The gypsum neutralises the alkalinity of nitrifying solutions by converting the alkaline ammonium carbonate into neutral ammonium sulphate, the calcium carbonate being precipitated.
But the third slope again, to some extent, though not entirely, neutralises the second, and this entirely upsets the calculation which only included the first two.
Maternity neutralises her moral and physical inferiority, pity extinguishes cruelty, and maternal love counteracts sexual indifference.
The Gnosis neutralises everything connected with empiric history; and if this does not everywhere hold good with regard to the actual occurrence of facts, it is at least invariably the case in respect to their significance.
This thought, which presupposes the idea of God's unchangeableness, at bottom neutralises every quasi-historical and mythological consideration.
Hyoscyamine neutralisesacids fully, and forms crystallisable salts, which assume for the most part the form of needles.
Sparteine neutralises acids fully, but the oxalate is the only one which can be readily obtained in crystals.
The first acid apparently is so dilute that the distillate more than neutralises it, hence more sulphuric acid is added to complete neutralisation.
Brucine fully neutralises acids, and forms salts, which are for the most part crystalline.
There is, however, as I have often had occasion to point out, a moral as well as a technical efficiency, and in limiting the independence that is essential to moral efficiency, democracy neutralises the technical efficiency of its servants.
They have knowledge, good sense and intelligence, but as their want of independence, in other words their moral inefficiency, neutralises their technical efficiency, they do not and cannot possess authority.
The acid, weak as we have described, at once neutralises the irritating substance exuded from the eruption.
Although soda neutralises the sourness, it produces other effects, and tends to cause disease of the stomach.
It will be seen that the flint glass component by itself is a concave lens and therefore neutralises in part, or in whole, the convex crown lens.
The combination is so designed that the spherical aberration of the one pair neutralises that of the other, and the result is or should be a lens corrected both for chromatic and spherical aberration.
One sin, as well as one sinner, destroys much good, and a little inconsistency on the part of us professing Christians neutralises all the efforts that we may ever try to put forth for Him.
One main cause of the weakness of our Christian testimony is the imperfection of character in the witnesses, which is more powerful than all talk and often neutralises much effort.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neutralises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.