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Example sentences for "public attention"

  • Public attention should be turned to this subject in order that avenues of more profitable employment may be opened to women.

  • At such a time it is the right and duty of every one to point out whatever he deems erroneous and imperfect in that instrument, and press its amendment on public attention.

  • This nobleman had attracted for some years previously a large share of public attention.

  • Among these was Mr. Gurney, of Norwich, a man who attracted a considerable share of public attention by his talents, energies, and benevolence.

  • I had then perhaps some claims to public attention.

  • On his return from his tour in the autumn, he proceeded to bring the matter to public attention and to the consideration of the legislature.

  • This case involved the freedom of a single family that had been held as slaves, but it gave occasion to the Court for an exhaustive treatment of the political question which was engrossing public attention.

  • Every judge delivered his views separately, but the dissenting opinion of Judge McLean, as well as of the six who sustained the views of the Chief Justice, arrested but a small share of public attention.

  • Public attention may be temporarily engrossed by some exigent subject of controversy, but the tariff alone steadily and persistently recurs for agitation, and for what is termed settlement.

  • Indeed, on the great topics that now engage public attention, I hope I may flatter myself that my opinions are already known.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "public attention" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cannot give; poor beggar; public charge; public confidence; public disputation; public education; public exhibition; public expense; public feeling; public functionaries; public funds; public health; public inspection; public institutions; public instruction; public matters; public nature; public officials; public ownership; public person; public profession; public school; public sector; public speaker; public spirit; public view