The same observer saw a good exemplification of the manner in which hybrids may be formed in a state of nature.
The ornithology of our own country affords one well-known and striking exemplification of the law of a limited specific range; for the common grouse (Tetra scoticus) occurs nowhere in the known world except in the British isles.
His public career was an exemplification of all the noble qualities that render a patriot complete and endear him to a nation of freemen.
He was an admirable model of human excellence, adorned those qualities that dignify a man and crowned his life with the lucid exemplification of primitive Christianity.
A converse exemplification of beetle-intelligence is given by G.
In no other group of animals do we meet with nearly so striking an exemplification of the truth that zoological or structural affinity is only related in a most loose and general way to psychological or mental similarity.
Not to come to me; that it would be a perfect exemplification of 'the blind leading the blind'; and when she learned my own state of uncertainty, she seemed to think so herself.
The reckless indifference of tenants has deservedly grown into a proverb, and here Beulah beheld an exemplification of its truth.
There is indeed the perfectly general sense in which so beautiful a life and so heroic a death were, of course, a grand exemplification of self-sacrifice.
The most sweeping exemplification of the axiom last alluded to, as to parallel changes, is Comte's so-called law of the three states of civilisation.
As an exemplification of the doctrine, we cite the institution of guardianship—guardian and ward; both words derived from the same Saxon root, weardian, which implies one who protects and one who is protected.
The conception of what constituted a fitting exemplification of that purpose would control the choice of facts and shape their presentation.
For final exemplification of the actual and the ideally real in chivalry, the reader may look within himself, and observe the inextricable mingling of the imaginative and the real.
Yet that thought was not native to the legend, and finds scant exemplification in Gottfried's poem.
It was one longexemplification of the purpose of God through the ways of providence.
It is deeply seated in human nature, being, in fact, no other than an exemplification of the force of habit.
It has even been stated, and often been repeated since, that a practical exemplification of this doctrine occurred, about this time, in Germany.
This is a remarkable exemplification of tools, methods of work, parts of engines and machines, all finished with extreme care and fitted with great nicety.
Rabbi Remorse Red-herring was, however, as is the way of preachers, himself aught but a concrete exemplification of the virtues he inculcated.
The Rabbi's fondness for concrete exemplification of abstract ideas was not, however, to be stifled, and there was one illustration of Charity which found a place in all the five sermons of consolation.
This may furnish anexemplification of the fact, that the "natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
I know not what those who despise their kind can make of this fact, that every human being whom we know has found in every stage of his conception of moral beauty some living exemplification which satisfied him for the time.
The vitalized school is a laboratory of life and, at the same time, it is the most nearly perfect exemplification of democracy.
I think it worth while to mention this house particularly, because it has always appeared to me a silent commentary on its master's state of mind, and an exemplification of his character both as it was and as it appeared.
The very strongest proof, as well as exemplification of all which has been said on Grecian oratory, may thus be found in the records of the British senate.
The condition of laboring men in parts of England finds striking exemplification in an incident which occurred at a colliery in Bedminster.
The law of heredity seems to find exemplification in his genius.
The musical theories of Lanier in relation to poetry find their highestexemplification in Sunrise.
If this be not an awful exemplification of the real course of Natures intention, that all should and must live and die, then, indeed, the philosophy of our learned men cannot be much relied upon!
There is a beautiful exemplification of this power given by Florian, in his story of a Theban sculptor.
In exemplification of this, I make a single quotation: it would be easy to make thousands.
Every rose has its thorn,” or “No pleasure without pain,” receives exemplification from several sources.
Never had we seen such an exemplification of their incurious, impassible diathesis as they now presented to our cost.
The grand secret of our naval discipline is the recognition of this truth: and no where does it find a more full exemplification than on board our ships.