complained to Philip' of his inadequate supplies both in men and money.

  11. He thrust his hands as deeply as they would go into his inadequate pockets and met her gaze unblinking.

  12. An inadequate and material view of social physics naturally favours mediocrity, attracts political charlatans, while the most eminent minds devote their attention to science.

  13. The essence of the mind is composed of adequate and inadequate ideas.

  14. Physical Education The system of restriction in regard to food which many parents think so necessary is based upon inadequate observation, and erroneous reasoning.

  15. Secondly, as inadequate to the purposes for which government is necessary.

  16. But his available funds were pitifully inadequate to his tastes and habits.

  17. But how could Janet have known that high-school stenography was as pitiably inadequate to the practical needs of a modern mercantile office as high-school French or German to the practical needs of a tourist on the Continent?

  18. And as Lawrence's forces were quite inadequate to cope with La Corne's, it only remained for Lawrence to return to Halifax with his troops and settlers.

  19. It was not intended to tear apart families and friends, but, owing to the scarcity of vessels and the inadequate arrangements for the deportation, there were many cruel separations.

  20. Ongoing problems for the 1990s include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical costs, and sizable budget and trade deficits.

  21. Government efforts to reduce Nigeria's dependence on oil exports and to sustain noninflationary growth, however, have fallen short because of inadequate new investment funds and endemic corruption.

  22. Public officials perceive that current preparedness plans and response are inadequate at best.

  23. Issue=: Improving the current inadequate preparedness of the public for a catastrophic earthquake requires a substantial increase in public information and public awareness.

  24. As before, inadequate care and ignorance of nutrition caused many infant deaths.

  25. Also, the remedy was inadequate because the history of the law of debt was based on debt as a substitute for the blood feud, so that failure to pay meant slavery or death.

  26. It was not only an inadequate remuneration, but we were supposed to be taking advantage of the men in settling with them, and that has led us to give up the agency.

  27. Do you consider that that was an inadequate remuneration for the trouble you had with the men?

  28. The remuneration is quite inadequate for the amount of work and expense connected with the trade.

  29. Billy allowed himself a glance; it met with inadequate appreciation.

  30. Just by glancing at Two-eighteen's feet in their inadequate openwork silk and soft kid you knew that Two-eighteen's lips would be carmined.

  31. She marshalled her little inadequate forces, made up of the half-fainting Young Wife and the terrified and awkward hired girl.

  32. This must, under any circumstances of danger, have proved an inadequate supply; but the prospect of a fatiguing march, in their present ineffective state, forbade the troops embarrassing themselves with a larger quantity.

  33. Any one who knows France will acknowledge how totally inadequate a common-sense argument is in the decision of a question before a government functionary.

  34. Let it be to Peter's everlasting credit that he knew his millions to be as inadequate to offer a return as any beggar's pocket.

  35. The absurdly inadequate idea that they might consider it unjustifiable greed in him to grasp so great a prize as Patricia Connell when they had already given him so much assailed him.

  36. She swayed to and fro with mechanical rhythm, and paid no heed at all to the two weeping women who kept up a flow of low-uttered sentences of well-meant but inadequate comfort.

  37. It is not only an inadequate remedy, but the remedy is sought in the wrong direction.

  38. Not only so, but the proposed remedy is ridiculously inadequate to the occasion.

  39. Let any one attempt to describe the much more simple and familiar process by which a shoemaker makes a pair of shoes, and he will find how inadequate mere words are to describe any mechanical operation.

  40. There were now thriving iron, brick, and pottery works established in the parishes of Madeley and Broseley; and the old ferry on the Severn was found altogether inadequate for ready communication between one bank and the other.

  41. A greater amount of failure is due to an inadequate supply of fertility.

  42. To administer the affairs of a dying race with inadequate funds--" Diana hesitated.

  43. It was entirely inadequate for the appetites of the hard working crew.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inadequate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adulterated; arrested; asymmetric; asymmetrical; bad; barren; base; blemished; bootless; callow; careless; crude; damaged; defective; deficient; disappointing; disheartening; disparate; displeasing; disproportionate; effete; emasculate; embryonic; empty; erroneous; failing; fallible; fatuous; faulty; feckless; feeble; flimsy; fruitless; futile; hopeless; immature; impaired; imperfect; impotent; impure; inaccurate; inadequate; inane; inappreciable; incapable; incommensurate; incompetent; incomplete; ineffective; ineffectual; inexact; infant; inferior; inoperative; insufficient; invalid; invertebrate; irregular; lacking; little; makeshift; maladroit; meager; meagre; mean; mediocre; minus; miserable; mismatched; missing; mixed; needing; nugatory; odd; off; pale; part; partial; patchy; pathetic; petty; poor; ropy; scant; scanty; scarce; scrappy; shabby; short; shy; sketchy; skew; skewed; skimpy; slender; slight; small; sorry; spineless; sterile; straitened; thin; trivial; unable; unadapted; unavailing; underdeveloped; undeveloped; unequal; unequipped; uneven; unfinished; unfit; unqualified; unsatisfactory; unsatisfying; unskillful; unsound; unsuited; useless; vain; wanting; weak