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Example sentences for "unconditioned"

Lexicographically close words:
unconcernedly; uncondemned; uncondensed; unconditional; unconditionally; unconfessed; unconfined; unconfirmed; unconformability; unconformable
  1. From such a critique, then, it here appears that the nature of the reason by no means consists in the demand for an unconditioned; for, whenever it proceeds with full deliberation, it must itself find that an unconditioned is an absurdity.

  2. Thus, without further authentication, the categorical imperative comes into the world, in order to rule there with its unconditioned ought--a sceptre of wooden iron.

  3. For the will or the thing in itself, found through the investigation of an unconditioned cause, appears here related to the phenomenon as cause to effect.

  4. The ought originally so unconditioned does yet afterwards postulate one condition, in order to escape from the inner contradiction with which it is affected and with which it cannot live.

  5. The conception of an ubiquitous, unconditioned spirit is entirely foreign to primitive thought.

  6. Fichte says, in the beginning of his work entitled Doctrine of Science, that he proposes to seek the most absolute principle, the absolutely unconditioned principle of all human knowledge.

  7. In India, there is the existence, within and alongside the austere worship of the unconditioned Brahma, of the ardent personal Vaishnavite devotion to the heart's Lord, known as Bhakti Marga.

  8. But it cannot allow us to think of this spiritual life as something separate from, and wholly unconditioned by, our racial past.

  9. The empty soul facing an unconditioned Reality may achieve freedom but assuredly achieves nothing else: for though the self-giving of Spirit is abundant, we control our own powers of reception.

  10. For erroneous conceptions, especially in matters so largely influenced by belief in an unconditioned Absolute, may frequently issue in harmful practices.

  11. And in this instance, criticism is all the more necessary because the doctrine of pure passivity is largely a corollary of belief in an unconditioned Absolute.

  12. Man cannot find rest save in communion with a supreme Reality free from all imperfections and limitations; and such a Reality can be found in nothing less than the Unconditioned Absolute.

  13. It is that of pure and unconditioned Being--the One--the Absolute.

  14. The nature-mystic, then, is bound to reject the "brute" matter doctrine just as decidedly as the doctrine of the unconditioned Absolute.

  15. But the nature-mystic will be wise if he discards compromise, and once for all repudiates the Unconditioned Absolute.

  16. Given an Unconditioned which is beyond the reach of sense and reason, the phenomenal is necessarily degraded to the rank of the merely symbolical.

  17. But since Mysticism is generally associated with belief in an Unconditioned Absolute, and since such an Absolute is fatal to the claims of any genuine Nature Mysticism, a preliminary flying incursion into the perilous regions must be ventured.

  18. There is, however, one exception--the world-view which is based on the concept of an Unconditioned Absolute.

  19. On that Unbroken Peace the spirit hangs; and swings like a pendulum, in wide arcs of love and service, between the Unconditioned and the Conditioned Worlds.

  20. In Intuitive Contemplation the seeing self apprehends the Unconditioned World, Onwise, and makes 'loving ascents thereto.

  21. The simple ascent into the Nude and the Unconditioned is unknown and unloved of him"; it is through and amongst his ordinary mental furniture that he obtains his contacts with Reality.

  22. Thus the illuminated mind knows in the Father, not a confusingly anthropomorphic metaphor, but the uniquely vital Source and unconditioned Origin of all things "in whom our life and being is begun.

  23. Pavlow divides action into two trends, one due to an unconditioned reflex, of innate structure, and the other a modified or conditioned reflex which arises because some stimulus has become associated with the reflex act.

  24. Thus saliva dripping from a dog's mouth at the smell of food is an unconditioned reflex; if a bell is heard at the same time the food is smelled then in the course of time the saliva flows at the sound of the bell alone,--a conditioned reflex.

  25. In the latter case I have spoken of unconditioned probability.

  26. But this evidently is valid only with regard to unconditioned probability which only at great intervals and transiently may influence our practical work.

  27. It is, however, necessary to distinguish between conditioned and unconditioned probability.

  28. An unconditioned civil death awaits her in case of widowhood--even if this sad fate befalls her when she is two or three years old.

  29. The principle of sufficient reason possessed as before an unconditioned validity, and the only difference was that the thing-in-itself was now placed in the subject instead of, as formerly, in the object.

  30. The unconditioned is that of which all our thoughts and ideas are manifestations, but which we never can know, with regard to which we cannot affirm anything but that it exists.

  31. The idea of the absolute and unconditioned he regards as accompanying all our consciousness of things conditioned and limited, and as being not a negative notion, not merely the denial of limits, but a positive one.

  32. Ego and non-ego, each being conditioned by the other, presuppose unconditioned being on which both are dependent.

  33. Unconditioned being is the silent presupposition of all our knowing.

  34. The lowest organisms possess no definite organs for taking food; they manifest, however, phenomena of movement which are exactly like those of the animal organism, for they appear unconditioned and hence voluntary.

  35. This is how the assumption of =unconditioned absolute obligation=, concealing as it does a contradiction, avenges itself.

  36. The material universe is limited and conditioned; the world of mathesis is unlimited and unconditioned save by its own limitations and conditions.

  37. How can Unconditioned Being be subject to conditions beyond itself?

  38. To call the conditioned and the unconditioned alike Ideas is a confounding of dignities that Pure Reason should not tolerate, whether the procedure be read as a leveling down or a leveling up.

  39. It did not concern him to know what might be the nature of that unconditioned self-existence; for though, like our ideas of space and time, incomprehensible, it must be assumed.

  40. This elementary trinitarian idea of the first chapter of Genesis may be further stated thus: The name Elohim expresses the absolute unconditioned will and reason--the Godhead.

  41. Pro primo: the absolutely first, purely unconditioned principle, would express the action underlying all consciousness and without which consciousness cannot exist.

  42. The proposition A--A is therefore conditioned (hypothetically) as far as its essence is concerned, and unconditioned only as far as its form goes.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unconditioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; categorical; complete; conclusive; decided; decisive; definite; definitive; determinate; downright; entire; explicit; express; final; fixed; flat; free; full; global; implicit; indisputable; limitless; open; outright; peremptory; perfect; plenary; positive; round; total; unbound; unbounded; unconditional; unconfined; undoubting; unequivocal; unhampered; unhesitating; unlimited; unmeasured; unmistakable; unmitigated; unqualified; unquestioning; unreserved; unrestricted; utter; whole