The honest subordinate preacher also, he received a shot not far off the heart but none of these were mortal.
Of the townsmen, these were wounded, namely, my Lord Reason; he was wounded in the head.
These were committed to close custody, and the gaoler's name was Mr. True-Man.
These were coiners of money, and they made some very good offers to me, as to profit; but the part they would have had me have embarked in was the most dangerous part.
These were not so plentiful as I once remembered, though still the old town wore its old face--appearing fairer than ever, as I myself grew older.
These were Mrs. Halifax and her husband, Jem and Jenny.
Armed with rifles, sure to the white speck on the target, at the distance of one hundred paces, or to decapitate the wild turkey on the top of the tallest pine--these were indeed a formidable band.
These were headed by the two Harrisons, one afterwards a colonel, the other a major in the British service; whom Tarleton calls men of fortune.
These were, however, mere secondary matters, and the public were anxiously waiting for the Government to begin the grand reforming campaign.
Only five or six were over twenty-five, and none of these were ringleaders.
These were out-of-the-way places then; there were no tourists in those days; I did not meet a single compatriot either in the Polish or Russian town.
These were mounted on mules and horses, and I was appointed to conduct them to Monterey by land.
These were engaged in hewing logs, building a mill-dam, and putting up a saw-mill.
These were believed to remain in the body till the witches confessed or were executed, when they were voided from the bowels, or by the mouth, nostrils, or ears.
These were fanaticism on the one hand, and a desire of retrieving his military fame on the other, which had suffered more than his parasites liked to remind him of.
These were, that the Christians should be allowed to retain their possessions in the Holy Land, and that a truce of ten years should be proclaimed.
These were of silver, and had armour of gold upon their bodies.
Though they were brothers, these were not of one spirit; for one was weaker but the other a far better man, one terrible and strong, the mighty Heracles.
These were destroyed by their own hands and passed to the dank house of chill Hades, and left no name: terrible though they were, black Death seized them, and they left the bright light of the sun.
These were, that he should attend the medical classes common to the two universities, and at the same time accompany him in his visits to the poor.
These were chiefly of those who came from the country, ready to follow an example set them by a town boy.
There were ruined castles on the overhanging cliffs and crags all the way; these were said to have their legends, like those on the Rhine, and what was better still, they had never been in print.
I immediately examined the guide-book to see if these were important, and found they were; in fact, a pedestrian tour of Europe could not be complete without them.
These were at times covered with a thin film of ice.
If there had been only one mirror, it might possibly have helped to locate me; but there were two, and two were as bad as a thousand; besides, these were on opposite sides of the room.
When the main body had made their camp for the night, some of the best teams were sent back for those who had dropped behind, and it was early morning before all of these were brought in.
As soon as these were loaded, a messenger from Higbee, named McFarland, rode up with a message that everything should be hastened, as he feared he could not hold back the Indians.
Some were lamenting, and in restless motion; but, these were few.
These were part of the thirty thousand mentioned above, ver.
Duke Dison, duke Eser, duke Disan: these were dukes of the Horrites that ruled in the land of Seir.
When dreams are from God, as these were, the interpretation of them is a gift of God.
Two of these were lying on some old sails near the forecastle, and the third, who appeared to be looking at us with great curiosity, was leaning over the starboard bow near the bowsprit.
In regard to terms, these were made to depend upon the exertions of the savages in our absence.
These were succeeded by drowsiness and stupor, and low murmurings of "'Tekeli-li!
The walls of this queer room had photographs and pictures, taken apparently from illustrated papers, pinned up at random for their only ornament.
To please the Egyptians, he secured the Church's acceptance of the adoration of the Virgin.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "these were" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.