Many of them, indeed, are too small to admit of the hand passing through them, and rings of similar size and form are discovered of various other materials.
Various other, though less regular mounds, of this character, occur in Orkney.
Various other methods, however, have been shewn by which this primitive weapon could be hafted, so as to become available for the war axe of the northern warrior.
In this, as in various other sermons, he supports the theological cometary theory fully.
But ere long human bones were found in the deposits of the early Quaternary period, or indeed of an earlier period, in various other parts of the world, and the question regarding the Moulin Quignon relic was of little importance.
We may give the people mass meetings and district and State conventions and various other things, but we can never give them anything as good as the national convention.
LAWS: In 1884 a law was enacted giving a married woman the right to sue and be sued and to proceed in various other matters as if unmarried.
Epigastric pulsation is often very prominent in cases of gastric cancer, as it may be in various other conditions.
It is now known that this dyspnoeic coma is not confined to diabetes mellitus, but that it occurs also in gastric cancer and in various other diseases.
Here, as in various other places, he seems to have supplied the loss of orig.
The Huerfano is a great river, which heads in the Sangre de Cristo range, among the mountains of the Sierra Blanca range, and by various other affluents, as Muddy cr.
They went tovarious other places; they entered chiefly into the Faroe fishing.
They told me that several of them would have had tea and various other things in the island for selling to their neighbours, if they had been allowed, but that they were prevented from doing so, and I approved of that.
Either dealers or private individuals may send us falls or various other things, and the entries with regard to them will show the prices given for them.
Then the sound increased, and was answered or repeated in various other directions.
In the Highlands, where there were cultivated lands, and in various other parts of England and Scotland that I visited, they were more abundant than chipmunks in our beechen woods.
He is recorded by Vasari, together with Eliodoro Forbicini, famous for his grotesques, and assistant in many of his labours to India, as well as to various other artists of no mean fame.
Augustine is seen, as it were, stretched forth out of the picture, an effect of perspective this artist has repeated invarious other places.
Of the body of the Quakers assembled at the yearly meeting in 1727; and at various other times.
And as these have operated, so as to stimulate some men to lessen them by the exercise of an amiable charity, so they have operated to stimulate others in various other ways to the same end.
A solution of sal-ammoniac is thus produced, which is evaporated, and in the residue a mass is obtained containing a mixture of various other, especially tarry, products of dry distillation.
And as these have operated so as to stimulate some men to lessen them by the exercise of an amiable charity, so they have operated to stimulate others, in various other ways, to the same end.
It records the defeat of Merodach-Baladan, king of Babylon, and the subjugation of various other peoples, but the particular interest attaching to this cylinder lies in the allusions to the Palestinian campaign of 2 Kings xviii.
Various other terra-cotta objects were not infrequently coated with a vitreous glaze, the colour of the enamel being usually blue or green.
Various other tribes in the north, of whom the Nairi would appear to have been the most important, were similarly brought beneath the Assyrian sway.
In addition to these he wrote or collaborated invarious other plays.
As an introduction to this he entered upon the consideration of the state of civilisation in various other countries, but this he had scarcely completed when his death took place at Damascus in 1862.
Various other commentators, also holding the Sophistes to be a genuine work of Plato, overlook or extenuate these premisses, which they consider unfavourable to that conclusion.
Surely, if Plato had considered it a progress, we should have seen the same idea repeated in various other dialogues--which is not the case.
This is the opinion against which Plato here reasons, though in various other dialogues he gives it as his own opinion, or at least, as the opinion of his representative spokesman.
Various other renderings of the song have appeared in print, but they all give the same impression of a variable, loud, striking song which, once learned, can be easily recognized.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "various other" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.