No one of these has the advantage of knowing all the ideas and experience of the others, and therefore cannot draw just conclusions from a combination of the whole.
The conversation at first consisted of mutual declarations of disposition to reasonable accommodations, but I suppose each party had its own ideas of what should be meant by "reasonable.
In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalogue more or less numerous, as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name.
This whole transaction gave us Americans the first suspicion that our exalted ideasof the prowess of British regulars had not been well founded.
They did not court the society of the "sojers" below, whose camp ideas of neatness differed from theirs.
In it dwell a simple, primitive people, shut out from the world almost as much as if they lived in New Zealand, and with the speech, manners and ideasthat their fathers brought into the Valley when they settled it a century ago.
He has the most remarkable ideas of things, and there seems to be absolutely no limit to his ambition.
He had taken occasional trips to Long Branch and Asbury Park on Saturday afternoons, but every other day he spent in working up ideas for the paper, and each evening he devoted to the shorthand school.
You can be as independent as you like, Archie," he said, "and use your own ideas as much as you like.
But Mammy had stormed and scolded in vain, the addition to her little four-roomed cabin was built by Haydn Stuyvesant, all Constance's practical ideas for the needs of such a kitchen being followed out to the minutest detail.
Mammy could not abide the new-fangled hair mattresses, but clung tenaciously to her bygone ideas of "real downright comfort fer a body dat's clar beat out when de day's done.
After we arrived at the front our ideas were changed, and we came to the conclusion that the trenches we had seen depicted at home had been dug for the benefit of photographers, and were situated in some nearby park.
With the Empire plunged into a great war, it was not a time to consider the ancient and pampered ideas of consistency.
Your skull was not made to put ideas in, it was made to throw potatoes at.
The same two ideas of union and yet of pursuit are brought still more closely together in other parts of Scripture.
The picture is about equally far removed from old-world and from modern ideas of her place.
But there are connected with it other ideas besides those of mere duration.
Both the ideas of ordering and establishing are contained in the word.
But if the ritual had been irregularly observed, and the circle of ideas in the law become unfamiliar, many explanations would be necessary.
He may have felt that my ideas on business matters were different from his, and didn't like it.
Her ideas on that latter point were not those of her son.
Since yesterday his ideas on the subject of Mr. Elmore had changed.
Shortly I shall hope to lay my ideas before you; when you have assimilated them, you will be able to judge for yourself whether or not they're speculative.
I have some ideas in that direction now, though on Saturday I thought I never should.
Don't you get any ideas of that kind in your head; don't you try it on.
Look, then, at that combination in the true Christian character of the two apparently opposite ideas of warrior and priest.
Current ideas of sin diminish its gravity by tracing it to heredity or environment, or viewing it as a necessary stage in progress.
We must keep in view the variety of ideas embodied in His sacrifice, and how all correspond to realities in our wants and spiritual experience.
Are there not blended together in this pregnant phrase the ideas of profoundest calm and of intensest action, that being expressed by the attitude, and this by the locality?
The General Ideas contained in this Image of a Feast.
The apostolic designation of Jesus as 'the power of God and the wisdom of God' blends the two ideas of these two symbols.
Current ideas of the love of God distort it by pitting it against His retributive righteousness.
The close bringing together of the ideas of majesty and power and of humiliation, suffering, and weakness, would be a paradox to the first hearers of the prophecy.
I ask you then to come with me while I deal, as simply as may be, with these three ideas that lie before us in this great prophecy.
That conception of the future perfect state as a 'city' includes the ideas of happy social life, of a settled polity, of stability and security.
But in this view ideas become a veil between us and outside things--we never really, in knowledge, attain to the things we are supposed to be knowing about, but only to the ideas of those things.
The most noteworthy is the one in which Socrates, as a young man, is explaining the theory of ideas to Parmenides.
But although I think the theory that judgments consist of ideas may have been suggested in some such way, yet I think the theory itself is fundamentally mistaken.
But this is a vague conception, and introduces ideas which we have not yet considered.
Most of the associations of this word are bound up with ideas as to causation which it is not now possible to maintain.
What these ideas mean, it is necessary to know if you wish to become an arithmetician.
The upper windows show us nothing within that we are accustomed to connect with ideas of domestic comfort.
All his own ideas went down before the ingenious complications conceived by the late head of the Fairbrother firm.
It was evident that Miss Fairbrother approved of him, and felt satisfied that her rescuer was a young man of noble ideas and a true hero.
Perhaps he wants your ideas upon the campaign in Western Virginia, and a report of the general's real motives and intentions," suggested Dora gayly.
It is not known that they have any distinct ideasof a God, or of the existence of the soul.
In the measure in which those ideas gained a foothold in the communities, conditions, at least in the larger centres, took on a comfortable aspect, with more or less assurance of permanent well-being.
The same order of ideas is presented in the greater part of the original pieces in his "Little Fables for Big Children".
Such ideas as these involved Luzzatto in discussions and polemics with the greater number of his friends, the German Jewish scholars, whose views were far removed from his.
Literary creation is now at its full blossom, and the ferment of ideas instilled from all sides is so powerful that an abundant harvest may be expected.
He committed the anachronism of transporting the humanist ideas of the Lithuanian Maskil to the period of Isaiah.
These "intellectuals" entered the lists against religious fanaticism and casuistic methods, seeking to replace them by liberal ideas and scientific research.
The distinction of the editor of Ha-Shahar is that he knew how to develop the ideas enunciated by the masters preceding him, how to carry them to completion, and render them accessible to the people at large.
The return to the language and the ideas of an eventful past marks a decisive stage in the perturbed career of the Jewish people.
The century-long struggle between free-thinking and blind faith, between common sense and absurdity consecrated by age and exalted by suffering, reveals an intense social life, a continual clashing of ideas and sentiments.
His main distinction is that he released the Hebrew language forever from the forms and ideas of the Middle Ages, and connected it with the circle of modern literatures.
On the ideas of the master, his successors built up their conceptions of the Jewish people.
It is full of crazy ideas that are most unbecoming in a young girl, and I don't consider such things proper for you to read.
If you have ideas of your own and wish to carry them out, I will help you in every way in my power.
But as your ideas are to be kept to yourself, so are mine.
Nannie, who had ideas of her own, rode off with her father when they started home.
Nay, with ideas that were worn out before he was born, as Nelson's and Gladstone's were!
Her ideas as to her own right of initiative had undergone a change.
I've been bursting with ideas about farming all my life.
As long as your tastes and your ideas aren't too different .
Your looker's done things that no farmer on this Marsh ud put up with a month, and yet you keep him on, you with all your fine ideas about farming and running Ansdore as your poor father ud have had it .
She confided some of these ideas to Arthur Alce and a few neighbouring farmers.
It was obvious to Walland Marsh that, on the whole, her big ideas had succeeded where the smaller, more cautious ones of her neighbours had failed.
The news of Waterloo once again drove the Prince's ideas into their old current.
Berthier, who had not half his military ability, had made an excellent chief of the staff, because he had the rare quality of effacing his own ideas and acting simply as the recorder and expander of those of Napoleon.
It was this conflict between his liberal ideas and his personal interest which caused that fatal hesitation which again and again threatened to spoil his career and which made him so immensely inferior to Napoleon.
In a subordinate position he could usually control himself enough to obey orders, in a subordinate position also he could do good staff work, and his quick impetuous brain teemed with ideas which were useful to his superiors.
Berthier found the post well suited to him; inspired by the liberal ideas which he had gained in America, he threw himself heart and soul into the work.
The dispute (as the names of the disputants import) arose upon the question as to whether universal ideas were things or only the names of things, and on this the internecine contest went on.
They carried all their Western ideasalong with them.
He had even written to the Pope with offers of accommodation and reconcilement, and made no secret of his individual and official disgust at the levelling ideas of those grave followers of Knox and Calvin.
His mother was very anxious about the profane ideas and behaviour of her son, for he mocked just as much at every other usage of the holy church, which he was pleased to designate as "jokes of the priests.
The young fellows of the village soon became ashamed of their clothes, and wished to imitate the vain ideas of their paragon.
Both giants belong to that age in which their huge race first began to conform their rough nature to the ideas of civilization, when Christianity entered into the then impenetrable valleys of the Tyrol.
Indeed, that morning, listening to his drawl and looking up at the dark handsome face with its touch of recklessness, the association of Mary's ideas widened.
Susan, indeed, served as a lay figure upon which she could drape new ideas and confections.
I suggest removing Posy from Orchard Street, and sending her to a carefully conducted boarding school, where plenty of fresh air and exercise will soon blow these ideas out of her pretty head.
But during these dreams she beheld herself as herself, never reckoning that her ideas and ideals might make another woman of her under conditions and conventions other than what she so thoroughly understood.
Her ideas had been put to headlong flight, but they returned like homing doves to the great and joyous fact that her prospective son-in-law possessed ten thousand pounds.
Her ideas and ideals were coloured or discoloured by the persons with whom she came in contact, but she was modest and sensible enough to realize that her experience of the big things of life was negligible.
Something happened en route that gave you ideas about Albuquerque?
Guess Freddy was gettingideas that maybe he was losing his grip.
I was afraid that you were just two more Staff officers to get in our hair, and then return to Washington with all kinds of darn fool ideas and suggestions.
You’ve come up out of nowhere with good ideas before.
Maybe my ideas on the wire tapping were as wet as the Bay over there.
Everybody has ideas and opinions of his own, you know.
I didn’t have any ideas about going to Albuquerque!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ideas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.