As it was considered infectious, the two bodies were placed in their coffins and carried to the mortuary till the funeral.
His name is Bartholomew Storrs and he is the elegiac or mortuary or memorial laureate of Our Square.
If the family worships its ancestors according to the Buddhist rite, the mortuary tablets are placed in the Buddhist household-shrine, or Butsudan, which usually occupies the upper shelf of an alcove in one of the inner apartments.
Now it is important to observe that, in either cult, the mortuary tablet actually suggests a miniature tombstone--which is a fact of some evolutional interest, though the evolution itself should be Chinese rather than Japanese.
The Church, as it now exists, consists of a nave with clerestory, north and south aisles, and chancel, with a mortuary chapel at the east end of the south aisle.
The edifice is cruciform, consisting of a nave, chancel, north and south transepts, and central tower—the south transept being the mortuary chapel of the Curzons.
They were also used as mortuary rings, and are found on the hands of the dead in Italian sepulchres.
It is entirely composed ofmortuary emblems, on a ground of black enamel.
A still more curious fashion in this taste for mortuary memorials originated at the court of Henry II.
Mortuaries were shorn of their luxuriance; when effects were small, no mortuary should be required; when large, the clergy should content themselves with a modest share.
In Scotland the usual mortuary was, a cow and the uppermost cloth or counterpane on the bed in which the death took place.
Though the forms of the butsuma and the character of its contents may greatly vary, the form of the ancestral or mortuary tablet is generally that represented in Fig.
At one side of the apartment stood a kind of low altar, supporting a butsudan, whose tiny lacquered doors, left open, showed a mortuary tablet within, before which a lamp was burning between offerings of wild flowers.
His body is now lying in themortuary chapel of the cemetery awaiting the inevitable autopsy.
Juve was in a cemetery, and the strange room in which he found himself was the mortuary chapel.
By a most infernal device, Monsieur, this criminal escaped from his prison, and not content with that, he killed an unfortunate servant, an old porter whom our police discovered the following day in the mortuary chapel of Glotzbourg.
As a matter of fact he had really had no rest since his tragic awakening in the mortuarychapel at Glotzbourg.
These #Mortuary Chests# were desecrated by the Cromwellian ruffians when they broke into the cathedral, and the bones were hurled through the stained glass of the west and other windows.
Carthaillac[23] devotes a chapter to the mortuary customs of the men of the quaternary (palanthropic) age.
Each of these mortuary temples consists of three parts, an outer oratory, a connecting gallery, and an inner sanctuary.
Your Excellency's cousin is in the mortuary chamber at Santo Spirito!
He was not a nervous man, and had no especial horror of being left alone in a mortuary chamber for a few minutes.
Then what the devil is he doing in the mortuary chamber?
Within two minutes after his arrival San Giacinto heard the bolt of the heavy lock run back in the socket and the surgeon entered the mortuary chamber.
They are close by in the mortuary chamber, unless they have been put in the chapel.
Felice was dead, buried in the campo santo of Aquila, with its whitewashed walls of enclosure and its appalling monuments and mortuary emblems.
To the right of us there was an advanced aid-post with a mortuary above.
This mortuary was in the ruins of a house which had no roof and only two walls.
But you and he have not much in common, except a certain mortuary turn of mind and a taste for gloomy allegories about the workings of conscience.
As soon as the arrangements were complete the Persians took their places in the second-class car, which preceded the mortuary van, so as to have the precious corpse always under their surveillance.
Millions--there are millions in that pretendedmortuary van!
This pretended mortuary van has always been suspicious to me," said Major Noltitz.
There is a name I must know as soon as possible, that of the mandarin returning to China in the form of a mortuary parcel.
The defunct passes into the care of twenty Celestials, who are to occupy the second-class car in front of the mortuary van.
But assuredly Faruskiar knew that this pretended mortuary van contained millions.
But it is none the less true that the two last vans, the mortuary van and the rear van occupied by the goods guard, are missing.
While he was present the apartment I speak of was the sunniest of studios in spite of its mortuary spectacles.
II As for subtlety and complexity, much of this mortuary literature is comparable to the Veil of Isis.
The undertaker, true to his craft, had made the best display he could of his goods, and there was a mortuary air about the place that lowered our spirits at once.
Yes, monsieur the marquis, this is the mortuary chapel.
We met each other again with a steady gaze like that in the mortuary chapel.
The mortuary chambers are large and carefully built, but generally without ornament or inscription.
Suddenly it becomes enlarged into a small cavern, which is the mortuary chamber properly speaking, that is to say, the room with a view to which the whole structure has been planned and to which all its other parts are but accessories.
Forged charters had often sealed their possessions, and supposititious grants ofmortuary donations silently transferred the wealth of families.
Even in the short hour before his last morning, is he not still before us, while his midnight pen traces his mortuary verse, perpetuating the emotions of the sage, and of the hero who could not fear death.
The mortuary chapel of Soazza church is the subject my friend Mr. Gogin has selected for the etching at the beginning of this volume.
On the right-hand side of the door of the mortuarychapel there hangs a wooden tablet inscribed with a poem to the memory of Maria Zara.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mortuary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.