On Lake Champlain, Commodore Macdonough beat the British; while McComb with his militia withstood and repelled the British attack at Plattsburg.
It proved also that American militia behind breastworks could repel the attacks of twice their number of experienced soldiers who had recently helped to overthrow Napoleon.
There was an armed force of militia and of knights in the streets of the town, of what exact size we do not know.
Throughout that night great bodies of disordered peasantry, half-armed, themilitia of the Communes, fled or wandered aimlessly southward over the bare, rolling land.
The letter asks the Premier to do certain things for the officers and men, the effect of which would be to give them equal rights with members of the permanent Militia Force in respect of titles, decorations and general standing.
Both these officers, coming at that time under the command of General Strange in the Militia, were given the Militia rank of Major.
This contingent was divided into four squadrons, the whole coming, of course, under orders of the Militia Department as part of the C.
Selby Smith, who commanded the Militia in Canada, made a tour of inspection throughout the Dominion and spent some months under escort of the Mounted Police travelling from Swan River to the far West.
Herchmer, who had throughout nearly thirty years served with distinction in the Militia and the Police, died much regretted, and was succeeded by Superintendent John H.
And the result of the requests, if granted, would be to place the Mounted Police in the same position as the Militia in regard to medals, pensions and land grants, a matter of great interest and importance to the members of the Force.
As intimated at that point, the Militia Forces were withdrawn and the Mounted Police were left alone to deal with the problems of reconstruction and peace.
Steele from the North-West Mounted Police to the Militia service of Canada, as he was appointed to the command of Military District No.
Worn out at last by the haggling and delay, an officer of the garrison finally ordered the militia officers to withdraw their forces.
His suggestion of a local militia contemplated the extension of the revolutionary movement to Corsica.
His contribution to the schemes of the young patriots was significant: it consisted in a proposal to form a body of local militia for the support of that central committee which his friends so ardently desired.
So great was the disappointment of the radicals that they would have vented their spite on these; it was with difficulty that the lives of the prisoners were saved by the efforts of the militia officers.
The Lowdien Mallisha--Lothian Militia they Came with their coats of blew; Five hundred men from London came, Claid in a reddish hue.
I cannot say that the colonel commanding the militia was alarmed, or that he fled through fear of being overcome; but it suited him to leave, for he was anxious to prevent a collision between his troops and the men under Col.
The withdrawal of the State militia was the signal for the Gentiles to give vent to the worst of their inclinations.
The mob of the militia was mostly composed of men who had been neighbors of the Mormons.
Atchison, one of the commanders of the militia that served against the Church at Far West.
The militia has been sent to keep order in Daviess County, but will soon be gone, and the work of destroying the Mormons begin.
White was standing speaking to his men, he stopped and listened a short time; then he wheeled his horse and rode back to themilitia camp and reported that Col.
While our Colonel was in the midst of his speech the aid-de-camp of the militia colonel came up with a dispatch to Col.
About ten miles from where I preached lived two men, formerly lieutenants in the militia company of Capt.
Attention is asked to the necessity of providing by legislation for organizing, arming, and disciplining the active militia of the country, and liberal appropriations are recommended in this behalf.
From Lexington he was frequently called, in the capacity of surgeon, to accompany militia in their expeditions against the Indians.
He was commissioned major-general in the Maryland Militia in 1795.
John Mason had been a general in the Revolution, and was at the head of the militia here, and also owned a ferry operating to the Virginia shore from the foot of High Street (Wisconsin Avenue).
As we entered the house, two tall specimens of humanity, dressed very much like militia generals, in scarlet coats trimmed with gold lace and white trousers, met us at the door.
Just then, drums and fifes were heard, and an infantry militia regiment marched into the dockyard.
The Baron de Ruvigny says he is certain that Colonel Lejoille will lend the band of the regiment, and we must have the militia and volunteer bands.
Harry, who was among the delegates, found himself placed near several of the officers of the militia regiment.
In both instances they are enrolled in the militia corps; but that, as is presumed, cannot prevent the voluntary act in one instance or the compulsive in the other.
It appears from the communication of the Adjutant-General, that he resorted to the device or invention of using the militia laws of the State in order to enlist soldiers to make war on Mexico.
English militia consists of "the inhabitants of the county, chosen by lot for three years.
Such was the employment of the militia laws of Massachusetts.
This little State," says Oldmixon, "subsisted in the midst of six Indian nations without so much as a militia for its defence.
I submit that the proceedings in Massachusetts under the Act of March are illegal, inasmuch as they are a fraud upon the militia laws of the Commonwealth.
The power of the United States over the militia has been limited, and that for raising regular armies granted without limitation.
Governor Buckingham, however, had such wide financial relations as enabled him immediately to command the funds for equipping the militia for the field.
Another of the early laws of which we have spoken, is the first militia law, which was passed in 1792, at the first session of the second Congress.
He was a tall man, all covered with gilt decorations, and a type of themilitia officer.
He had been mustered into the militia and was stationed at Galena, but was granted indefinite absence to go to meet his sisters and accompany them home.
Thus they rushed into the camp of Black Hawk, and, as each was acting independently, it was but a short time until the Indians by their shots and yells had the militia scared crazy and on the run.
We don't rightly have any connection with the militia at all.
He didn't have to send out the militia to round me up.
Every town had a company or two of minute-men and of militia soldiers, who regularly met and drilled.
General Herkimer, a militia officer over sixty years of age, a thorough master of Indian warfare, was a man of might in this section.
This was a desperate undertaking for country militia armed only with muskets and fowling pieces, without bayonets or side arms.
Some say that the Indians quarreled over a barrel of rum that was to be given them as a reward on her safe arrival; others claim that a band of American militiafired into the party.
Instead of raiding the country, Baum, learning that the militia were gathering in all directions, entrenched himself on a hill about four miles from Bennington and waited for reinforcements.
Militia came in increasing numbers even from points on the Atlantic coast.
As the militia approached, the British soldiers fired and killed several.
The news that Coimbra, its garrison, and its invalids, had fallen into the hands of militia under Colonel Trant merely added insult to injury.
La Romana had crossed from Estremadura with several thousand Spanish troops, thereby adding to Wellington’s forces, while Portuguese militia threatened the enemy’s communications.
Do but observe the common practice in the government of those heroic bodies, our militia and lieutenancies, the most ancient corps of soldiers, perhaps, in the universe.
They gathered about fifteen thousand men in the Beauport camp, besides Indians, with the regulars in the center, and the militia on the flank.
The French regulars are as good as any troops in the world and they will fight to the last, but the Canadian militia is not disciplined well, and is likely to break under a fierce attack.
The whole French army suddenly began to advance, the veterans and the militia together, uttering great shouts, while the Indians on the flanks gave forth the war whoop without ceasing.
His theory of military education was, the establishment of State institutions, and the reorganization of citizenship upon a strict militia basis.
I took up my permanent abode with quartermaster Kingwalt, a very prince of old soldiers, who had devoted much of a sturdy life to promoting the militia interests of the populous county of Chester.
The militia was either unwilling or powerless to cope with the violence.
Tanner refused the requests for militia made by several sheriffs.
The Pittsburgh militia fraternized with the strikers, and when 600 troops which arrived from Philadelphia attempted to restore order and killed about twenty rioters, they were besieged in a roundhouse by a furious mob.
A factory strike in Paterson, New Jersey, which occurred in the same year, occasioned the first recorded calling out of militia to quell labor disturbances.
In Baltimore, where in the interest of public safety all the freight trains had stopped running, two companies of militia were beleaguered by a mob to prevent their being dispatched to Cumberland, where the strikers were in control.
Another grievance, particularly exasperating because the government was responsible, grew in Pennsylvania out of the administration of the compulsory militia system.
The Pinkertons were defeated and driven away and, although there was no more disorder of any sort, the State militia appeared in Homestead on July 12 and remained for several months.
He reported, on his return, that the Indians wished the militia to encamp with them, and that they objected to meet us anywhere on the reserve of the Hudson Bay Company, as they said they could not speak freely there.
On the 12th the Crees and Saulteaux sent four men from the soldiers tent or council, which they had organized, to ask that the encampment of the militia and the conference tents should be removed half way, towards their encampment.
Instead the Saulteaux sent word that they could not meet us except in their own soldiers tent, distant about a mile from the militia encampment, but we refused to do so.
A copy of the treaty will be found in the Appendix, and a brief record of the utterances of the Indians and of the Commissioners, which was taken down in short hand by one of the soldiers of the militia force, is hereto subjoined.
We were accompanied on arriving by the escort of militia under the command of Lieut.
The militia of New York were called out for three months, under a penalty of ninety-six dollars to whomsoever should fail to appear at the rendezvous.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "militia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.