The activity of the plague in London in 1563 made up for its dormancy in the years preceding.
It is impossible to figure such dormancy of the virus except on the hypothesis that it was a soil-poison, having its habitat in the pores of the ground.
The difference between rest period and dormancy is of great importance in the United States in determining the amount of cold injury that may be sustained by woody plants.
A distinction of great importance from a physiological and a practical point of view is made between rest and dormancy in plants.
The layer of leaves or hay next to the wire cover of the flats assists in the work of uncovering when the inspections are made for the purpose of ascertaining the state of dormancy or germination.
It has now to be shewn that the germs of disease also retain their vital powers in a state of dormancy during a lengthened period.
Whichever notion we take, however, matters very little to the fact of the dormancy of the germs, for in both, a certain period elapses between their transmission and their propagation.
In the south, if the tree's dormancy is delayed, it does not get its proper rest between crops and it dies or is stunted, in one way or another, for some time thereafter.
Delayed dormancy is hazardous in any tree, whether natural to it or induced artificially by late summer or early fall cultivation and fertilizing, and whether the tree is located in the north or in the south.
I think a lot of the winter killing is also due to sun scald which would indicate an inability to retain dormancy during a January thaw.
This tree comes out of dormancy as soon as the sun gets warm.
He is of the opinion that the too-short dormancy of the variety is not a serious objection, particularly with climatic conditions such as those experienced in Michigan.
In some cases 10 to 20 per cent have rooted; here, however, the difficulty has been the failure of the bud to break dormancy and start growth, and all the rooted cuttings have eventually died.
Injury to Filberts From the less comprehensive observations made on filberts following the severe winter just past, it appears in general that when the filbert tree has gone into dormancy it is more tolerant of cold than the walnut.
This matter of dormancy of scions we could probably get into an argument about, but that isn't the subject right now.
Retarding of growth is possible in this way for a period of six to ten days, which, of course, in some cases might be of value, but the lengthened dormancy is probably too small to constitute it of general value.
The trifoliata has been promoted as more likely to induce dormancy of the top growth during cold weather, because of its own deciduous habit.
There is little movement during dormancy except for the deepening or horizontal extension of the hibernaculum.
Once a permanent hibernaculum is selected dormancy continues until spring; unseasonably warm weather between mid-November and March does not stimulate temporary emergence.
The reproduction and dormancy of Terrapene major in New Orleans.
Warm weather in November and late March sometimes stimulates temporary activity but dormancy is uninterrupted from mid-November to early March.
However, they retired into dormancy early in the fall.
Adults were last seen before retiring into dormancy in the latter half of September and young of the year remained active into October some two or three weeks later.
The extent to which memory persists through the season of dormancyis little known, but great change takes place in the habitat during the colder half of the year when the lizard's activity is suspended.
The male whose dormancy was terminated in early winter by bringing him into a warm room causing him to assume breeding coloration and to breed some four months earlier than those under natural conditions has already been mentioned.
When they emerge fromdormancy in spring most of them are plump and appear to have lost little weight in the course of their long fast.