Bosh's first step was to send a certain Gabralla, of the Fur tribe, as a spy to Zubeir's camp.
Mohammed el Fadl's first step as Sultan was to declare his mother's tribe as free for ever, the annual tribute of a girl was no longer to be exacted, and buying and selling of Begus was made a crime punishable by death.
Should any one, however, come to Omdurman and try to induce me to fly, my first step would be at once to inform the Khalifa.
My first step was to take off my bundle, and I told my companion to do the same.
My first step was to ask him if he wished to be free, and if he were disposed to hazard all in attempting his escape in my company.
My first step was to ask Toscani, Baletti, and the dancer Binetti to supper, as I had measures to concert with these friends of mine, whom I could rely on, and who had nothing to fear from the resentment of three rascals.
The whole procedure's overcharged,--its end In too strict keeping with the bad first step.
Simplicity is Nature's first step, and the last= 10 =of art.
Strongly approving, however, of the abstract idea that China should adopt a written code of commercial law as a first step towards a general legal reform, Sir T.
As a first step it was necessary to organise a company with sufficient capital to take over the government and utilise the resources of the territory.
Thus my first step in life was to exile my father, and leave myself a beggar,--a promising beginning, it must be owned!
As a first step, the worship of the Supreme Being was decreed, and a great festivity held, where Robespierre, decked with flowers, officiated as priest.
But Pitt had now made up his mind not only for repression in England but for war abroad, and the summoning of the militia was intended in fact as a first step in that direction.
The Battleship Boys' First Step Upward; Or, Winning Their Grades as Petty Officers.
Some reluctantly accepted the plan as a first step; the NAACP's Crisis called it "progress toward a more enlightened point of view.
As a first step it assigned eight Negroes to Recruitment Procurement School and subsequently to recruit duty in eight major cities with further such assignments planned when current manpower ceilings were lifted.
The Army, declaring that military efficiency demanded ultimate integration, temporized, guaranteeing as a first step an intricate system of separate but equal treatment and opportunity for Negroes.
Again suggesting voluntary methods as a first step, the committee called for the use of economic sanctions if voluntary methods failed.
It was when she found a reindeer caught in the vines that she took the first step in making a snare.
First tell her the rhymes and number of feet; and, as she comes late, she should, as a first step, pay a penalty by conforming to the task we had to do.
In the quiet night, alone and unaided, I took my first step on the toilsome and terrible journey that lay before me.
I shut it down again, and took my first step on the way of discovery.
If he were in the land of the living, I decided that my first step at starting should take me to the deformed man with the strange name.
We say an abridgement or first step, for reasons which shall afterwards be explained.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "first step" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.