The synovial cavity of the knee was distended and doughy on palpation.
At first elastic and resilient, it slowly decreased in volume with the assumption of a soft doughycharacter on palpation.
Illustration] Bloody effusion into the scrotal cellular tissue produces a dark appearance of the integuments, and the swelling has a doughy feel.
This is comparatively rare in the mare, though in some cases the udder becomes painfully engorged before parturition, and a doughy swelling, pitting on pressure, extends forward on the lower surface of the abdomen.
The impacted intestine feels soft and doughy and is easily indented with the knuckles, forming a marked contrast with the tense, elastic, resilient, overdistended bladder.
If a pultaceous mass is present it has a soft, doughy feeling, and when pressed an indentation is left.
This condition is easily recognized by the soft, doughy swelling so characteristic of blood clots, and by the dark-red color of the mucous membrane.
On a ring or sovereign it is mere silvering; but when the gold is in a state of powder, and the amalgamation takes place on a complete scale, it forms a white, doughy mass, in which there is included much loose quicksilver.
This doughy mass is presently washed clear of all impurities, and is then squeezed in skins or cloths, through the pores of which loose quicksilver is forced, and saved for future operations.
The best Flanders yeast, which had been brought, for the sake of carriage, to a doughy consistence by pressure, is now introduced to the amount of one pound for every 100 gallons of the mashed materials.
Yeast may also be preserved a short time in activity by being kneaded with as much barley or wheat flour as it can take up without losing the doughy consistence.
The hearth is usually made of a refractory sand and clay with ground charcoal, each mixed in equal volumes, and worked up into a doughy consistence with water.
This compound should be allowed to cool upon a piece of pasteboard, till it becomes of a doughy consistence, before it is applied to the mould, to receive the impress of the stamp.
Hence it leaves the baker in self-defence, to leave it in rather a damp and doughy state.
The bread proved doughyand dense in every case, though less so with the latter mixture than the former.
By the dissipation of the water, and careful agitation of the pap, an uniform doughymass is obtained; which, being taken out of the trough, is cut into cubical lumps.
The bag with its doughy mass must next be surrounded with dry ashes, to remove the remaining humidity, and to arrest any further fermentation.
Good opium is hard in the cold, but becomes flexible and doughy when it is worked between the hot hands.
The tissue implicated is at first firm and indurated, but as it loses its vitality it becomes doughy and sodden.
Filarial disease in the lymphatics of the groin appears as a soft, doughy swelling, varying in size from a walnut to a cocoa-nut; it may partly disappear on pressure and when the patient lies down.
Blood extravasated deeply in the tissues gives rise to a firm, resistant, doughy swelling, in which there may be elicited on deep palpation a peculiar sensation, not unlike the crepitus of fracture.
So soon as a distinct doughy sensation or a more marked fluctuation indicates the development of pus, steps should be undertaken at once to secure its evacuation.
They are nodulated, movable, painless, can be made to change shape or are indented by pressure, and have a doughy feel.
It feels slimy to the touch and if scraped with the finger nail a little doughy mass can be raised.
The doughy mass which goes into the oven, comes out a light spongy loaf; the small indigestible rice grain comes out the swollen, fluffy, digestible grain.
A huge man oozed out of the shadows, his gray face contorting its doughy fat into a yellow-toothed grin, and a filthy hand waved back the others.
Mother Corey shook his head, shaking the few hairs on his head and face, and the wrinkles in his doughyskin deepened.
This small pellet is, I presume, the black, doughy mass you spoke of.
No sooner had we taken our places at the table than an Indian maid brought in, holding them in her brown hands, a towering pile of soft white doughy tortillas, each about as big as a large Abernethy biscuit.
This is usually a collection of gravel, or a soft, puttylike material which causes distinct swelling of the sheath and gives it a soft, doughyfeeling when handled.
Generally they are round, movable, and painless, soft or doughy in consistency, and covered with skin and hair.
The mass may be recognized by its dark hue and the doughy sensation to the touch.
The skin around this swelling or carbuncle is stained yellow or bluish, and is not infrequently swollen and doughy to the touch.
The superficial form presents itself first as a doughy tumefaction of the skin about the region of the throat, neck, dewlap, or legs, which pits on pressure.
The former are doughy tumors of a more or less flattish form passing gradually into the surrounding healthy tissue.
In an intestinal hernia the swelling is usually not painful, of a doughy consistence or elastic, according as the intestine does or does not contain alimentary matter.
In the ox this is especially common as a collection in the sheath, distending that into a soft, doughy swelling.
When the sac contains only the peritoneum it has a doughy feel, but when it is formed by a portion of the bowel it is more elastic on pressure.
On pressing the flank with the closed fist the indent of the hand remains for a short time in the flank, as if the rumen were filled with a soft, doughy mass.
This swelling may be hard, soft, or doughy in consistence, and with each beat of the heart it may pulsate like an artery.
The smell from thatdoughy mass could hardly be believed; and what made it retchingly worse was that Harse was eating it with a pearly small spoon.
A flat, round object the shape of a cafeteria pie flipped open and something gray and doughy appeared-- "Holy heaven!
Can you think of anything that will spoil a meal more quickly than poor, over moist, doughy or heavy bread?
In the abdominal form, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, prolapse of the rectum, bloating and doughyswellings in the region of the abdomen occur.
Soft, doughyswellings may be treated by application of cold, iodine and blisters.
A trooper fried pork and doughy bannocks, Deering brewed a kettle of strong tea, and when all had eaten like famished animals the men, for the most part, went to sleep.
Jimmy said he imagined breakfast was ready and Margaret went to the fire, glanced at the half-raw trout, and threw a black, doughy cake from a plate.
In extreme cases the latter is swollen, doughy in consistency, with ill-defined structural details, and in all instances presents an opaque appearance.
The presence of pus was suspected because of a boggy, doughy feeling in the exudation tumor.
At all stages of the disease it is somewhat sore under pressure, especially at the epigastrium, and it generally has a doughy feel.
Mrs. Murcher, amazed to the end of her doughy fingers.
Doughy the baker, stepping down unexpectedly from the Woolpack to borrow a shilling from his wife, had found her drinking beer in the kitchen with Happy Jack.
Doughy still muttered, but the beer had deadened his senses and his jealous anger had evaporated.
Doughy saw her and, having reached the maudlin stage, got up and lurched across the street, anxious to make it up and be friends.
Presently Doughy grew tired and, crossing the street, sat on the kerbstone in front of Mrs Yabsley's, with his eye on the door.
The crowd dwindled as the excitement died out, and Doughy was left muttering to himself.
And while Doughy was hammering on the front door, Happy Jack had slipped out at the back, and was watching Doughy's antics over the shoulders of his pals.