The joints of the antennæ are prominent, thus producing a serrate appearance.
Defn: Beset with teeth pointing forwards or upwards; as, serrate leaves.
The other four needles consist of a pair of mandibles which are lance-shaped at the tip and a heavier pair of maxillæ, the tips of which are serrate on one edge.
The mandibles have the sides serratelike a two-edged saw.
The arrow was headed with an arrow-point of stone, often made of white quartz, and exquisitely formed, some barbed, some with a serrate edge.
The fish was of the ray species, much like a thornback, but with a long tail like a horse-whip, containing a poisoned sting with a serrate edge.
To the east rises the serrate and rugged Tattoosh range, which is remarkable for the boldness with which its bordering slopes rise from the forested region about it and the angularity of its many serrate summits.
This species grows from four to fifteen feet high, and is easily known by its intense scarlet fruit and shining leaflets, which are sharply serrate to the base.
A handsome species with serrateleaves and blue-purple flowers.
From related species its dull purple glaucous fruit and dull green leaves, serrate only near the apex, easily distinguish it.
Easily recognized by the nearly black, not glaucous berries, and finely serrate leaves.
The sides of the canyon are formed by prominent serrate ridges, leading upward to the shining snow fields of the mighty dome that heads the valley.
A handsome plant with opposite serrate leaves and corymbs of purple-red flowers somewhat like those of the foxglove.
The margins of the figures are serrate and the volutes, which are in white, have clumsy, disconnected stems.
The triangular interspaces are occupied by serrate figures, giving to the whole ornament an appearance characteristic of textile borders.
The spaces are filled in with serrate lines, parallel with the connecting fillets or stems of the volutes, as in the case given in Fig.
The second band is also divided by four series of straight lines, but the compartments are occupied by scrolls in white, bordered by serrate wings in black.
Certain spaces of the expanded connecting fillets of the units, are filled in with serrate or dotted lines.
The valley smiles, encircled with verdure; but on the horizon the embattled peaks, the serrate crests and black escarpments of the notched mountains rise into the blue sky, beneath their mantle of snow.
Bos recognized theserrate tops of the Pyrenees and was filled with joy.
All at once, {226}between two serrate points, like a dazzling arrow, streams the first ray of the sun.
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, obliquely rounded at base, coarselyserrate or nearly entire, smooth or in var.
Leaves at the end of vigorous shoots distinctly lobed, those of flowering branchlets incisely serrate or lobed.
They are obtuse or somewhat acute, and have the edges crenate, or more or less distinctlyserrate with sharp incurved teeth.
The joints of the antennæ are prominent, thus producing a serrate appearance.
Tongue deeply concave or induplicate, its edges serrate with reversed papillae.
In g is depicted a still larger prayer-stick, with two serrate incisions on each side of the continuation of the flattened facet.
Parallel lines of different width; serrate margin] The interval between the parallel bands around the vessel may be very much reduced in size, and some of the bands may be of different width, or otherwise modified.
Such a deviation is seen in figure 281, which has three bands, one of which is broad with straight edges, the other with serrate margin and hook-like appendages.
The joints of the antenn\'91 are prominent, thus producing a serrate appearance.
The leaves generally have smooth margins, and that would differentiate the tree from the hackberry were it not that sometimes the sugarberry has serrate leaves.
The lower pair of leaflets is markedly different from the rest in shape; sharply serrate and thin; dark green and glabrous above; lighter below.
They are finely serrate and pointed at both apex and base, and the stems are short and stout.
Margins of all the leaves sharply serrate all around except at base; nutlets 6-8 mm.
The rather narrower, shorter, and more sharply serrate leaflets.
It is then either a Viburnum or an Acer, and the fact that the leaf-margin is lobed and not finely serrate brings the chase down to Acer.
Passing to d and dd under cc gives the choice between Margin of leaves entire or only slightly undulate and Margin of leaves serrate to lobed.
Alternate; petioled; from rounded to oblong-ovate; serrate usually only toward the apex; six to eighteen lines long.
There are but few of the triangular figures seen in the Zuñi piece; there is a regular and true serrate marginal band; below this on the neck a broad band with diamond spaces.