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Example sentences for "vegetation"

Lexicographically close words:
vegetarians; vegetate; vegetated; vegetates; vegetating; vegetations; vegetative; veggio; veguer; vehemence
  1. With that rising of the sap in the world of vegetation which occurs in spring, kindred processes occur within the human vegetative body.

  2. The most practised pen is powerless to describe the unnumbered marvels to be found in that inextricable vegetation called a virgin forest, which is at once strange and fascinating, majestic, and imposing.

  3. From its dense tangle rose the giant trunks of huge trees, their leafy crowns striving to push through the thick canopy of vegetation overhead into the life-giving air and sunshine.

  4. But as it fled Colonel Dermot's rifle spoke; and the big deer crumpled up and fell crashing through the vegetation to the ground.

  5. The vegetation was so dense that one could scarcely see through it, and the glade was cool and pleasant, though overhead the sun was shining as warm as ever.

  6. Now the beach would descend slowly to the sea, and there would be numerous palm-trees and luxuriant vegetation growing close within view, but again there would be steep clips, which looked menacing to a ship in the dark.

  7. The vegetation was rich and luxuriant everywhere, palm-trees, vines, and flowers growing in profusion all along the road.

  8. But four days ago I was in the semi-tropical Sacramento Valley; now gaunt winter reigns supreme, and the only vegetation is the hardy pine.

  9. Sage-brush is the first thing seen on entering Nevada, almost the only vegetation seen while passing through it, and the last thing seen on leaving it.

  10. I emerge into an upland lava plateau, where the only vegetation is sun-dried weeds and thistles.

  11. The brilliant verdure of the Southland receded from view, and the more sober vegetation of the Northland came in sight.

  12. On and on through the dark green gloom of the woodland she walked, knowing nothing of the vegetation of the South, and afraid to touch herbs or the wild fruit.

  13. On this planet grass did not grow; but there would normally be some sort of self-planted vegetation where there was soil and sunshine and moisture.

  14. All visible vegetation for half a mile to right and left was crushed and tangled.

  15. There had been such vegetation here, but now there was only a thin, repellent mass of slimy and decaying foliage.

  16. Except for the one class of killed growing things, however, vegetation was luxuriant.

  17. There were thousands upon thousands of square miles devoted to the growing of the dark-green vegetation which supplied the raw materials for Maya's space exports.

  18. But the lower, ground-covering vegetation was wilted and rotting.

  19. The moon spread beauty over the broken walls of the château on one side, and the green vegetation around us leaving some places in mysterious shade.

  20. We had to check our speed here, on account of the thick growth of vegetation that served to mask the forest path from travellers on the road.

  21. Following these, I arrived at last at a small open space, where the absence of vegetation seemed due to some natural cause.

  22. From this point forward the land begins to fall, and taking a hollow shape, is known as Coele-Syria, with its luxuriant vegetation spread between the two ranges of the Lebanon.

  23. Vegetation then awakes again, and the soil lends itself to cultivation in the hollows of the valleys and on the table-lands wherever irrigation is possible.

  24. The spring rains, however, cause an early crop of vegetation to spring up, which for a few weeks furnishes the flocks of the nomad tribes with food.

  25. One more prominent feature in Australian vegetation are the large expanses of the so-called `scrub' of the colonists.

  26. The vegetation assumed a new character, the eucalyptus and casuarina alternating with the wild cherry and honeysuckle.

  27. The salsolaceous plants, so long the only vegetation we have seen, are gone.

  28. These grow in spreading irregular bushes armed with strong spines, and where matted with other shrubs form a mass of vegetation through which it is impossible to penetrate.

  29. They were now getting to a distance from the rain-attractive influences of the Mountains of the Moon, and vegetation decreased proportionately.

  30. To the north of it is a very much larger lake called Moero, surrounded by lofty mountains, clothed to their summits with the rich vegetation of the tropics.

  31. In no part of Africa have they seen such splendid vegetation as covers this basin from the mountain-tops to the shores.

  32. Water, which collects at short depths below the surface, fertilises a number of tobacco-fields, and gives to the vegetation around a very rich character.

  33. Going down the valley, vegetation of every kind presented a different aspect from that of the high land.

  34. Curious to prove the old man's statement, I was anxious to get a peep at the catacombs; but hermetically overgrown with vegetation as they were, no aperture was visible.

  35. You go on and on, until at last the highest crag is freckled with a kind of moss, and vegetation ends.

  36. And he says "vegetation might have depended on the glare of volcanoes in the moon.

  37. Thus it is that in Provence the vegetation is nearly all of an evergreen character.

  38. The shelter thus afforded, the focussing of the sun’s rays on this spot, and the fertility of the soil, unite to make the vegetation luxuriant and varied.

  39. The Mexicans had a similar myth that the sun god and the maize goddess produced life in vegetation by their sex activity.

  40. The persons in the dance represented vegetation demons, and the dances helped to get good crops.

  41. The climate seems here to favour vegetation so much that the quality of the soil appears to be of minor importance, for everything thrives and looks verdant.

  42. A small clump of mangrove-trees on the beach was the first sign of vegetation that we had seen; and, from the absence of verdure hereabout, is a conspicuous object.

  43. The peculiar verdure of the vegetation in all parts hereabout was a proof that this part of the country had suffered less from drought than the coast to the eastward.

  44. Some slight vegetation was perceived upon it but it was so entirely covered with the excrement of birds that it had the appearance of being white-washed.

  45. There the vegetation is lush and luxuriant, showing a growth of large forest timber--the trees set thickly, and matted with many parasites, that look like cables coiling around and keeping them together.

  46. He will have no view of the lush vegetation that enlivens the valley a hundred yards below the hoofs of his horse.

  47. The moist and warm summers produce a vegetation unequalled in richness and beauty, and in the springtime, when the snows are melting, the warm and still air {35} is palpitant with the music of countless waterfalls.

  48. Its monotony is wearisome rather than impressive, and the fact that it is seldom without some form of dwarfish vegetation makes the transition less startling when the alluvial green is finally reached.

  49. That which has in it the taint of self-regard so pronouncedly and dominantly as that God is shut out, is like some vegetation down in low levels at the bottom of a vale, which never has the sun to shine upon it.

  50. He plunged alone into the tropical thicket, armed only with two pistols and a cutlass, determined to force his way through the rank vegetation along the bank of the river, and reconnoitre Fort San Carlos for himself.

  51. Reservation was then expanding rapidly in the newly favorable habitat created by one year's crop of vegetation after discontinuance of grazing, and had an unusually high percentage of breeding females that were not fully adult.

  52. Dehydration may be an important factor at times when dew is unavailable for drinking and the green vegetation remaining is exceptionally low in moisture content.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vegetation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.