If a Rib be luxated on the inside, an Incision is to be made to draw it out with the Fingers.
Then an Incision is to be made with the Knife or Lancet, in the same Place where it is done in Lithotomy; and a small Tube or Pipe is to be put in the Bladder, till the Inflammation be remov'd.
If it be sufficient to make a longitudinalIncision in the Forehead; its Wrinkles may be follow'd, and there will be less Deformity in the Scar; but it is never done Crosswise in this Part, and the Lips of the Wound are not to be cut.
If the Incision were too little to give Passage to the Stone, it wou'd be more expedient to enlarge it than to stretch the Wound {243} with the Dilatators.
Of the Operation of opening stopt Ductus's 260 Of an Incision made to open the Vagina Uteri Ibid.
If the Hydrocele be apparently Encysted, the Membrane containing the Water is to be consum'd with Causticks, which is done by laying a Cautery in the place where the Incision shou'd be made, and afterward opening the Escar with a Lancet.
The simple remedy, in ordinary cases among them, was in making a slight incision with a thorn or some sharp instrument in the flesh, directly between the eyes, so as to draw several drops of blood.
An incision was made in the fleshy part of the nose, between the eyes, by a sharp-pointed knife or some other instrument.
The technic of this low incision protects the peritoneal cavity better than the classic incision, apparently.
Hirst says that where there is reason to suspect suppuration a median incision should be made and the pelvic cavity examined for possible areas of infection.
This operation replaced the classic cesarean until 1882, when Saenger invented a suture which would keep the uterine incision shut, and applied antisepsis.
Headaches and fevers were stated to me as the prevalent maladies; for which burnt rice, pounded and mixed to a pap with water, is taken as a remedy; and in case of severe headache they make anincision in the forehead of the sufferer.
Amongst other things, he must be sure to make an incision in the corpse of his slain foe, in order to let the gases escape and so prevent the body from swelling.
And probably the enormous wens, and other monstrosities and deformities observable in trees, may have been originally produced by the bite or incision of insects.
Rub over the incision a composition of turpentine and lard.
Now take your jackknife and make a little incision in the tip of the tail of all animals except the otter.
The incision is now carefully deepened until the firm, gizzard-like envelope in which the sac lies is reached.
Soon a small white bead appears in the bottom of the incision as shown at L in Fig.
To lift three matches by means of one, it is necessary to make an incision in the end of a match and insert the pointed end of a second match into this incision.
Before the exit of the knife, the incision is closed with modeling wax the color of the wood.
He then wounds the tree by making a deepincision between two of the cuts where he chopped off the branches.
We crossed arms, an incision was made in each arm, some salt was placed on the wound, and then a mutual rubbing took place, while the great fetich man of Kintamo pronounced an inconceivable number of curses on my head if I ever proved false.
Making a descent from the tree, he sends up a bucket by means of the cord, and allows it to hang suspended just under the deep incision he has made.
And he had felt the words as a man half drugged by ether feels the first incision of the knife.
It was the brilliant hour of a changeable afternoon, the sunshine slanting across the sidewalks in sharp lights and shadows, and the river wind entering the lungs like the incision of a blade.
The first thing to be done is clearly to trace the outline of subject with an incision approximating in section to that of the furrow of a plow, only more equal-sided.
If we carve the subject with real delicacy, the cast shadow of the incision will interfere with its outline, so that, for representation of beautiful things you must clear away the ground about it, at all events for a little distance.
I show you the most elementary indication of form possible, by cutting the outline of the typical archaic Greek head with an incision like that of a Greek triglyph, only not so precise in edge or slope, as it is to be modified afterwards.
When the "wooden trough" was removed, the incision gave the appearance of two mouths.
It appears that the incision in time assumes the shape of real lips, through which the tongue may be thrust.
The incision in the lip, he states, was made even in the children at the breast; while La Perouse and others were of the impression that it was not made until a girl had arrived at a marriageable age.
In skinning birds, after fresh cotton plugs have been put in place the feathers are parted and the opening incision made through the skin only from the middle of the breast to the root of the tail.
In the case of a bird which has been wired and sewn up seeming to require further filling out, it can be accomplished in most cases by making an incision under each wing and introducing some flakes of tow with a wire stuffing tool.
The incision was made in the centre of the seed, but not deep enough to enter or injure its heart.
Next he ties a piece of list round the upper arm as tightly as he can, and selecting one of the lancets, makes an incision into the vein which the washing has rendered visible.
Then he binds a bit of filthy rag round the arm, twisting it above and below the elbow alternately, and crossing over the incision each time.
He began with making a crucial incision on me from the navel to the clavicula.
It is extracted by incision from the trunk and branches of the styrax benzoin, which grows in Java, Sumatra, Santa Fe, and in the kingdom of Siam.
Make your incision large and not too deep, That blood have speedy yssue with the fume; So that from sinnews you all hurt do keep.
Each one places itself on the surface of a leaf, and cuts with its sharp scissor-like jaws a nearly semicircular incision on the upper side; it then takes the edge between its jaws, and by a sharp jerk detaches the piece.
To cut it (the branch) entirely through from the upper side would require an incision of such width as to involve a loss of labour.
The elephant was not bound, but was made to kneel down at his keeper's command; and with an amputating knife, using all my force, I made the incision required through the tough integuments.
The French surgeon had made a deepincision in the patient's right thigh, from which gushed a steady fountain of yellow fluid.
The surgeon, without pausing, made another swift incision at right angles to the first along the third rib, and followed this with a third, parallel to the first, some six inches apart.
Hal made an incision at the throat, cut along the middle of the abdomen all the way to the tip of the tail, and then cut the skin away all around the carcass.
Then, separating the feathers along the breast, he made an incision with a sharp knife, beginning high up on breast-bone and ending at tail.
The leaves of the former tree yield when bruised a strong aromatic scent; and the balm of Gilead of the shops, or balsam of Mecca or of Syria, is obtained from it by making an incision in its trunk.
The usual method is to make a =T= incision through the bark of the stock, as low down as possible, but in a smooth piece of the stem; some prefer to insert the shield just below the natural site of a bud.
This is inserted under the bark of the stock, B; above the graft an incision is made in the stock down to the wood, to arrest the flow of sap.
After cutting as near the head as possible, another incision must be made, commencing under the chin, which is continued to the bottom of the neck, or from eight to ten inches in length.
In skinning these, an incision is made under the chin, and continued to the extremity of the tail; the skin is then detached right and left with the scalpel, or a sharp knife.
The tendons are extracted by means of a longitudinalincision made behind the tarsus.
The Penguins and Divers may be skinned by making theincision in the back.
Having done so, proceed to raise the skin all round the incision as far as the thighs, first skinning one side and then the other, using the flat end of the knife in preference to the blade to raise the skin.
Make an incision from the last rib nearly to the vent, but not quite up to it.
The incision for removing the skin is frequently made under the wings.
The edges of this incision can easily be brought together when the bird is under the process of preparation.