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Example sentences for "grassed"

Lexicographically close words:
grasp; grasped; grasping; grasps; grass; grasses; grasshopper; grasshoppers; grassie; grassland
  1. We left him there, and presently entered a solemn grassed avenue of gigantic cypresses, their pale grey stems gleaming in the sunlight.

  2. We passed through the open convent gate into a quaint and peaceful scene, a small grassed quadrangle closed in by a wall and the sacristan's house; facing us was the west front of the church, with a large window under its low gable.

  3. At our feet in the green valley was the amphitheatre of Spello; not so perfect as that at Fiesole, but with clearly defined tiers of grassed seats rising one above another.

  4. The little church of San Nicola is hidden away among the houses, with a quaint little grassed cloister court in front of it, and a row of ancient cypresses.

  5. Although our run was as well grassed and watered as any in the province, still it could not possibly carry more than a certain number of sheep, and to that total our returns showed that we were rapidly approaching.

  6. If country is being burnt for the second or third time, the fire can be crossed without any difficulty; of course it must be quickly traversed, though indeed, on thinly grassed land, you may take it almost as coolly as you please.

  7. The south range is red sandstone, the next is hard white stone, and also red sandstone, with a few hills of ironstone; a well-grassed valley lying between.

  8. Part of to-day's journey was over low undulating sandy and very well grassed country.

  9. In half a mile came again upon the stunted gum plain, splendidly grassed to above the horses' knees.

  10. I changed to 3 degrees north of west, crossed some stony hills and broad valleys with splendid alluvial soil, the hills grassed to the top.

  11. The former part was through a very well-grassed country, with a little salt bush and low scrub.

  12. Mount Dutton is well grassed to the top; it is composed of the same rock as the others.

  13. The country has recently all been burned; but, judging from the small patches that have escaped, has been well grassed up to the pass of the hills.

  14. After following it for about ten miles through a beautifully grassed country, passing occasionally sandstone rises, with apparently scrub on their tops, camped at the base of one of them.

  15. We occasionally met with stony hills coming down to the creek, also well grassed and timbered to their tops.

  16. I altered my course to south-east to 132 degrees for fourteen miles; on this course we have ridden over a scrubby plain of a light sandy soil, most beautifully grassed but dry, the young feed not having sprung.

  17. We then proceeded through a well-grassed country, with mulga bushes, and at twenty miles camped under a redstone hill, not being able to get any further.

  18. We looked over a well-grassed meadow, seamed here and there by beds of streams left bare by the receding tide, to a gentle swell in the ground upon which is a not heavy forest growth.

  19. The easy faring of the grassed bottom was over.

  20. One afternoon, in a deep-grassed meadow they came upon an encamped train outflung on the stream bank in wearied disarray.

  21. Looking ahead across the grassed bottom land, she saw that the train had halted and the camp was pitched.

  22. The hollow was deep for the level country, the grassed sides sweeping abruptly to the higher reaches above.

  23. Not far from the tiny church of the almost extinct hamlet stood his own house, a commodious old farmhouse standing back from the road across a bare grassed yard.

  24. Near them is usually some fenced-in cultivation, and possibly a rough-grassed clearing, on which may be a few cattle or horses.

  25. Thus it is, that though we cleared and grassed a hundred and forty acres in our first year, yet we have now only five or six hundred acres of grass in our eighth.

  26. Finally they reached a well-grassed region which greatly cheered them with the prospect of success it held out.

  27. During their detention at this camp, many short excursions were made, and the country traversed was found to be mostly richly grassed downs.

  28. On the 22nd the leader made another search in advance, and in thirty miles came to a fine supply of water, in a gully running through a well-grassed plain whereon there was abundance of good feed for the horses.

  29. During this stage he kept to the north of the Hampton Range, and through a country well-grassed but destitute of surface water.

  30. Their route at first lay along the Murchison River, following the upper course, which they found to run through well-grassed country, available for either sheep or cattle.

  31. He followed the course of this river upwards, and reported the country as good, being well-grassed and watered.

  32. Captain Hawson, William Smith, and three others had made an excursion for some considerable distance, and found well-grassed country and abundance of water.

  33. Having first removed the depot to a better grassed locality, he made a short trip to the west.

  34. On the 5th they came to a well-grassed valley, with a fine river running through it, which they named the Archer.

  35. After following the course of the Murrumbidgee for some days, the travellers turned from its bank and pursued a south-westerly direction, which led them through hills and valleys richly grassed and plenteously endowed with running streams.

  36. While resting and recruiting at the sandhills, he made an excursion to the north, and after passing through a fringe of scrub twelve miles deep, he came upon most beautifully-grassed downs.

  37. Toiling on through these, varied by an interlude of sandhills, Gregory at last reached a better-grassed land, where his famished horses regained a little strength.

  38. They had been over fifty miles from camp and had passed over some well-grassed country but had found no water.

  39. They ascended a branch coming from the north-east, and for a time revelled in the spectacle of well-grassed and promising valleys; but they soon again came amongst the scrub and sand plains of the inland desert.

  40. They were without experience of the colonies, or of the capabilities of the country; but as far as they could judge, pronounced the country well grassed and timbered.

  41. They ascended a branch coming from the north-east, and for a time travelled through well grassed and promising valleys, but afterwards found themselves once more in the scrubs and sandy plains of the desert.

  42. A Captain Hawson, in company with Mr. William Smith and three other gentlemen, made an excursion for a short distance, and found well-grassed country and abundance of water.

  43. On this course he kept to the north of the Hampton Range, and crossed well-grassed country, but destitute of surface water, reaching Eucla on the 2nd July.

  44. He first, however, removed the depĂ´t to a better grassed locality, water being now plentiful everywhere.

  45. He, too, found some fairly-grassed country, but quite waterless.

  46. The adventurers followed the course of this river upward, traversing good country, well grassed and timbered, so far as their limited experience allowed them to judge.

  47. More rivers were crossed, and the country undulated between rough ridges and well-grassed flats, and at last, on the 18th August, the Victoria River of Captain Stokes was reached.

  48. He loved to hurry like a swallow For miles on miles of short-grassed sweet Blue-harebelled downs where dewy feet Of pure winds hurry ceaselessly.

  49. The country is well grassed and supports plenty of salt bush.

  50. We then entered a series of slaty, low, sandstone ranges, amongst which were some well-grassed flats, and plenty of water in the main gullies.

  51. The land in the immediate vicinity of the creek on the west side is very poorly grassed all the way up from where we crossed it: that on the east side appeared to be better.

  52. Mount Forbes, across a fine and well-grassed plain, kept at first a north-by-east direction.

  53. The banks are well lined with box timber, as well as with marshmallows and wild spinach: the land on either side consists of well-grassed sandy rises.

  54. Bounding the mud-flats are generally some stony rises well grassed and sometimes lightly timbered.

  55. We re-crossed it at a stony place just below a very large waterhole, and then continued our course over extensive plains, not so well grassed as those we had passed before, and very stony in some places.

  56. The remainder of the way was rich undulating ground slightly wooded with trees and grassed with the best grasses.

  57. These ridges are chiefly wooded with ironbak and grassed with triodia.

  58. The country we passed over last consists of well-grassed downs.

  59. It is undulating poor land of a sandstone formation, grassed with triodia and wooded with ironbark and bloodwood.

  60. This is a fine run, and the country we saw from our path consisted in a great measure of fine grassed plains.

  61. On both sides of the creek there are stony ranges grassed with triodia and wooded with ironbark.

  62. Lieutenant Woods with line and broad arrow; at 12 made three miles west to Beames Brook over richly grassed plains slightly wooded with stunted box; at 1.

  63. The country we have seen on this side, although fine fattening plains, is more thinly grassed and not nearly so rich as that on the plains we saw lower down the river.

  64. The land was well grassed and thinly wooded at most places.

  65. It is thickly grassed and in some parts without trees; in others thinly wooded or wooded with clumps of trees.

  66. When we had come seven miles over rich well-grassed downs we observed a great number of blacks on a level flat which extended to the southward.

  67. At 10 came over two kinds of well-grassed country in an east and north direction for three miles, the first part wooded with box and bauhinia, the second a plain between belts of timber.

  68. The remainder was over the usual iron-bark and bloodwood ridges, fairly grassed with coarse grasses, intersected with swamps and belts of scrub, through one of which they were three hours in forcing their way two miles.

  69. At 12 miles a fine sheet of water was passed, surrounded by sandy coarsely-grassed ridges.

  70. A spur of the range was followed for about four miles into rather better country, where the party camped, being well-grassed and slightly timbered, though stoney.

  71. At the end of 9 miles they luckily came on to a creek comparatively well-grassed on the banks.

  72. Their width back from the river extended to an average of six miles, when they were bounded by low well-grassed iron-bark ridges.

  73. You will see a greater variety of vegetation on one acre of your sandy heath than on two square miles of the thickly-grassed country we have been passing over.

  74. Now, immediately you shall see how we pass from the richly-grassed volcanic plains, into the barren sandstone heaths; from a productive pasture land into a useless flower-garden.

  75. For a time their way lay straight across the broad well-grassed plains, marked with ripples as though the retiring sea had but just left it.

  76. The country was well grassed and openly wooded with box, sterculia, leguminous ironbark, and terminalia.

  77. The lower parts of the valley were not so rich or well grassed as the hills, but would afford excellent summer feed for sheep.

  78. Victoria; the country was level and well grassed for several miles back, and then rose into the sandstone range to the south and basaltic hills to the east.

  79. The surface of the lava is more thinly wooded and better grassed than the granite; but the roughness of the surface and scarcity of water rendered it less convenient travelling.

  80. The flats on the bank of the creek are in some parts nearly a mile wide, well grassed and openly timbered; the hills are of sandstone, but chert and coarse limestone were frequently seen on the lower ridges.

  81. The country passed this day was of a broken character, with deep gullies and rocky hills near the river, but was generally well grassed and openly timbered with ironbark and Moreton-Bay ash.

  82. We then entered a basaltic plain, richly grassed and less stony than usual.

  83. The station was named Green Mount, and having turned their weary stock loose on the well-grassed plains, the party set to work to form a station hut and yards.

  84. These stations were a stage still further north, the surrounding country being fine open forest land, very well grassed and watered.

  85. On the south side it lay open toward the thick-grassed meadows, where bees and flies of innumerable species flickered lazily over the pale crimson clover-blooms.

  86. Thickly grassed meadows of the same dazzling yet delicate green fell away to the little hollows, where copses took their place, and now and then a small red farm showed in a group of alien gum-trees.

  87. The country was then open grassed savannahs, and there was less fever.

  88. After descending about 1000 feet, we issued from the forest and passed over well-grassed savannahs surrounded by high ranges, on the eastern slopes of which were forests of pine-trees.

  89. The central zone is composed of grassed savannahs, on which are bred cattle, mules, and horses.

  90. Before us were spread out well-grassed savannahs, thinly timbered, excepting where dark winding lines of trees or light green thickets of bamboos marked the course of rivers or mountain brooks.

  91. There was plenty of dead wood upon it and it was surrounded by richly-grassed flats, whilst from the base gushed forth a clear spring, which then murmured along a purling brook, traversing the flat on which the ponies were tethered.

  92. The whole is grassed over, and has gravestones scattered promiscuously about.

  93. They open into the quadrangle, which is grassed over, but roofless, of which the cloisters form the sides.

  94. They are conical in form, and well grassed over.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grassed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.