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Example sentences for "quietism"

Lexicographically close words:
quietened; quieter; quietest; quieti; quieting; quietist; quietistic; quietists; quietlie; quietly
  1. Quietism found favour in France through the writings and teachings of Francis Malaval of Marseilles and of the Barnabite Pere Lacombe.

  2. Yet it is well to realize clearly that, if Quietism necessitates an even excessive and unreal doctrine of Pure Love, a moderate and solid Pure-Love teaching has no kind of necessary connection with Quietism.

  3. We have then to consider the nature and truth of what can roughly be styled Quietism and Passivity.

  4. Here, in the deliberate suicide of this undoubtedly noble Lutheran girl, we get an act which but brings out the strength and weakness of Quietism wherever found.

  5. It is cast in the form of instructions uttered by Christ, in the first person, and teaches Illuminism and Quietism of the most exalted kind.

  6. The book was based chiefly on the utterances of St. François de Sales, but it carefully guarded the practice of Quietism from all objectionable deductions.

  7. In short, Quietism was a deep-laid conspiracy, through which Molinos expected to revolutionize the Church and reduce the religious Orders to impotence.

  8. He taught the heretical doctrine that prayer is a satisfaction for sin, while his views as to resignation to the will of God approach closely to the Quietism which we shall hereafter see condemned by the Holy See.

  9. He denied teaching that in Quietism the soul becomes impeccable, but only that it did not consent to the act of sin and he said that he knew many persons practising it who lived many years without committing even venial sin.

  10. Unluckily for him there was at Oviedo the Jesuit college of San Mathias; his reputation for Quietism seems to have preceded him, and the heads of the college resolved themselves into a corps of detectives.

  11. Thus the Judaism of the times of Nero or Domitian might cover anything from the cunning of the gipsy fortune-teller to the sad, dreaming quietism of Pomponia Graecina.

  12. You may in abject quietism submit to it, but you cannot revere or adore it.

  13. But there seems to be none and it may be justly urged that the roots of this quietism lie so deep in the Chinese character, that the plant cannot have sprung from some chance wind-wafted seed.

  14. The higher Taoist philosophy had made familiar the ideas of quietism and the contemplative life: the age was unsettled, harassed alike by foreign invasion and civil strife.

  15. My western conscience, penetrated as it is with Christian morality, has always persecuted my oriental quietism and Buddhist tendencies.

  16. But the lesson inculcated by Virgil is directly opposite to that state of quietism and pure contemplation in which Lucretius finds the ideal of human life.

  17. Is not the whole ethic of submission and quietism an immense paradox, or rather a great tragic contradiction?

  18. At best the Epicurean gods could but set an example of quietism which could not possibly be a force for good in that active world of business and government.

  19. What this quietism might mean for a Roman may be gathered from the following passage in Cic.

  20. The pious, devout, and learned Spanish divine was worthy of a better fate, and perhaps a little more quietism and a little less restlessness would not be amiss in our busy nineteenth century.

  21. Molinos has been considered the leader and founder of the Quietism of the seventeenth century.

  22. In substance Quietism taught that the interior life or spiritual perfection is reached when the soul, by union with God, holds itself in a thoroughly passive state with regard to everything else.

  23. Our French Quietists by their lucid analysis, their rich and fertile developments, made known, for the first time, what had scarcely been dreamed of in the obscure form which Quietism had prudently preserved in other countries.

  24. Quietism had quite a different character in France.

  25. Quietism is much more a method than a system: a method of drowsiness and indolence which we ever meet with, in one, shape or other, in religious direction.

  26. The theology of Quietism was wonderfully adapted to the city of catacombs, the silent city, where, from that time, scarcely anything was heard but the faint rustling of worms crawling in the sepulchre.

  27. But Quietism still flourished: the Franciscans and Jesuits had taken it into favour; the Dominicans were therefore averse to it.

  28. St. Simon tells us by what method of espionage and treason Godet proved the presence of Quietism in Saint-Cyr.

  29. But as the tendency towards quietism and introspection increased among them, another derivation for "Mysticism" was found--it was explained to mean deliberately shutting the eyes to all external things.

  30. Teresa is also indebted to Francisco de Osuna, in whose writings the principles of quietism are clearly taught.

  31. Professor Seth considers quietism the true conclusion from the mystic's premisses.

  32. The most consistent quietists were perhaps those who brought the doctrine of quietism into most discredit, such as the hesychasts of Mount Athos.

  33. Quietism was a view which two centuries ago made a great stir both in England and France, and seems embodied to some extent in certain modern forms of thought.

  34. Molinos was the founder of Quietism in Spain.

  35. Quietism would never have found a follower in the vigorous mind of St. Paul, who proved himself through all those trials and vicissitudes of more than two years ever ready with some new device wherewith to meet the hatred of his foes.

  36. Quietism errs when it disclaims these means and all sensible appearances, for there are souls whom God wills shall be always led in this way, and their state and their attractions clearly indicate it.

  37. Quietism lulls to sleep the activity of man, extinguishes his intelligence, substitutes indolent and irregular contemplation for the seeking of truth and the fulfilment of duty.

  38. The best quietism can, at most, be only a halt in the course, a truce in the strife, or rather another manner of combating.

  39. Under the equinoctial line he has no disposition for exertion, his physiological relations with the climate making quietism most agreeable to him.

  40. But when this had assumed the form of national centralization, the Greek Church dispensed with this, and, as far as regards its form, it returned again to the quietism of the Orient.

  41. The abstract quietism of the Indian penitents, of the Buddhists, of the fanatical ascetics, of the Protestant recluses, &c.

  42. The Persian fights on horseback, and thus appears in distinction from the Indian hermit seclusion and the quietism of the Lamas as restless and in constant motion.

  43. This absolute abstraction from nature and from culture, this quietism of spiritual isolation, is the ultimate result of the Passive system.

  44. But no philosophy can leave the theme of quietism and asceticism undecided if the question is proposed to it; because this theme is, in its matter, identical with that of all metaphysics and ethics.

  45. Here the truth lies between the two extremes of quietism and naturalism.

  46. True quietism is a resting in the Lord after we have done our part.

  47. Morbid as everything that came from Spain, quietism held that temptations are the means that God employs to purge the soul of passion.

  48. For the time being, however, throughout Europe generally and in certain sections of America, quietism found adherents.

  49. In quietism that indifference was solicited before subtraction came.

  50. Even for the souls of the 'deified,' quietism is never right.

  51. This is the doctrine for which quietism was condemned.

  52. Social quietism of some parts of New Heloïsa, ii.

  53. The contrast between this singular quietism and the angry stir that marked Voltaire's many flights in post-chaises, points like all else to the profound difference between the pair.

  54. There is no contradiction between this and the social quietism of other parts of the book.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quietism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.