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Example sentences for "duties"

Lexicographically close words:
duteous; duteously; dutiable; dutie; dutied; dutiful; dutifull; dutifully; dutifulness; duty
  1. Miss Southern said it was plain that as Agatha had important duties she ought not to run such a risk, and asked what was the object of the excursion.

  2. They had commonplace aims and duties that brought them happiness; but she had been given a harder task.

  3. A week later, Agatha went to visit George, and then feeling braced by the holiday, resumed her duties in Toronto.

  4. The office had two rooms; one very small, where a wheat-broker had a desk and combined the secretary's duties with his regular business.

  5. She was not very strong yet, but had undertaken extra duties that necessitated private study.

  6. Her ambition must be abandoned, and if she failed to find the silver, she would have to resume her monotonous duties at the school.

  7. When the vein was proved and she owned the claim she would no longer need him as she needed him now; nor would he be able to neglect his duties and follow her about as unpaid adviser.

  8. Sleep, food, and poetic musings were the desires of dear Jane's life, and she shirked all duties as clogs upon her spirit's wings.

  9. Of course I could not attend to the manifold duties on such a place, and my wife seldom had a happier thought than when she proposed that we should invite Pomona and her husband to come and live with us.

  10. If an air of distinction seems hereditary in some families it is surely because the exercise of the duties conferred by the possession of wealth has a natural tendency to ennoble the whole character and bearing.

  11. I mean that I will accept that title of friend with all the duties and obligations which it shall impose upon me.

  12. In England, except on very extensive properties, landlords do not employ an agent of this sort, and even where they do his duties are of a very different character.

  13. When the duties and risks of an agent are considered, he can by no means be regarded as highly paid.

  14. Whereupon the clerks of the post-direction became suddenly immersed in the duties of their office.

  15. He bowed, however, to the company with an air that he intended to represent the manner of a well-bred man acknowledging his duties to respected guests.

  16. Mrs. Dutton was gratified, and soon left the two to partake of their neat, but simple meal, by themselves; household duties requiring her presence elsewhere.

  17. Greenly was attending to the duties of his ship, and Bunting stood in readiness to circulate such orders as it might suit the commander-in-chief to give.

  18. Here, in the event of an action, their principal duties would have been to succour crippled ships that might be forced out of their allotted stations during the combat.

  19. At one moment, its inmates find themselves engaged in scenes of wild magnificence and fierce confusion, while at the next they revert to the most familiar duties of humanity.

  20. Enough of this, Bluewater; we have serious duties before us.

  21. As soon as the boat was clear of the frigate, the latter made all sail after the fleet, to resume her ordinary duties of a look-out and a repeating-ship.

  22. The Reverend Father would return on Easter Tuesday, and their Easter duties would be accomplished within the Octave.

  23. And however enthralling her domestic ministrations, she had always time to attend every service; while, so well ordered was her manner of life, her religious duties never involved the household in discomfort.

  24. Mark was soon too much occupied with his duties as guestmaster to lament with Brother Athanasius the end of the Sandgate priory.

  25. Mark had few sins of which to accuse himself since he last went to his duties a month ago.

  26. Do not let me give you the impression from my alluding to the heavy work of entering upon the duties and responsibilities of a new diocese that I desire to hurry you in any way this afternoon.

  27. It's all very fine for Brother George to ask me to notify Bazely at Wivelrod that the brethren wish to go to their Easter duties in his church.

  28. After dinner, the brethren retired to their cells and meditated until one o'clock, when their various duties were resumed, interrupted only in the case of those working indoors by the office of None at three o'clock.

  29. Mark was turning to go back to his domestic duties when Brother George signed to him to stop.

  30. Nor was it only in his missionary duties that he felt his old friend was allowing himself to rust.

  31. The Khasis relate this story mainly as a warning not to impose responsible duties on persons incapable of performing them, and not to raise people into high positions which they are not fitted to fill.

  32. She went about her household duties with her thoughts far away and longing for the night to come in the hope that the music would be wafted to her again.

  33. This ape did many chores about the place, and performed many simple duties as well as the other domestics did.

  34. The monkey realised that the wire performed the duties of the pin and prevented the door from opening.

  35. For years there had been tension, long disputes about buying British stamps to put on American legal papers, about duties on glass and paint and paper and, above all, tea.

  36. Horace Walpole spent a long life in luxurious ease because of offices with high pay and few duties secured in the distant days of his father's political power.

  37. That the Pia-chulah will assist them in disposing of their cargoes; and that no more than the usual duties will be exacted.

  38. Favell, my situation and duties have always been such as to render me perfectly contented.

  39. The Agent to the Governor General had been assured that the duties should be lowered two per cent.

  40. Mr. Storm, when concluding some commercial transactions with them, that they would not reduce the duties until five English ships should visit the port annually, or until after the lapse of a specified number of years.

  41. They may, indeed, be induced to lower the duties on certain articles, but it is to be feared that neither the king nor his ministers will abandon their favourite system of monopoly.

  42. In Ceylon Mr. Finlayson was indefatigable in the pursuit of botany and other branches of natural history, to which he devoted all the time that his laborious professional duties allowed.

  43. Besides, they were only exacting from me the performance of one of the prescribed duties of the country physician, performed by him from time immemorial; and why should they not exact it of me?

  44. Marquis with a sense of the fitness of things, and that even an attache of an Embassy had certain lesser duties to perform besides the supreme one of love-making.

  45. She was clearly given to understand the capacity in which she was going, the influence that sent her, and the duties expected of her.

  46. Charles appointed her lady of the bedchamber to the Queen, the duties of which post she had the delicacy to abandon to a deputy, and created her Duchess of Portsmouth.

  47. It was in fulfilling the duties of this office that she witnessed the birth of that Prince of Wales who was afterwards to be known as the "Old Pretender.

  48. That there are also ward Bishops, whose duties are confined to their several wards.

  49. That on assuming the higher duties of the Priesthood of Aaron, the judgments of God overtook them.

  50. That they were given to Aaron to assist him in the minor or lesser duties of the Priesthood; but that Aaron and his sons officiated in the leading offices of the Priesthood, and not the Levites.

  51. Make it a point to be dutiful to your parents and amicable with your brethren; the same duties extend to an administrator.

  52. Your duties quietly fulfil, And hold the upright in esteem, With earnest love.

  53. My lonesome state haunts aye my breast, While duties grow, and cares increase, Too hard to bear.

  54. As a moralist he prescribed the duties of the king and of the father, and advocated the cultivation by the individual man of that rest or apathy of mind which resembles so much the disposition aimed at by the Greek and Roman Stoic.

  55. There will we watch, Well pleased, how you your duties do.

  56. As to the duties of mourning, let them cease when the grief is past.

  57. Each could discharge his duties aright only by submitting to the moral discipline which Confucius prescribed.

  58. When a gentleman undertakes public work, he will carry out the duties proper to it; and he knows beforehand that right principles may not win their way.

  59. Your duties quietly fulfil, And hold the upright in esteem, With friendship fast.

  60. We had of late performed our respective duties with such apparent cheerfulness that the Arabs supposed we were reconciled to our lot.

  61. Fortescue had instructed the royal boy in the duties necessary for his enacting the part of "a patriot king;" and, while engaged in studies so grave, the prince had not neglected those accomplishments essential to his rank.

  62. The duties and trials peculiar to the child are explained and illustrated in this volume in the same clear and attractive manner in which those of the mother are set forth in the "Mother at Home.

  63. Margaret of Anjou, however, was not quite absorbed in her duties as wife and mother.

  64. The archbishop thenceforward was left to do in comparative obscurity the duties of his episcopal office in his diocese of Cambray.

  65. Pretty sound doctrine, the foregoing, on the subject of the duties devolving on a king.

  66. Welsted confined himself, after some skirmishing with his critics, to his duties in the Ordnance Office.

  67. That incubation is sometimes shared by both sexes is proved by the fact that both Walpole Bond and Seton Gordon have witnessed the change of duties and the latter has actually photographed the birds in the act of changing places.

  68. The male has to stay at home, keep house, and attend to the young, while the female thinks she has done all that is necessary by merely fulfilling the duties nature demands of her, namely, the laying of the eggs.

  69. Even so, if the sexes changed duties at short intervals or behaved in exactly the same manner, it would not be a matter of great difficulty to trace a bird back to its nesting ground.

  70. The same observer says: Both birds share in the duties of incubation and are very zealous in defense of their treasures, especially when their pretty tawny brown chicks are first bursting forth.

  71. We never observed other than the female carrying on the loving duties of incubation and seldom indeed was the male even in close attendance.

  72. The peculiar views held by Oberlin people with regard to their relations and duties to the government, which are commonly known as the doctrine of the Higher Law, were but the natural outgrowth of Christian benevolence.

  73. Privates were obliged to perform the duties of sergeants and corporals.

  74. It is quite time for us to recognise that unemployment and absence of duties is as great a disadvantage to the rich as it is to the poor; the sort of employment must necessarily differ, but the spirit in which it is to be done is the same.

  75. Even if a young man is foolish enough to risk his happiness and success for the sake of animal enjoyment, he cannot without base selfishness and disloyalty disregard the duties he owes to others.

  76. Wilkie was soon called away by the duties of his station; but Washington Irving remained for several months, spell-bound in the old enchanted pile.

  77. I once had duties to perform which kept me out late at night, and severely taxed my health and spirits.

  78. Then, with some eager impassioned words, in which she pronounced her ideas of what should be the religious duties of a woman, Mrs Winterfield bade farewell to her niece.

  79. That I have often failed in my stewardship I know well for in what duties do we not all fail?

  80. Now an aunt of that kind, when she assumes her duties towards a motherless niece, is apt to make life serious.

  81. But when the mother is gone, if there be an aunt unimpeded with other family duties, then the family duties of that aunt begin and are assumed sometimes with great vigour.

  82. They will be astonished at the very gratifying difference in the result between it and the old listless walk, and how much easier the day's duties come now.

  83. It is a matter of fitness for ordinary duties--duties often of very great importance to the public weal, which may spring up at any moment, and which call for unusual physical resources.

  84. No man is fit to train English boys to fulfil their duties as Englishmen who has not marked, learned, and inwardly digested it.

  85. It always grieves me," said the visitor, "to see children entering on the duties of life when they are scarcely more than infants.

  86. She was happy to show how thankful she was to the kind schoolmaster by doing such household duties as his little cottage stood in need of.

  87. The meal finished, Nell helped to wash the cups and saucers, and put them in their proper places; and these duties done, Mrs. Jarley dressed herself in a very bright shawl for the purpose of passing through the streets of the town.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "duties" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.