The esteem with which the people regarded themselves was largely due to the manner in which they were referred to in the local paper, a ribald folio appearing once a week.
And the sailors wondered because I sat and laboured and would not sing their ribaldsong of the loves of Cleopatra.
From the noble's broidered hammer-cloth, or the driving-seat of the common coach, each driver assailed the other with floods of ribald satire.
I will no longer be made the butt of yourribald satire, and the object of your coarse abuse.
Numerous allusions to Sherlock and his wife will be found in the ribald writings of Tom Brown, Tom Durfey, and Ned Ward.
In ribald lampoons he was nicknamed Undipped John.
The rattling of dice, the call for more punch and more wine, and the noise of blasphemy and ribald song never ceased during the whole night.
Kitty in a voice of mingled consternation and impatience, and wriggled Mrs. Kesteven into her bedroom where she could harangue her without ribald interruption from Val.
Perhaps the princes of Moab made ribald remarks anent the celestial obstruction--even hinted that Balaam had best get a Maud S.
He seldom joined in the ribaldbut suppressed conversations of the men.
David Cable was more or less contaminated by contact with his rough, ribald companions of the rail, and he glided moderately into the bad habits of his kind.
XXIII "You see if like a vassal he obeyed This ribald Love, who left him not the force To wake her, lest to know her guilt surveyed, Should in his consort's bosom move remorse.
Then a debonair recklessness had been the outstanding note, but now there was something ribald and wicked in him.
He looked at his cousin, and his ribald eyes coasted back to bold scrutiny of this young woman's charming, buoyant youth.
The dust of the desert lay thick on him, without in the least obscuring a certain ribald elegance, a distinction of wickedness that rested upon him as his due.
They replied to him, but he was always ready-witted, and the press groaned under his repeated and sometimes ribald rejoinders.
Had it been advocated by a few more such ribald characters as Bahrdt its career would soon have been terminated from the mere want of respectability.
But every fiber of his being revoked against that ribald talk; he bit his lip hard, hearing her name bandied about by miscreants and wretches of the lowest type, and even welcomed a startling change in the discourse, occasioned by the leader.
Once a few half-sober topers screamed ribald words after her, as she stole past a low tavern.
The catalogue of his works embraces every department of authorship, and there appears to be no species of composition, from an exhortation to a holy life to the more than ribald canzonet, which he did not attempt.
It was a period still less favourable for his appearing as the author of a loose and ribald book called Lazarillo de Tormes.
Several of the new arrivals were fresh from cabarets; many of those whom no one relieved began in drunken boisterousness to scream upon the night ribald songs and jests, foul anathemas of the party in disfavor.
Luther, however ribald he may have been at times, had the zeal of honesty.
And me they mixed up with their obscene mirth, Till half I doubted it was I myself Foaming my own shame out from helpless lips That blasphemed God, then laughed with ribald glee.
They make the night--these rouses are by night-- Merry with jocund laughter, and with song That would be ribald save that it is sung By a divine Augustus in his cups.
Like the unmatched narrative of the shipwreck in the second canto of Don Juan, it was at once rollicking and horrible, flippant and terrible, ribald and sublime.
There were other suggestions as well, put mostly in the form of ribald inquiry; but toward them Charles Abbott persisted in an attitude of uncommunicative disdain.
This humorous youth was the originator, according to trustworthy authority, of the ribald and malicious interpretation of the pictures and texts in the chapel.
Then at once, massively crowned with flowers, half supported by a flute girl, Alcibiades, ribald and importunate, staggered in.
He had unwittingly betrayed Ben to a ribald crew, but he had learned a thing it was well to know.