Of these one was smashed up, the others, one army and two navy, were used to teach mechanics to take down and re-assemble engines, etc.
It has, however, a staff of skilledmechanics and a great deal of floor space for the construction of aeroplanes to specifications.
An arrangement of this nature would also remove the severe inconvenience occasioned by the extreme scarcity of able mechanics throughout the colony.
So Randal now brought his experience and art to bear; put aside those heavy roundabout blows, and darted in his own, quick and sharp--supplying the due momentum of pugilistic mechanics to the natural feebleness of his arm.
The bulk of the people were small farmers in the country, tradesmen and mechanics in the towns.
On the other hand, our experience has not proved that men of wealth make any better use of their ballots than do, for instance, mechanics and other handicraftsmen.
The object of his work is to reduce all the principles of mechanics to the single one of the equilibrium, and to give a simple formula applicable to them all.
Their mechanics certainly exceed all others in some lines.
As a rule the native born workers are mechanics employed in the power and maintenance departments.
He manifested a genius for mechanics at an early age, though portrait-painting was his first profession.
A party of divers were engaged, who were chiefly mechanics and engineers, who were exempt from military service in the Confederacy, but who sympathised fully with its cause.
Historians of science, however, have traced many of the 17th century's concepts of mechanics back into the Middle Ages.
Washington was jubilant; Carnegie Mechanics was equally confident now that it was in the lead.
However, Washington had a formidable rival in the Carnegie Mechanics Institute, which was also undefeated so far.
The game between the Washington High School and the Carnegie Mechanics Institute, which was to decide the girls' basketball championship of the city, was scheduled for the 15th of February.
The Carnegie Mechanics came out in a body to witness their team win the championship.
In the first place, he had lost his winter's allowance of pocket money by staking it on the Washington-Carnegie Mechanics game.
If desirable the 4 mechanics and 4 privates (signalmen) who are not assigned to platoons regularly, can be used to fill the blank files in the 2d and 3d squads.
They further state, that the average number of houses, which this body of mechanics has built, for the last five years, is twelve hundred houses a year.
A great manymechanics are thrown out of employment by the stoppage of building.
He hastened on to join his companions on their journey down the line of hangars, outside of which aeroplanes were sputtering and smoking, and excited aviators and mechanics hustling about.
Instead, she remained in the hangar and kept a watchful eye on Fanning Harding, who, with some mechanics and the same man she had noticed about the hangar the day before, was very busy over his machine, apparently.
Good mechanics will not accept jobs that are good for only part of the year.
The great economies began in assembling and then extended to other sections so that, while to-day we have skilled mechanics in plenty, they do not produce automobiles--they make it easy for others to produce them.
Mechanics who are thoroughly familiar with the construction and operation of Ford cars.
If there is not enough work to employ all the mechanics whom we see standing idle about the streets, how would it help these labourers in the procession if they could all become skilled workmen?
Notwithstanding my love for mechanics I still retained a spice of the antiquarian feeling.
The first of these sectional models of the steam-engine was made for the Edinburgh School of Arts, where its uses in instructing mechanics and others in the application of steam were highly appreciated.
The rapidity with which they thus acquired the efficiency of thoroughly practical mechanics was surprising.
We could not find mechanics in the neighbourhood; but might they not, be found elsewhere?
We were soon in receipt of the welcome intelligence that numbers of the best class of mechanics had applied, and that our agent's principal difficulty consisted in making the proper selection from amongst them.
It was in the highest degree interesting and instructive to hear these two great pioneers in the history and application of mechanicsdiscussing the events connected with the block-making machinery.
If we go on as some mechanics are doing, we shall soon be boiling our eggs with a chronometer!
The Emperor, he said, was desirous of training a class of Russian mechanics to supply not only the locomotives but to keep them constantly in repair.
It was thus that I had taken several of the Worsley men from the rank of labourers, and raised them to the class mechanics with correspondingly higher wages.
Edward Cowper was one of the most successful mechanics in bringing the printing machine to a state of practical utility.
Mechanics and ironfounders wondered at the new power which had been born.
To do this properly required great care and judgment, in order that the parts might not be disturbed, and that the mechanics might proceed towards their completion without any unnecessary delay.
I was there, with the two mechanics I had brought with me from Patricroft to erect the steam hammer.
His genius lay in new adaptations of the principles of mechanics or in new combinations of the elements of engineering practice in such way as to further the purposes in view.
Baird warmly congratulated the mechanics who contrived the storm, and was enthusiastic over the acting of the hero.
Anyway, he was now quite certain that the mechanics of this dead amour were not those approved of in the best screen circles.
The mechanicsof the leap itself required more time.
Farmers and mechanics suddenly became statesmen, and in every shop and cabin nearly every question was asked and answered.
In our time we have plenty of mechanics but no tradesmen.
You are in partnership with the mechanics who make your reapers, your mowers and your plows; and you should take into your granges all the men who make their living by honest labor.
Mechanics left their shops, and laborers came in out of the field, and sat almost motionless throughout her meetings, showing impatience only when the lecture was over and they could hear no more.
A majority of the stockholders are mechanics or working-men, and (as is the case in almost every other good work) a number are women.
Several persons, looking like mechanics and their wives, were present; every one sat in profound silence, and with that quiet subdued air, that serious people assume on entering a church.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 mechanics and technicians have been sent into different branches of the government service by Dunwoody Institute.
The aeronautics school is located at Pensacola, Florida, and is divided into two courses: mechanics of aeronautics, and flying.
It also outlined a scheme for taking a census of mechanics and technicians for the state of Minnesota, which is now being carried out, and on the basis of which recruiting will go forward for every branch of the government service.
The ingenuity and skill of American mechanics have been demonstrated at home and abroad in a manner most flattering to their pride.
Employment by the day asmechanics and laborers in the armories, arsenals, navy-yards, etc.
If any one is concerned in knowing the ordinary laws of mechanics one would think it is the hand-labourer, whose daily toil lies among levers and pulleys; or among the other implements of artisan work.
I have asked for some knowledge of the physics and the mechanics and the chemistry of the human body, and I have been met by talk about cells.
So I think it may be said that mechanicsand osteology are pure science.
He brought German mechanics into Russia, established printing-presses, and made a commercial treaty with Queen Elizabeth, whom he invited to an alliance against Poland and Sweden.