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Example sentences for "barnyard"

Lexicographically close words:
barnacled; barnacles; barnea; barnlike; barns; baro; barocco; barograph; barometer; barometers
  1. He had a dear little room on the side of the house looking toward the barnyard and out-buildings.

  2. I felt like a colt, and kicking up my hoofs, raced through the barnyard gates and across the road to the long strip of sandy shore in front of the farm.

  3. Trailing Drunkard behind her she flew south across the barnyard and brought him up with a round turn at the door of a very up-to-date hen house.

  4. Barnyard and stable folk, I'll come up after dinner and give you the good word.

  5. Then he stepped to the door and surveyed barnyard and out-buildings.

  6. Of course it is understood that no better fertilizer can be applied to grass than barnyard manure.

  7. Then add barnyard manure to A, commercial fertilizers to B, and harrow A, B, and C at least four times until the soil is mellow and fine.

  8. Put barnyard manure on the land just after the first breaking and disk the manure into the soil.

  9. After soil has been dried and mellowed by proper drainage, then commercial fertilizers, barnyard manure, cowpeas, and clover can most readily do their great work of improving the texture of the soil and of making it fitter for plant growth.

  10. Because he was hatched in a ground nest and loves to scratch about on the ground for insects, making the dead leaves and earth rubbish fly like any barnyard fowl, the towhee it often called the ground robin.

  11. After the mating season is over, they have less chivalry than barnyard roosters.

  12. If you will study the habits of the common barnyard goose you will learn many of the ways of its wild relations that nest too far north to be watched by "every child.

  13. There they tip up their bodies in a funny way to probe about the muddy bottoms, their heads stuck down under water, their tails and flat, webbed feet in the air directly above them, just as you have seen barnyard ducks stand on their heads.

  14. They do not belong even to the same order, bob-white being a scratching bird and having the ruffed grouse and barnyard chicken for his kin.

  15. Hence these shows were looked upon as barnyard supreme courts.

  16. I watched the barnyard to-night and I saw that schweinhund steal another sheep.

  17. Schwartz pondered for a second, then made careful answer: "First time, I ran into the barnyard from the house side and your dog cut and run out of it from the far side when he saw me making for him.

  18. I went out, first thing, to open the barnyard gate and drive the sheep to the pasture.

  19. He says he volunteered to watch in the barnyard last night.

  20. An occasional scared bleat from deeper in the copse told the whereabouts of the sheep Schwartz had taken from the barnyard that night and which he had dropped at Lad's onslaught before he could put it in the pen.

  21. And, except for the stealthy motion of groping feet, the barnyard seemed as empty of human life as before.

  22. If Schwartz had seen any dog in the Romaine barnyard at daybreak, it assuredly was not Lad.

  23. He saw me, and he wiggled out through the barnyard bars--same way he had got in.

  24. Tomorrow night, if you are good all day, we will tell you about the rest of the barnyard friends of the three happy children.

  25. Jehosophat, Marmaduke, and Hepzebiah do not like one barnyard neighbour very much.

  26. So they romped away to the barnyard to chase the frightened White Wyandottes.

  27. When they reach the barnyard fence they stand outside calling to be let in.

  28. The sheep, at sight and smell of the dog, rushed jostlingly from their pen and scattered in every direction, through barnyard and garden and nearer fields.

  29. Morning and night, Chum drove the sheep and the cattle to their respective pastures and then back to the barnyard at night.

  30. This morning he took the collie along when he went out to release the tiny flock from their barnyard fold and send them out to graze.

  31. The place where the wood-pile lay was slightly higher than the barnyard and was the first dry ground to appear in the almost universal slush and mud.

  32. Next day, I called upon Andrew Ainsley and while the women cooked in a red-hot kitchen, Andy stubbed about the barnyard in his bare feet, showing me his hogs and horses.

  33. Average for the The mixed barnyard 43 lbs.

  34. If your neighbor has better stock than you, get his blood pure and sell off your own, but do not keep a barnyard full of scrubs who can trace their ancestry to every flock in the neighborhood.

  35. In time, much of the knowledge of that barnyard sage became, to the boy, even as the boy's knowledge of fairies had been to the man.

  36. Then, one day, the boy, to his amazement, learned that this wizard of the barnyard knew nothing at all about fairies.

  37. The hired man was doing something to the barnyard fence and told the boy to get out of the way.

  38. Together they listened to the words of strange wisdom and marveled at the knowledge of the barnyard scientist.

  39. My confidence returned, however, when I stood in John Waydean's barnyard and saw his cows paraded for my inspection, for no two of them were alike, and I could tell at a glance which were Jerseys and which were common cows.

  40. He said they cost him two dollars apiece, being from thoroughbred stock, but I see you have more sense and raise good plain barnyard fowls that you can eat every day if you want to.

  41. Then he went out at the stable door, shut and latched it, hurried across the barnyard and out upon the grassy expanse at the side of the highway.

  42. In the mean time, back at the farm the cattle had begun to stir about in the barnyard with the lifting of the night shadows.

  43. Suppose the manure-pile in the barnyard also sends down its supply, and the privies contribute theirs.

  44. Tenderness is no object here, the most ancient dweller in the barnyard answering equally well, and even better than "broilers.

  45. As game for men I place them on a level with barnyard ducks or orchard turkeys.

  46. I shall then put some barnyard manure on and plant it all to corn.

  47. Peter used well-rotted barnyard dressing, a little hen manure, and about the same quantity of chemical fertilizer.

  48. He's a barnyard fowl and he belongs on the ground," Jasper Jay declared.

  49. Let's move over to the big oak, for we can get a better view of the barnyard from the top of it.

  50. Barnyard manure is a perfect fertilizer, especially when preserved with kainit or acid phosphate; and a leguminous crop, if stimulated with phosphoric acid and potash, leaves the land in fine cropping condition.

  51. Barnyard manure would answer all purposes and would be an ideal potato fertilizer, except for the fact that it so often carries with it the spores of such diseases as blight, scab and rot.

  52. Barnyard manure is the best of all known fertilizers.

  53. American market gardeners deem it entirely safe to use fifty to seventy-five tons of barnyard manure to the acre of ground in their intensive cultural operations.

  54. The best known fertilizer for celery is thoroughly rotted barnyard manure.

  55. Still, barnyard manure in a partly rotted condition is very widely used by potato growers.

  56. A well-digested compost, formed of barnyard manure, loam and salt, makes the best fertilizer.

  57. But when they saw what he had done, they were delighted, and at once sent out invitations to all the Barnyard Folk to spend a week in Turtle Town.

  58. Cocky Doodle had all he could do to keep the Barnyard Folk out of danger.

  59. Little Jack Rabbit liked to go there, for all the Barnyard Folk were very nice to him, especially Henny Penny and Cocky Doodle, who always gave him some of their corn.

  60. And then one of them crows himself up in the big barnyard to the position of a demigod!

  61. All those old barnyard cocks that were clustered around his Excellency?

  62. Such cunning, wee creatures, when first they leave the egg, can only be compared with the young of our barnyard fowls.

  63. Besides these articles, other writers have observed dry plants, down, and feathers of the Wild Turkey, Wild Goose, and the common barnyard fowl.

  64. Throughout California these birds are often domesticated, and made to consort with the common barnyard fowl.

  65. Hiram caught her in the barnyard trying to clamber on the cow's back to ride her about the enclosure.

  66. When Hiram went to the barnyard to water the stock, Sunday morning, he found that somebody had been bothering the pump.

  67. He hauled out stable manure from the barnyard and gave an acre and a half of this piece of land a good dressing.

  68. It was too far away for one of their out-buildings to be afire; but Hiram set off immediately, although he only had slippers on, for the corner of the barnyard fence.

  69. There was the four-acre lot between the barnyard and the pasture in which he proposed to plant the staple crop.

  70. When you have low swamps to drain, you can realize more than the cost of draining, by carting the excavations upon other land, or into the barnyard as material for compost.

  71. We feel entirely satisfied that the largest crops of strawberries are grown on land highly manured with common barnyard manure.

  72. It should be worked deep, and have decayed wood and leaves mixed with barnyard manure and wood-ashes.

  73. When he was out in the barnyard it was just growing dusk, and Donald, through his half-closed eyes, observed a gobbler strutting about.

  74. Then they climbed the barnyard fence and made haste to the pasture where grandfather kept his woolly sheep.

  75. What a slaughter of unhappy barnyard families--turkeys, ducks, and chickens!

  76. So the gobbler kindly and considerately slackened his pace to a walk, and the two proceeded out of the barnyard and across a wide meadow to a little valley surrounded by a dense thicket.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barnyard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barnyard; croft; crude; crusty; demesne; enclosure; fallow; farm; farmland; farmstead; grassland; gross; hacienda; homestead; location; obscene; orchard; pasture; pen; plantation; ranch; station; vulgar