In France it has been proposed by Alfassa that there shall be established a department of national economy, to bring about a closer coöperation than there has been in the past among private interests, and to centralize industry.
They centralize the direction of their resources as much as possible, and they intrust the power of the whole party to a very small number of leaders.
A twofold tendency may be discerned in the American constitutions, which impels the legislator to centralize the legislative, and to disperse the executive power.
A twofold tendency may be discerned in the American constitutions, which impels the legislator to centralize the legislative and to disperse the executive power.
Appendix X A democratic people is not only led by its own tastes to centralize its government, but the passions of all the men by whom it is governed constantly urge it in the same direction.
At the same time he sought to strengthen and centralize the imperial administration, and to bring it more under his personal control.
The most that she could do was to unify, centralizeand add to the provinces, and to get what commercial advantages treaties could secure.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie; to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.
It was just this contact that was needed to centralize the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes.
In trying to consolidate the forces of the Provinces for united action and to centralize its government, he undoubtedly did his best, according to his lights, for the national cause.
It was this influence as exerted by the successive advocates of Holland, Paul Buys and Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, which rendered abortive the well-meant efforts of the earl of Leicester to centralize the government of the United Provinces.
Our army was an enormous heterogeneous mass, without any pretense of a system to centralize and harmonize its movements.
There is no special branch of the service whose duty it is to regulate, centralize and direct the movements of the army.
When he began his personal rule, Louis XIV continued his work of consolidation and in the years of his long reign managed to centralize in the throne every vestige of political power.
It is clear he was a religious innovator; he built and rearranged temples and attempted to centralize religion in Babylon by bringing a number of local gods to the temple of Bel-Marduk.
Moreover, nothing is clearer than his prophecy that the working class "will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State.
Augustus did not centralize the administration of the provincial revenues which were at his disposal, but created a separate treasury or fiscus for each imperial province.
The establishment of these secretaryships in the imperial household tended to centralize more completely the imperial administration and to give it greater uniformity and regularity.
Our modern press and book trade, in spite of many efforts to centralize and control it, in spite of Defence of the Realm Acts and the like, is still the production of an unorganized multitude of persons.
It all depends on how you concentrate, or centralize your thoughts.
You will find it of the greatest value to centralize your thoughts on health.
If you hold your mind on some chosen object, you centralize your attention, just like the lens of the camera centralizes on a certain landscape.
Concentration means success, because you are better able to govern yourself and centralize your mind; you become more in earnest in what you do and this almost invariably improves your chances for success.
Train yourself so you will be able to centralize your thought and develop your brain power, and increase your mental energy, or you can be a slacker, a drifter, a quitter or a sleeper.
The result obviously was to increase and centralize still greater wealth in the circumscribed ownership of a few families.
He understood how to manipulate and use other men, and how to centralize business, and cut out the waste and junket of mercantile operations.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.