Illustration] In addition to applied reliefs the Fuchien potters decorated their porcelain with delicate incised designs, sometimes scarcely perceptible until closely examined, or with ornaments impressed by means of small stamps.
On this glaze is a design delicately traced in white slip, thick enough to stand out in sensible relief, with details incised by means of a pointed instrument.
The delicate floral or diaper ornament incised under the soft ivory-toned glaze gives promise of the skilful handiwork of the golden age of the art.
If the passage can not be sufficiently opened with the sound it may be incised by the hidden bistoury.
When it is incised the contents or pulp is blackish (see Pl.
When it is incised this yellowish tinge, or mahogany color, as it has been called by some, is still more prominent.
If the accumulation of blood is not extensive it may be reabsorbed, but if abundant it may lead to irritation and dangerous inflammation, and should be incised with a lancet and the clots cleared out.
The actinomyces grains were exceedingly abundant in this tissue, and appeared when the tissue was incised as minute sulphur-yellow grains, densely sprinkled through the tissue, which readily came away and adhered to the knife blade.
If the disease begins in the skin, it agrees in general with the subacute form in prolonged duration, and it may occasionally terminate in recovery if the swellings are thoroughly incised and treated.
The earliest mark is a "D" or the name "Derby" incised or painted in red.
The gore-shaped pendant is made hollow, and is often decorated withincised lines and zigzag patterns.
The first specimen is of the simplest design, with no attempt at ornament, except the double cross roughly incised in the bronze.
Mars, holding spear and helmet, but wearing only the chlamys; the smaller gem is incisedwith a dove and myrtle branch.
The outer end is often ornamented by straight incised lines or with red seeds affixed with wax or with a small piece of a cheap glass mirror roughly inlaid.
The bamboo ear stretcher is generally ornamented by straight incised lines.
Their artistic wood productions suggest the incised work of distant dwellers of the Pacific, as that of the people of New Guinea, Fiji Islands, or Hervey Islands.
Drop-shaped jars with spherical bases are typical, and scrabbled patterns of incised lines.
In several cases in Zuñi the primitive sash or frame has been rudely decorated with incised lines and notches.
This colorful pottery, beautifully decorated with incised designs, is an English earthenware of red or buff clay on which a slip was applied.
While the majority are plain iron some brass spurs in the collection are decorated with very attractive incised or embossed designs.
Each clip usually consisted of two discs connected by a narrow band, and when used for marking cloth the name or initials of the maker of the material was often incised on one of the discs.
On many examples, colorful lines were hand painted over or near the incised designs, usually in reds, yellows, and greens, and were covered with a transparent lead glaze.
Near the edge are two small perforations for suspension, and at the center is a conical pit, encircled by a shallow incised line.
Besides the features described it has been farther embellished by four incised lines which encircle the rim, forming a loop on the opposite sides as seen in Fig.
The exterior margin is encircled, in all cases, by ornaments consisting of parallel lines, groups of short incised lines, or rows of indentations.
Fragments of pottery having incised designs, similar to the dark ware already described.
Inside of this again is another incised circle, about 1¼ inches in diameter, which incloses the highly conventionalized figure of an insect resembling a spider.
The rim of one bowl has been ornamented with three deeply incisedor excavated lines, which form a sort of embattled figure about the incurved lip.
The body is ornamented with a very handsome design of incised lines, which consists of a scroll pattern, divided into four sections by perpendicular lines.
Has six nodes about the circumference, and a scalloped figure of three incised lines encircling the vessel above them.
The incurved upper surface is often tastefully ornamented with patterns of incised or excavated lines which are arranged in groups, in vertical or oblique positions, or encircle the vessel parallel with the border.
The ornamentation consists of cord and net impressions, incised lines, stamped figures, indented fillets, and life and fanciful forms modeled in relief.
The rim and collar are ornamented withincised notches.
The handles have oblique incised lines upon the outer surface.
Bowls corresponding in general character to those described above, but having tasteful designs of incised lines and indentations on the exterior surface.
No incised or excavated lines have been noticed in these fragments of pot-shaped vessels.
Lobes of the leaf dentate or incised =Mallow, Malva alcea.
Leaves pinnately compound; some of the leaflets incised or pinnatifid --8.
Leaflets mostly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, some of them coarsely incised (3-9 dm.
Leaflets linear to oblong, serrate to nearly entire, not incised (6-15 dm.
In later times, only the buyer and witnesses approved by a nail-mark, while the seller appended his seal; an inscription incised above the impress indicating the position of the signatory.
The TRUNK may show, as it has in several instances, incised wounds that caused death before the mutilation.
Incised Wounds of Right Hand in the Struggle of Defence.
The “site of election” for suicidal wounds is the neck for incised wounds and the chest, especially in the region of the heart, for punctured wounds.
The severity of incised wounds depends upon the amount of hemorrhage, which is greater the deeper and larger the wound, and the more vascular the tissues in which it occurs, especially if large and important vessels are concerned.
Incised wounds= are such as are produced by a cutting instrument, and they are distinguished by the following characteristics: They measure more in length than in the other dimensions.
Notwithstanding all this, the above cases are very rare exceptions, and the rules stated above as to incised wounds in the throat hold in almost every case.
Homicidal incised wounds of the neck inflicted from behind or the right side, if the victim and assailant are right-handed, or from the left side if they are left-handed, may have the same direction as similar suicidal wounds.
Some wounds by blunt instruments, however, in certain regions of the body, resembleincised wounds very closely.
Careful examination allows a discrimination to be made from incised wounds.
The prognosis in incised wounds is good as to life unless a large vessel has been divided or unless an important viscus has been penetrated.
With a left-handed murderer the direction would most likely be from right to left and from above downward for a stab-wound, and from left to right and from above downward for an incised wound.
The evidence from the direction of wounds rarely applies, as this is valuable only in incised and punctured wounds, which are seldom accidental.
Thus Marc reports a case of suicide by anincised wound of the neck, where the wound was so deep as to reach the vertebræ or their anterior ligaments and to divide the trachea and œsophagus, both carotids and jugular veins.
An incised wound is a clean smooth cut made by a sharp clean-cutting instrument.
Finding this was the case, I asked the operator to begin, and he incised one of the tumors, and then, as the cyst was only slightly adherent, peeled it away.
The clay was incised or embossed and natural earths were used as pigments.
Upon the plain surface patterns were tooled or incised and the hollows thus formed were filled in with dark-colored clays.
This cylindrical form may be made more interesting by the addition of little feet or handles; by a simple line border incised along the upper edge; or by dividing the surface into well-spaced panels.
There are two possible developments of incised work.
The distinctive feature of the period is that the borders of the vases were incised after the manner of the Ming blue and white, a pattern which appears at no other periods.
About an inch from the top of the vases there is an incised pattern, a pattern cut in double incised lines, altogether forming a band about half an inch wide.
In the pavement is a the incised slab of blue marble, representing a priest in Eucharistic vestments, with chalice on the breast.
Almost without exception the entablature is some variation of the Ionic order with denticulated bed-mold in the cornice, plain flat frieze and molded architrave, the latter sometimes enriched by inciseddecorative bands.
Again it may be hand-carved with vertical flutings, continuous, as in the parlor at Upsala, or in groups of three or more in alternation with an incised flower pattern, as in the Rex house.
It has fluted columns, an intricately hand-tooled dentil course in the cornice, richly incised architraves and carved ovolo moldings.
An incised band of dainty grace adorns the architrave of the entablature.
The upper fascia is enriched with groups of five vertical flutes in alternation with an incised conventionalized flower.
The word "Herend" is found impressed on the ware; sometimes in incised letters.
Some of the best-known marks will be given at the end of this account; but it may be well to say that the incised triangle, which for a long time was supposed to be a sure indication of Bow, is now placed with Chelsea.
These bear a pierced pattern and projecting triangles, serving as spandrils to the trefoiled arches, which are incised on the spaces between.
Strzygowski gives similarly shaped stelai from Alexandria and Cairo, with incised awkward scrolls, and some of Arab date.
The feathered serpent appears to permeate all Maya art in this section of the Maya area; whether painted on pottery or stucco, or incised on bone, pottery, or other material, one encounters him at every step.
A second somewhat larger pot, of the same shape and material, which contained the upper part of the femur of a deer, on which is incised the design shown in figure 82.
Representations of this god are found throughout the whole area in great abundance, painted upon pottery and stucco, incised on bone and stone, and modeled in clay.
Collections of these have been found together on several occasions; they might have been used as beads or ornaments but for the fact that they are neither perforated nor decorated with incised figures as shell beads usually are.
Upon the outer surface of the vase and the upper surface of the lid are incised in low relief a series of pictographs, identical upon both.
With the bones of the hands were found four copper rings, considerably oxidized; three were plain narrow bands, while the fourth was a broad flat band decorated with incised double volutes.
No polish, glaze, or paint is applied to the pottery, either inside or out; the highest effort at decoration resulting in merely a few incised lines just below the neck, or a rough scalloping around the rim.
Of the finer kinds of pottery some are ornamented with incised devices, executed after the vessels had been fired, others are covered with devices in polychrome, and still others with ornaments molded while the clay was plastic.
Unfortunately only four fragments were found; these exhibit on their outer surfaces parts of a hieroglyphic inscription, roughly incised in the clay while it was soft, with some sharp-pointed instrument.
Design incised on femur of deer found in Mound No.
Another, curiously incisedwith alternate chequers of diamond shape, is described as a hasta pura.
Where incised lines are superinduced upon the flower-like forms, they are the old chevron and saltire patterns of the rude clay pottery, though executed with considerable delicacy and taste.
The latter is a neat vessel of common form, and decorated with the usual style of incised chevron ornaments.
The earthen vessel was unfortunately broken by the fall of the stone that covered it, but its fragments exhibited the usual incised ornamentation of the early British pottery.
The incised decorations of the pottery appear, in many cases, to have been produced simply by passing twisted cords round the soft clay.
The cups are formed merely by hollows in the slightly dilated ends; but it is further interesting from being decorated with the style of incised ornaments of most frequent occurrence on the primitive British pottery.
This has been already referred to as the purpose which perhaps first suggested those rude incised lines on the earlier axe-blades, afterwards turned to account as a means of tasteful decoration.
Some diptychs which were used afterwards for ecclesiastical purposes, show signs of having had the Consular inscription erased, and the wax removed, while Christian sentiments were written or incised within the book itself.
At Marlborough the earliest examples of this improved ware are found in two sherds with incised decorations that were scratched into the wet clay (USNM 59.
The cobalt is smeared more or less at random, some of it lying on the surface, some running into the incised channels.
A small group of sherds has a gray-buff paste, more intricately incised than most.
The earliest of these incised slabs are probably of the ninth century, but the faces of the deceased were not carved on them till about 1050.
These superstitions existed a few years since in connexion with an old incisedslab in the chancel of Christ Church, Caerleon.