The winds were as Captain King has described them, veering from South-South-East in the morning, to East in the evening, and blowing fresh towards the middle of the day.
It was the evening of the 31st before this gale blew over, afterveering to the South-West.
In the morning the breeze was moderate from North-East, to which quarter it had changed suddenly during the night, veering round from west by the north.
North-East, drawing round to south, after sunset, andveering to South-West again in the morning.
The skipper he stood beside the helm, His pipe was in his mouth, And he watched how the veering flaw did blow The smoke now West, now South.
On the 6th the weather was moderate and continued so till the 9th with the wind veering between the north-west and south-west; of which we were able to take advantage.
The weather continued very severe, the wind veering from north-east to east-south-east.
He began veering in that direction, so that it may be said that while Inman and his band were riding toward him, he was approaching them.
Instead of fleeing away from the main body they were veering around, so that, if the change of course continued, they would return to the neighbourhood from which they started.
The winds continued to blow almost uninterruptedly from the east and south-east during the first four months, veering to the south-south-east and south and occasionally to the north-east.
There is already a considerable veering round of national conceptions toward the recognition of our common welfare being dependent on mutual development, as in the case of the consortium.
Civilization is rapidly veering round in the direction of the Pacific.
Japan has done nothing to gain the good-will of China, and America is constantly veering her ship with its treasury of Chinese good-will more and more in the direction of Japan.
This preamble is necessary to explain various inconsistencies in our hero's conduct, and more particularly at this moment, the inconsistency of suddenly veering round in his suppositions about Miss Valentine Flodden.
You'll leave me no sea room for veering if you delay an instant.
The veering coast pushed them out farther westward, far north of what the Spanish charts showed.
Then, veering out to sea at midnight through squalls {276} of rain, he steered to Nootka for the conference with Spain.
Disgustedly, he found himself veering towards an outlook which forced him to admit that there was probably truth in what she said, and he knew he heard more truth as she went on.
When he had begun to decide that Lord Westholt did not seem to be the man Fate was veering towards, he not unnaturally cast a mental eye over such other persons as the letters mentioned.
The alcoholic wastrel had suddenly become protagonist in the common little drama that was veering towards tragedy.
The veering breeze shepherded flocks of white clouds across the harebell-tinted meadows of the sky.
The skipper he stood beside the helm, His pipe was in his mouth, And he watch'd how the veering flaw did blow The smoke now west, now south.
The gust passed but was followed by another, veering westerly, and another still, that steadied to a freshening breeze.
The little steamer, veeringfrom her course, slowed down to take Stratton aboard.
The wind fell, and wentveering round, till it blew fair from the east.
That same forenoon," continued Halcott, "the wind wentveering round to the southward and east.
In the evening the wind veering to East-South-East enabled us to steer to the southward and to get out of the influence of the current.
Mr. Reid stated that during the late gales, particularly on Friday, the 30th, the wind veering from S.
It is no especial cultus of nature and veracity, but a mere whim of veering fashion, that has made us turn our back upon the larger, more various, and more romantic art of yore.
He had his field glasses in his hand, and with these he now began to scan the heavens toward the west, veering a little to the northwest.
The sea had now been left far behind, and Frank was veering their course somewhat toward the southeast, as though he meant to cover a different field from the first land journey.
There was wrenching, veering and struggling of the huge boat; and at last a resort to those two spars which seem to be so uselessly attached to each side of the forward deck of the river steamers.
In the night I was awakened suddenly by a fearful crash, the quick veering of the boat, and her violent rolling from side to side.
But we must keep a good look-out that in veering the cable does not part in the hawse, for if it unfortunately does, ah, me!
After veering and hauling on his instrument for a short time, he brought it out.
An upright wooden or iron post in a boat or on a dock, used in veering or fastening ropes.