But in all, scarcely excepting the greatest, agriculture was deemed of more importance than now, not only in the suburbs and farms of the city domains, but also within the towns; many citizens lived upon the produce of their fields.
The agriculture of the country, before the Thirty years' war, nay even the relative proportion of the value of corn to that of silver, at a time when the export of corn was only exceptional, lead to the same conclusions.
German agriculture acquired from the Romans the greater part of its implements, also wheat, barley, and much of the remaining produce.
The Farmers' Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture are also most valuable to the people who are in search of help.
In the modern depopulation of Asia, the regular operation of government and agriculture is confined to the neighborhood of cities; and the distant country is abandoned to the pastoral tribes of Arabs, Curds, and Turkmans.
In the management of the revenue, he disapproved the simple but oppressive mode of a capitation, and preferred with reason a proportion of taxes deducted on every branch from the clear profits of agriculture and commerce.
The art of agriculture had amused the leisure, and exercised the pens, of the best and wisest of the ancients; and their chosen precepts are comprised in the twenty books of the Geoponics [6] of Constantine.
I searched every work I could find on agriculture to find out what it was that farmers fed their blamed cut-worms, but all scientists seemed to be silent.
Agriculture has a charm about it which I can not adequately describe.
The beginnings of agricultureare referred in Melanesia to the Little One or to Qat, in Mexico to the god or culture-hero Quetzalcoatl, in Peru to Viracocha or Pachacamac, or to Manco Capac and his wife.
Nabu stands for agriculture as well as for wisdom, and Ea for wisdom as well as for the great deep.
Roman gods, homely figures, occupied withagriculture and affairs of State, have no adventures and no biographies.
We find, in fact, that in many cases totemic regulations are less strict where the food supply is plentiful and where agriculture is practiced.
In the islands of Torres Straits and in New Guinea agriculture marks a dividing line between stricter and looser organizations based on regard for the totem.
It may be said that, while totemism appears in those forms of social life that have been created by hunting communities,[1045] taboo is the product of more settled societies, in which agriculture plays an important part.
Its home has been, and is, in isolated hunting communities; agriculture and social intercourse have been fatal to it as to all early forms of society based on a belief in kinship with nonhuman natural objects.
Chance may have suggested the function of seeds in the growth of plants, and, agriculture once entered on, the labor of animals would gradually be utilized.
In any case it does not invalidate what is said above of the rĂ´le of agriculture in the modification of savage institutions.
He spent a great part of his life in improving and experimenting on various instruments used in agriculture and the arts.
He published a work onagriculture in 10 volumes quarto.
HENRY LEWIS DU HAMEL died at Paris; eminent for his knowledge of mechanics, agriculture and commerce.
He had for some time devoted himself to agricultural inquiries, and published several volumes on theagriculture of foreign countries.
Besides his works on agriculture he published his tours.
Kayasths do not pierce the nostrils of bullocks themselves, but these rites perhaps recall their dependence on agriculturein their capacity of village accountants.
Nearly all the Halbas are now engaged in agriculture as tenants and labourers.
They worship their implements of agriculture on the last day of Chait (April), applying turmeric and vermilion to them.
Agriculture and the service of the village headman are the traditional occupations of Kirars.
The chapter on agriculture was printed separately as a pamphlet in 1892.
But the first condition of such rational agriculture is fixed organisation.
They are more numerous in the Mysore province, where more than two thousand were returned in the same year as being engaged in agriculture and Government service.
The word Paniyan means labourer, and they believe that their original occupation was agriculture as it is, for the most part, at the present day.
It is probable, however, that a new era in agriculture has begun.
He viewed with equal concern its agricultureand manufactures, and, so far as they came within the regular exercise of the powers of this government, they experienced regard and favor.
They were most desirable settlers for a new country, as industrious as they were intelligent and religious, and well versed in agriculture as well as the mechanical and finer arts.
Her manufactures and commerce began to decline; men could not be recruited to keep up her fleets and armies, and even agriculture felt the blight of national degeneracy.
History ofAgriculture and Prices in England, 4 vols.
This repressive legislation failed to secure its purpose, as the steady flow of labour from agriculture to manufacture continued.
This was not an ideal solution; it was a compromise which would at least present the advantage of giving new life to the agriculture and commerce of the South.
He discussed philosophy and agriculture with them, played duets on his violin, and sincerely regretted the loss of that pleasant society when he had to leave after his appointment as governor.
If it is true that during Jefferson's administration industrial and agricultural interests clashed for the first time in America, I fail to see that the President made any effort to favoragriculture at the expense of industry.
He resented particularly the fact that he had been represented as a friend to agriculture and an enemy to commerce, "the only means of disposing of its products.
Agriculture and the cereals seem to have been unknown, though stores of acorns and hazel nuts were found which had been roasted for food.
Agriculture follows next in order, and considerable proficiency was attained, barley and wheat being staple articles of food, and apples, pears, and other fruit being stored for winter consumption.
Agriculture appeared to me to be in a highly improved state: there are artificial grasses and meliorating crops.
The Alps greatly increase the surface of Switzerland when compared with less mountainous countries, and it therefore can support vast flocks in situations where agriculture would be impracticable.
Many houses had been destroyed, but the agriculture of the country did not seem to have suffered by the contest.
In 1785 he was associated with others in founding the Royal Irish Academy; and, during the two succeeding years, mechanics and agriculture occupied most of his time.
A third land grant is that made in 1862 for colleges of agriculture and the mechanical arts.
Intermediate Education Board and the Department forAgriculture and Technical Instruction.
Neither rain, snow or sun stops the Division of Agriculture in its appointed rounds," Troy said flippantly.
To the executive branch of the government had come the Secretary of Water Resources, and with the creation of the new cabinet office, the former cabinet posts of Agriculture and Interior were relegated to subordinate and divisional status.
The milpa system of agriculture involves clearing the forest by fire, destroys valuable humus and forces the farmer to seek new fields frequently.
However, I believe students of agriculture will agree with me that deforestation, increased erosion, and aggrading gravel banks probably drove the folk out of Saylla.
Although we were now in the zone of light annual rains, it was evident from the extraordinary irrigation system that agriculture here depends very largely on ability to bring water down from the great mountains in the interior.
But beyond this he got no sign of agriculture out of the place at all.
Agriculture vexed him, and still more, of course, the money concerns which had brought him to America.
In agriculture we have already seen that the growing power of Roman capital was gradually absorbing the intermediate and small landed estates in Italy as well as in the provinces, as the sun sucks up the drops of rain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agriculture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: agriculture; cultivation; culture; farming; husbandry; hydroponics