Cape Blanco, at 3 leagues from shore, we had 15 fathoms water on a good shelly bottom mixed with sand, and no currents, having two small islands in lat.
There is also a similar small lake in Greece, about 12 or 15 leagues from Lepanto, which are the only lakes of that kind known in Asia.
They started and went as far as Chichilticalli, which is where the wilderness begins, 220 leagues from Culiacan, and there they turned back, not finding anything important.
According to the present diary, Mayem was 9 leagues from Pescadero, as compared with the estimated 8 1/2 leagues in August.
This place lies about on the parallel of the Pueblo [San Jose], according to those who have come by land, and is distant from the Pueblo some 25 or 26 leagues from east to west, although it may be a little below this latitude.
China in her with a letter from Mr. Eaton, how the ship was at an ancor 3 or 4 leagues from Firando, and that the shipps name was called the Hoziander, the capt.
And on the way, as the kings man retorned, som 7 leagues from Firando, he met the Duch man which had stolne our skiffe, and so brought both hym and it back againe.
The place where this rich prize was taken was off Cape San Francisco, about 150 leagues from Panama, and in lat.
Guam and about 60 leagues from Manilla, the chief of the Philippines.
From thence they went to a place named St Juan de Vilhua, said to be 60 or 70 leagues from Mexico, where one Tendilli was governor for King Muteçuma.
Having made this provision I crossed the river of Seine in a boate, I intending to goe on foot to Caen in Normandie, which was some 28 leagues from Roan, their to look for some English ship wherin I might be transported to England.
In the 3d night I undertooke to march againe towards Bourdeaux, which was some 4 leagues from thence.
March the 9th they sailed for Bonnovolo on Madagascar, 16 Leagues from St. Maries, where they stopt to take in Rice.
Now wee being in the South Sea's goes alonge shoare to a Plantan Key,[16] which lieth about 14 leagues from Pennamau.
This port is 6 leagues from where we set out, and is in a great bay.
This river is 4 leagues from where we started from, as I have said.
The port is 40 leagues from where we left the ships.
Herrera at the same time places them 1500 leagues from Lima!
And we went to bed to Setto,[5] 17 leagues from Firando.
I 600 leagues from her-- you ought to have told me.
Chischa was 5 leagues east of Telame and 3 leagues from Choinocko.
Loechas," who, he says lived 4 to 5 leagues from Livermore.
The Inca then attacked the province of the Soras, 40 leagues from Cuzco.
The Inca received information, after this, that there was a town called Huancara, 11 leagues from Cuzco, ruled by Sinchis named Ascascahuana and Urcu-cuna.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leagues from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.