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Example sentences for "deathly"

Lexicographically close words:
deathe; deathes; deathful; deathless; deathlike; deaths; deathward; deave; deaved; deaw
  1. Exhausted by deathly convulsions he said to the physicians, "Let me die.

  2. His black eyes blazed amid the deathly pallor of his face, and a thrill of astonishment passed through the bystanders.

  3. The eyes of his brother Caius suddenly gleamed with a hard, steel-like glint, and his face turned, simultaneously, deathly white.

  4. The club slipped from his nerveless fingers, and conscious of the deathly weakness that was overcoming him he did not attempt to regain it.

  5. As he relieved himself of his burden he saw for the first time the deathly pallor and partly closed eyes of his companion.

  6. Rod was deathly white and breathing so hard that he could not speak.

  7. A man deathly pale on a stretcher held out his hand to a comrade who was slightly wounded and standing beside him.

  8. The women, the children, with wide staring eyes, with deathly pale faces.

  9. Her face was still deathly pale, and I could see by the way her hands trembled above her plate that the old fellow's words had in some manner been the cause of it.

  10. His hand was deathly cold--so cold, in fact, that even in my excitement I could not help noticing it.

  11. Then in deathly silence he slowly crumpled up, as it were.

  12. The lashless eyes watched the deathly fall of the old man.

  13. It came out so flat, however, that it was a deathly thing.

  14. The man looked at him and saw that he was deathly pale.

  15. The rigidness of despair has settled upon her deathly pale features.

  16. He stamps his foot on the ground in despair and, turning towards Johannes, who is deathly pale, he cries; "What ails the child?

  17. Two deathly pale faces gaze at each other.

  18. Wondrously bloomed the flower, a marvel for all to see, whether deathless gods or deathly men.

  19. But no immortal god or deathly man heard the voice of her, .

  20. Happy is he among deathly men who hath beheld these things!

  21. Now I am the honoured Demeter, the greatest good and gain of the Immortals to deathly men.

  22. Her sweet face, flushed a moment ago with anger, went deathly white, and she clutched the back of a chair for support.

  23. They stood glaring at each other, the girl roused into furious rebellion, the woman speechless with fury, her steel-blue eyes seeming to emit electric sparks from her deathly white face, so intense was her fierce wrath.

  24. The girl, noting, amid her own suffering, the deathly look upon his face, came to his side.

  25. Even in the dim light of the rude lamp the officer saw the rugged bronze of the old trader's face pale to a deathly whiteness, and he leant one hand upon the table to steady himself.

  26. The Frenchman sprang to his feet, his face blanched to a deathly white, and his limbs trembled.

  27. She made no answer, and Lester in wondering ignorance saw that her face had paled to a deathly white and that her hands were trembling.

  28. The dark features of the fourth mate blanched to a deathly white, but not with fear.

  29. A baffled, puzzled expression was upon her deathly pale face.

  30. Her hunger fled; the deathly sickness surged up again.

  31. The face was drawn hideously, and in the strong, clear light of the electrics it was a deathly yellow.

  32. That one long moment of deathly fear before he had fallen down in a fit had nearly killed him.

  33. A deathly languor came over Jacob Gray even as he spoke, and he groaned audibly.

  34. He sank into a chair as he spoke, and turned deathly white.

  35. For Fred had uttered a sudden cry, and they saw his face turn deathly white.

  36. For a moment there was a deathly silence, while the four men glared at the boy with scowling faces.

  37. The hand of the Ancient Master was visible in that pallid face; those sunken eyes, so full of deathly langour, seemed to be wandering about in dim, flickering gazes, upon the confines of an unknown world.

  38. A female crouching there, so deathly pale, Huddling her child, to screen it from the cold!

  39. Deathly pale, Talizac looked at Montferrand, but before he had a chance to reply, a commotion was heard in the corridor, followed by a war of words.

  40. When Louison saw him she turned deathly pale, and running to the window she burst the panes with her clinched fist and called loudly for help.

  41. This really seemed to be the case; the poor woman had become deathly pale, and sank to the ground.

  42. The poor creature stood still and quiet; she was deathly pale, and her wild hair and sackcloth frock gave her a very strange and pitiable look.

  43. She went deathly pale for a moment, then waving him back, she stepped out into the hallway.

  44. He was deathly pale, and his hat, which some one had picked up, was drawn low over his brow; but the voice and the eyes were Richard Clevering's.

  45. The outposts returned to their stations, and there was nothing but the faint groans of the wounded, and the presence of the dead, to tell that but a few short moments before a deathly struggle had occurred between two determined armies.

  46. There is always that deathly pallor that creeps over the face, and that fixed stare--horrible look of resignation--that tells so plainly that all is over with the unfortunate soldier.

  47. I shouted, plunging into the ford as Butler, aching head still lifted, turned a deathly face toward me.

  48. Sir Peter whitened to a deathly hue; his distressed eyes traveled from her to me; he made to speak, but no sound came.

  49. Harken now and I will tell thee how thou mightst give him the deathly stroke through the coils of his mail.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deathly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    agonizingly; awfully; baneful; bitterly; black; blatantly; blue; brutal; cadaverous; cruelly; dead; deadly; deathly; destructive; distressingly; dreadfully; eerie; excessively; excruciatingly; extravagantly; fatal; feral; flagrantly; frightfully; ghastly; ghostly; grievously; grisly; gruesome; haggard; horribly; improperly; inexcusably; inordinately; internecine; intolerably; killing; lethal; livid; lurid; macabre; malign; malignant; miserably; mortal; mortuary; murderous; openly; painfully; pale; pernicious; sadly; savage; sorely; still; terribly; uncanny; unduly; unearthly; virulent; wan; weird