Cerise looked at me for one moment, screamed, and fell lifeless on the floor.
Cerise was soon restored, and lay trembling in my arms.
Cerise was a charming woman, and an affectionate wife in adversity, but prosperity was her ruin, as well as mine.
Cerise was melancholy at the idea of my departure.
I was so affected at the intelligence of Cerise having destroyed herself, that I found it impossible to remain on shore.
That wife of yours, Cerise as you call her, is rather a bore.
From thence I repaired to Toulon, and found my dear Cerise as beautiful and as fond as ever.
There was a purple dawn, and the towering cliffs behind the minarets glowed a deep cerise for at least ten minutes ere the light reached the town.
The father, a great stalwart Albanian, and the son a budding priest in cerise socks.
It was just about this time that Mademoiselle Cerise was bought by a lady as a present for her little god-daughter.
Next morning when Mademoiselle Cerise was brought back to the shop after having been absent since the previous afternoon, the Sailor-Lad was struck by something very familiar about the appearance of her new blue muslin dress.
Mademoiselle Cerise has on a dress precisely like yours!
Black is smart with everything, but fancy how impossible mustard, cerise and some shades of green would look against that scarlet leather!
She once ventured a cerisehat and instantly dropped to the ranks of the commonplace.
Possibly, he said, Mademoiselle Cerise and others would be down for a Sunday.
Mademoiselle Cerise sang, with chic and abandon very fascinating to his own sensuous nature, a song with a charming air and sentiment.
Gaston did not respond eagerly to the charms of Mademoiselle Cerise and Madame Juliette.
Mademoiselle Cerise said to Ian at last: "Enfin, is the man stone?
But Cerise knew, when Gaston let her to the ground again, that she had not conquered.
Mademoiselle Cerisesprang to her feet and ran forward.
Over the glory of her white shoulders and gleaming arms she flung the cerise velvet--gorgeous, glowing, wonderful colour, as trying to the ordinary complexion as colour can well be.
He closed the door quickly as he caught sight of Georgiana in her masquerade, removed his hat, and bent his head before the cerise velvet.
Though she was hopeless about pictures, and though she dressed so unevenly--oh, that cerise frock yesterday at church!
Her new cerise dress has been a failure, and makes her look tawdry and wan.
You didn't think, I suppose, of a bow of cerise chiffon just at the curve?
Of course if you think cerise too trying you might have it in a much lighter shade just where the brim begins to curve.
But the woman took no heed of the long broadcloth trousers he wore, no heed of the cerise silk elastic that braced them, none of coat and vest on the chair.
The gown was cerise in color, and from her forearm hung a great fan of green plumes.
The skirt was slit, showing a cerise petticoat; a cerise crepe de Chine tie gave color to her very V-necked blouse; and around her velvet sailor she had pinned several large, fine ostrich plumes.
He glanced up at the box again where he fancied he had seen her; but the lady incerise was now seated, talking to two or three men.
The corolla was snow-white, except for a minute, sagittate marking of bright cerise on the lower lip.
Perhaps an orgy of more shopping, without me, buying all the cerise atrocities that I wouldn't allow her to look at.
I see visions of her still in that low-cut, cerise frock, with the June sunlight glinting on the spangles of it; her creamy restaurant coat still fastened about her sturdy bare shoulders, the wilting pink carnations still in her hair.
Garments and trimmings of cerisewould be a pitfall to Miss Million but for her maid.
But you haven't got a cerise evening frock," I began.
Did you see her with the cerise feather in her hat that the young gentleman called 'facie'?
But a small, dark-haired young lady, in a bright cerise dress, with spangles on it?
I asked, as I drew the cerise frock from its wrappings.
And when I told him of the bright, cherry-coloured evening gown, and the creamy restaurant coat, and the little cerise satin shoes with jewelled heels that Million had on, he put back his head and laughed gently.
A gloriously-finished globular slightly imbricated cupped bloom with velvety black scarlet cerise shell-shaped petals, whose reflex is solid pure orangey maroon without veining.
Its smiling peach and cerise endearments terminating in black scarlet shell-shaped waxy Berlin ultimata are carried on an admirably rigid peduncle.
Not to linger over a period, the purest and brightest of my existence, suffice it to say, that Cerise returned my passion, and I was blest with her love.
The lightest cerise are placed at the points the two being joined together, and one to the mat.
White and cerise alternately, a single stitch of each, with 3 in 1 at the points.