I would rather travel, at my age, than remain in luxury and indolence even at Paris!
All this I readily assented to; for, despite my acquiescence in Montreuil's wishes, I loved not enterprise, or rather I hated whatever roused me from the dreamy and abstracted indolence which was most dear to my temperament.
His fear had been once that perhaps he was great, and that indolence and luxuriousness alone held him back from exercising that greatness.
He contrasts a life of listless indolence with one of honourable activity; and, finally, descants on the task of the historian as a suitable exercise for the highest faculties of the mind.
My father believed that it was sheer obstinacy and indolence on my part, so that I might spend my days in idleness.
His master saw his abilities were remarkable, his indolence still more remarkable.
By my faith, this comes, not of any want of ability, but of too much indolence and too little knowledge of life.
Only we must be sure that we do it as thoroughly and completely as we can; disdaining the indolence which so easily relapses to the lower level and the smaller world.
I wish indolence was the only vice of the inhabitants, but added to laziness they are in general mean in their ideas, the women licentious in their manners, and both sexes sanguinary to a degree scarcely credible.
But the indolence of the growing season of life was upon them: and there was the languor of waiting for breakfast.
The familiar poetry in praise of peace, and the Utopias, the composition of which has amused the indolence of scholars or the leisure of statesmen, originate in such hours or in such moods.
I delayed writing, not so much through indolenceas because I expected every post to hear from you.
DEAR MADAM, The indolenceof Bath and the hurry of London are alike enemies to very exact correspondencies, and I much fear that both of us will sometimes experience their baleful influence.
By his ownindolence rather than extravagance, his circumstances were embarrassed, and he had frequently declared himself tired of life.
Let me beg of you, Dear Sir, not to suffer any indolence or false delicacy to prevent your going to the bottom of your affairs.
DEAR MADAM, Instead of censuring my indolence (though you might as usual do it with very just reason), listen to a tale of wonders.
The state of Mile End had been originally the result of indolence and caprice on his part rather than of any set purpose of neglect.
The word indolence has been greatly misused in the sense of little love for work and lack of energy, while ridicule has concealed the misuse.
To-day there seems a place in Manila for just suets, missionary work as The Indolence of the Filipino aimed at.
Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but not a hereditary one.
Examining well, then, all the scenes and all the men that we have known from Childhood, and the life of our country, we believe that indolence does exist there.
Unwillingness to work when there is nothing in it for them is common to Filipinos and Americans, for Thomas Jefferson admitted that extravagance and indolence were the chief faults of his countrymen.
The evil is not thatindolence exists more or less latently but that it is fostered and magnified.
It seems that these are causes more thorn sufficient to breed indolence even in the midst of beehive.
We find, then, the tendency toindolence very natural, and have to admit and bless it, for we cannot alter natural laws, and without it the race would have disappeared.
It seems that these thoughts have never entered the minds of those who cry out against the indolence of the Filipinos.
The poet, if he would not carry burdens that are not his and obey the orders of servile lips, must sit apart in contemplative indolence playing with fragile things.
I was much obliged to all these good people, but I afterwards neglected them all; not from ingratitude, but from that invincible indolence which so often assumes its appearance.
Her complexion was rough, her form massive rather than graceful, and indicated indolence rather than vivacity.
One who ate the fruit or leaf of the lotus, and, as a consequence, gave himself up to indolenceand daydreams; one of the Lotophagi.
To be exited to thought or action from a state ofindolence or inattention.
But this very provision, though humanely intended, operated to perpetuate their indolenceand incapacity.
Notwithstanding their indolence and the unsubstantial nature of their food, they were comparatively strong and robust, as they proved in many a personal tussle with the Spaniards.
I much admire the spirit of the ancient philosophers, in that they never attempted, as our moralists often do, to lower the tone of philosophy, and make it confident with all the indulgences of indolence and sensuality.
Finally, where slaves are employed, manual industry is a degradation to white people, and indolence becomes the prevailing characteristic.
It is much to be regretted that Washington enfranchised his slaves in the manner he did; because their poverty and indolence have furnished an ever ready argument for those who are opposed to emancipation.
The peace of Arras brought back to the service of France and her king the constable De Richemont, Arthur of Brittany, whom the jealousy of George de la Tremoille and the distrustful indolence of Charles VII.
It was the time of the great war between France on the one side and England and Burgundy allied on the other, the time of intrigues incessantly recurring at court, and the time likewise of carelessness and indolence on the part of Charles VII.
The new king, who took the name of Ali Maghayat-shah, proved himself, from indolence or want of capacity, unfit to reign.