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Example sentences for "references"

Lexicographically close words:
refered; referee; referees; reference; referenced; referencing; referenda; referendum; referr; referral
  1. That like Guingamor he was thought of as recovering, and reigning with undiminished vigour over his fairy kingdom, is clear from numerous references in mediaeval romance.

  2. From the references made to the story by later writers, however, it is quite clear that Guingamor was supposed to have regained his youth on his return to Fairyland, and to enjoy practical immortality as the lord of its queen.

  3. One portion of the truth, however, I carefully concealed: namely, the references made by the lovers to herself.

  4. References to enzymes were extremely few and far between.

  5. References to Ossian, with a literal translation of a few verses from the end of Temora, Bk.

  6. The book also contains reflections on the times of Ossian, references to geographical localities connected with the bard, etc.

  7. These references to Ossian in the essay Ueber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung are contained on pp.

  8. References to Ossian, Orran and Ullin in an essay by Graeter entitled Kurzer Begriff von den Druiden, Barden, Skalden, Minstrels, Minnesingern und Meistersaengern.

  9. These as well as all later references to the Poems of Ossian are made to the Tauchnitz Edition (1847), which contains the complete works and is probably more easily accessible than any other, particularly on the continent.

  10. References to the authenticity of the works of Ossian on p.

  11. Printed Works in the British Museum and other Libraries, Authorities found, References verified, Works revised for publication, and Researches connected with all branches of Literary Inquiry, executed on very moderate terms by W.

  12. There are also references to authorities in Humphreys On Ancient Coins and Medals.

  13. There were innumerable references to such régimes in the histories of ancient Earth.

  14. He heard references to the fight off Meriden, and the temporary escape of one of his enemies, and that he'd pursued it to the solar system of Mekin itself and there destroyed it while Mekin watched, helpless to interfere.

  15. That it could be sounded well, too, will have been seen from various references and from the Scene of Abraham's Sacrifice.

  16. Since many of these references are of value only to those familiar with the German, they have been abbreviated or omitted in this English version, whenever they would seem to needlessly encumber its pages.

  17. The German original is replete with references to works especially in the German language, the author having with great care quoted title and page whenever referring to an author.

  18. And indeed it is inconceivable that the Greek translator could have omitted the four references to Nebuchadrezzar (including that in verse 12) had he found them in the Hebrew text from which he worked.

  19. They deal almost exclusively with the Prophet’s own people though there are some references to neighbouring tribes.

  20. Book of Jeremiah, references to other activities of the Prophet of which the sources and the value are unknown to us.

  21. The references to Nebuchadrezzar were added, possibly by Jeremiah himself or by Baruch, as the Chaldean doom steadily drew nearer.

  22. I must say that your references please me extremely," said Aunt Caroline, as she finished reading the last one.

  23. I'm not only holding it under a false name, but now it turns out that even the references were false.

  24. You weren't too sick to give me the references and send me off to take the job.

  25. For the most part, she talked about herself; occasionally she reverted to Mary's references which, it was obvious, had made an indelible impression.

  26. People are so silly about them; they think more of references than of what you can really do.

  27. We are giving you the first opportunity because of the unusually good references you possess.

  28. I'll call up one of your references on the telephone and explain that I need a little advice.

  29. There are numerous references in Borrow's letters of this period to the book on which he was then engaged, and he invariably refers to it as his Life.

  30. References to Borrow's works throughout this volume are to the Standard Edition, published by John Murray.

  31. Chapters on yellow fever, malarial diseases and plague; contains references to the relation of insects to these diseases.

  32. Occasional references to flies and mosquitoes as carriers of disease.

  33. One of the best and most modern text-books; the volumes noted above contain many references to the relation of insects to the particular diseases under discussion.

  34. In order to avoid repetition, references are given under one head only although many might properly be included in other sections as well.

  35. Notes, extracts and references in regard to important articles during the preceding few months.

  36. Bibliography of Trypanosomiasis; embracing original papers published prior to April 1909, and references to works and papers on tsetse-flies.

  37. The short bibliographies, selected mostly through the chairman of the departments, and the very full index with references may add to the general usefulness of the eight volumes in which the work is to be presented.

  38. At the conclusion of the examination all the prisoners were committed on the same charge--that of high treason--no distinction whatever being made in the references to them from the Bench.

  39. His references to the Government and to the existing abuses were made as judiciously as possible.

  40. I found it was not possible in all cases to give references in footnotes between the Memoir and Letters; but as both are arranged chronologically there will be no difficulty in turning from one to the other when desirable.

  41. We left off minutiæ and Bible references and took to a sort of general sketch of the whole Prayer-book.

  42. Saxham had been reared in the Christian faith by a pious Welsh mother, but there had always been a little awkwardness about domestic references to the Deity.

  43. These gentle, retrospective references were never made in the Doctor's hearing.

  44. When Leibnitz published, for the first time, some of the diplomatic correspondence which ensued, he interjected the fore-name Christophorus in the references to the Columbus of this narrative.

  45. There are no references by Columbus himself to the Asiatic travels of Marco Polo, but his acquaintance with the marvelous book of the Venetian observer may safely be assumed.

  46. There are references to printed works of Columbus which I have not seen, as a Declaracion de Tabla Navigatoria, annexed to a treatise, Del Uso de la Carta de Navegar, by Dr.

  47. The loadstone was known in western and northern Europe as early as the eleventh century, and for two or three centuries there are found in books occasional references to the magnet.

  48. The scant references in the manuscripts of Adam of Bremen (A.

  49. There are various other references to maps which Columbus had constructed, to embody his views or show his discoveries.

  50. The following references will be found to be fully classified in the index which accompanies the book, and will perhaps prove suggestive, at least, of further research on the part of the individual reader.

  51. The references and descriptions of certain of the localities connected with the novels which follow are given without attempt at classification or chronological arrangement.

  52. There are many references to Maupassant in the Journal des Goncourt, and some correspondence with Marie Bashkirtseff was printed with Further Memoirs of that lady in 1901.

  53. Anything said about what might happen if he sought references in any future employment?

  54. No, sir; we generally accept the applicant's statement as to what his previous employment is, and in general, the employer checks references if he is considering hiring that individual.

  55. I saw, however, no real cause of apprehension, and endeavoured to persuade myself none existed; and very probably I should have succeeded, had not my husband so frequently indulged in references to our separation.

  56. Here is a wonderful concurrence of many references of nature to one purpose; and all this applies to the cases of the Greenlander, the Lapp, the Samoyede, the inhabitant of Yakutsk, etc.

  57. In the cognition of an object of sense both references present themselves.

  58. These references to white men and priests are intriguing.

  59. Not all the possible correlated references are included.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "references" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.