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Example sentences for "secretly"

Lexicographically close words:
secretions; secretive; secretively; secretiveness; secretlie; secreto; secretory; secrets; secrett; sect
  1. But in the summer of 1817 he suddenly and secretly left Russia and reappeared quite alone in Servia in the neighbourhood of Semendria (Smederevo) on the Danube.

  2. But Barbara's heart drew her toward him so strongly that during the usual noon ride she hit upon an idea, for whose execution she immediately made preparations by secretly entreating young Count Tassis to lend her one of his suits of clothes.

  3. Barbara was obliged to content herself with the others, yet her heart ached secretly that he gave her no word of welcome.

  4. It amuses him to be treated in this fashion: he chuckles secretly as he proceeds to clean and replace his instruments.

  5. He has taken a fancy to Valentine, who cares nothing for his crossness of grain and treats him with a sort of disrespectful humanity, for which he is secretly grateful.

  6. I am no favourite with Miss Darrell,' I returned, wondering secretly at his blind infatuation for his cousin.

  7. Mrs. Barton brought in the ham and eggs at this moment, and I sat down before my gay little tea-tray, marvelling secretly at the scarlet flamingo.

  8. I pleaded for a shorter ordeal, though secretly I was overjoyed at this crumb of consolation vouchsafed to me.

  9. Secretly to overhear a catalogue of the crimes and vices of another or yourself.

  10. A mystic beverage secretly used by our most popular novelists and poets to regulate the imagination and narcotize the conscience.

  11. By spark and flame, the thought reveal That he the metal, she the stone, Had cherished secretly alone.

  12. She had become devoted to Mary, whom she secretly regarded as her ideal of the woman her James should marry.

  13. I can send demon soldiers and secretly cut him off," said the magician.

  14. It was also said that these same officers and officials had secretly passed the murderers into Bosnia, and had helped them in various other ways to do their deadly work.

  15. He must make his moves as silently and secretly as possible, and whenever he can he must put his enemy on a false scent, so that he may fall upon him unawares.

  16. Russia secretly promised Austria that if she would stand out of the fight she should receive as her reward the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  17. With only the thin periscope showing above the waves, they can silently and secretly creep within range of a warship, and send off a torpedo on its deadly errand.

  18. At the same time he secretly thought, "As regards the observance of the ceremonial law, it is possible that he is not superior to me, for he is sitting near a woman of doubtful character and drinking wine.

  19. Wilkinson makes the successor of Serban, Constantine Brancovano, the Voivode who secretly aided the Germans at Vienna, and places the event after 1695.

  20. The prince secretly encouraged or winked at their misdeeds, until he thought they had amassed a considerable treasure by free-booting.

  21. When safe from being overheard, Basil recounted to his friend the course of events at the Surrentine villa since Marcian's departure, made known his suspicion that Aurelia had secretly returned to the Catholic faith.

  22. I knew that she was here; his own servant had secretly avowed the truth to me.

  23. Therewithal, he was the most superstitious of mortals; wore amulets, phylacteries, charms of all sorts, and secretly prayed to many strange gods.

  24. And Silvia listened with head bent, interested, secretly moved, at heart troubled.

  25. He told then that Muscula, bribed by Basil, was secretly endeavouring to procure the release of Veranilda, which should be made to appear an escape of Basil's contriving.

  26. Basil concluded with sarcastic reference to the possibility that he, as heir, might be openly or secretly suspected of having laid hands upon Aurelia; that point also he left to be debated by such as thought it worth while.

  27. Such a message had of course nothing unexpected for its recipient, who looked upon Marcian as secretly serving Pelagius.

  28. At first they ridiculed him, but they came to secretly admire him, and it is certain that his example was productive of no small amount of good.

  29. And still they secretly admired him for it.

  30. Think how he secretly coached the freshman crew up on the Oxford stroke last fall and won the race at Saltonstall.

  31. Blossom, who had secretly opened a bottle of beer and saturated his handkerchief with the contents.

  32. I can see now that some of the fellows sympathize secretly with Merriwell, although they do not dare do so openly.

  33. Marquis de Saumery, the actrice Adrienne Lecouvreur died and was secretly buried.

  34. Mass was said secretly during the Revolution by priests who went there disguised as workmen.

  35. It cannot be doubted, and the recorded facts will demonstrate it, that the poetical disappointments of Collins were secretly preying on his spirit, and repressing his firmest exertions.

  36. The sale was sluggish; even Walpole seemed doubtful of its success, though he probably secretly envied the skill of our portrait-painter.

  37. His great artifice was secretly printing extracts from the diary of Laud, and placing a copy in the hands of every member of the House, which was a sudden stroke on the Archbishop, when at the bar, that at the moment overcame him.

  38. She mapped out ways and means of unearthing his name and address and slipping to him secretly in order to hasten the return of the book.

  39. She had secretly hoped she would not find it, and would have to return after all.

  40. Yet tacitly, secretly perhaps, there may have been many people who were taking up Italian as zealously as many more were taking up antiquity.

  41. He was secretly engaged in dissipations, which finally became so low, that I was compelled to leave him to pursue his course, and thus to witness another example of the application of that striking remark of Dr.

  42. Soon after the corporal entered the room so secretly that he presented a loaded musket within a few inches of his head, and, as Providence would have it, the gun missed fire.

  43. They were secretly followed by the Sioux, who, watching their opportunity, fell on the camp while they were asleep, near daylight.

  44. He went to the angel who was the appointed guardian of paradise, and, plying him with crafty arts, tempted him with promises to give him secretly just a few grains from the luxuriant crops of Eden.

  45. They began secretly to seek to bring about a French alliance with England, which should out-manoeuvre the recent treaty of the Emperor with France.

  46. The other party is canvassing warmly, but secretly against him.

  47. Gentlemen, In spite of my extreme circumspection, your enemies are not altogether without knowledge of me, and, not able to persecute me openly, are endeavoring secretly to deprive me of my post in this country.

  48. The evening of the same Saturday they hinted secretly to the Pensionaries of Dort and Amsterdam (remaining in the city) that they must not depart on their peril.

  49. My refusal has exasperated them against me; they will secretly ruin me as far as they are able.

  50. He appeared to take no food, while Manoury secretly provided him.

  51. The great difficulty was to get it secretly translated and printed.

  52. Spaniards were sucking her to skin and bone, and a specification was added of the money, rings, jewels, and other presents with which she had secretly gratified her husband Philip.

  53. My friend the artist, I believe, secretly envied them this splendor denied to men; and in truth they would make spirited and effective material for a painter.

  54. Much different would their feelings have been had they known all that frightened little Francesca had overheard that they were to be secretly slain, as soon as their usefulness in the swindle was past.

  55. There was no one there to oppose them, though Don Luis was secretly regarding them through the crack of a nearly closed door.

  56. Josephus tells us: "It was told Shalmanesar that Hoshea had secretly invited Egypt to a combined struggle.

  57. The island measured ten stades in every direction, and thither, in obedience to his command, the Egyptians by turns secretly brought him nourishment.

  58. He caused Dascylus to be secretly put out of the way.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "secretly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.