It may be added that, as might be expected, titillation of the skin often has the same significance in animals as in man.
Scaliger proposed to class titillation as a sixth, or separate, sense.
When an image changes place in the idea, it produces a titillation equal to that which would be produced in the order of material things.
Oft would he ope the lid, and oft immerge His fingers," for the purpose of exciting an agreeable titillation in a very sharp nose, that blushed like a corn-poppy.
She gave my penis the most delicate titillation whilst I was searching in my pocket for the money, but she would not let me after she had got the five shillings.
She seemed weaker, and was so, for gradually she had got inflamed and lewd by heat, the electrical condition of the atmosphere, the titillation of my finger on her seat of pleasure, and the sight of my stiff penis.
The titillationof figured music is held very cheaply by men of religious mind, in comparison with the sweetness of the church chant.
They probably please expect my bile was moved To purpose, nor much blame me: now, they judge, The fiery titillation urged my flesh Break through the bonds.
As titillation and inebriation were falling flat with each passing moment, so her smile at imagining her forthcoming beating was momentary.
Word, sentient to the titillation of a Thought, if thou wilt not aid me?
Vase lived as they looked upon it: seeming to be flesh moved by the utterance of a Word, creeping to the titillation of a Thought.
The patients frequently vomit at the same time from the disagreeable titillation of blood about the fauces; and are thence liable to believe, that the blood is rejected from the stomach.
Well, what is love but just the titillation produced by this image imprinted on your flesh, just as the pleasure of a pinch is the effect of a titillation of the nerves in the nose?
She soon became excited with my caresses and the titillationwhich my finger kept up without her fortress, and I succeeded in laying her upon the bed and throwing up her clothes so as to disclose it fairly to my view.
Titillation'--titillation here and there; but I think that we did have a subject.
He knew that he was, for his body tingled with the titillation of one wanting sex.
If he could lean against a stupa and be in awe of the sun baking his face like a brick or appreciate the titillation of wind caressing his head like that of a Cambodian child-beggar patted by a foreigner, he would at last be alive.
However, anytitillation regarding a man was tremor and mudslides.
She advanced nimbly to her brother and saluted him; not in the way she had done to John, but with an inoffensive titillation on his cheek with her downy little hand; which she intended, as she said, for a slap for his impertinence.
Just as we were beginning to enjoy the titillation we were interrupted by the approach of one of my family who, however, was not quick enough to discover us.
Titillation of the anus appears to be frequently pleasurable in women; and this is not surprising considering the high degree of erotic sensitivity which is easily developed at the body orifices where skin meets mucous membrane.
Now he who loves an effect must proportionately love its cause, and titillation accompanied by the idea of its external cause is, Spinoza has proved, what men call love.
Fortunate indeed was Achilles that Homer sang of him, and fortunate the poets that make a public titillation out of their sorrows and ignorance.
This little titillation of the unusual in the midst of their sober walk of life affected them like champagne.
The same prejudice has place in all our other sensations, even in those of titillation and pain.
And we see that local motion alone causes in us not only the sensation of titillation and of pain, but also of light and sounds.