He stayed for hours tracing the river, and as his eyes grew more accustomed to the depth he made out the animals grazing below and looking like ants.
During the days which followed the boy had long rides with his father to see cattle on distant ranges, to visit flocks grazing nearer home, and gradually grew acquainted with the pleasant, patriarchal life the doctor lived.
The man gave him a sour look, and Nic ran on, passing the horses grazing together, which were ready to look up and whinny a welcome.
South of the Hoya-kund-la River, and near the seashore, there is about 250 acres of grazing land, interspersed with groves of small spruce.
There are several hundred acres of grazing lands on the sides and tops of the mountains lying to the southward.
From the mouth of Tlell River, south and westward, there is a considerable body of grazing land, estimated at two thousand acres.
A narrow strip of grazing land, from five to fifteen rods in width, extends for about three miles along the seashore, eastward from near the mouth of the Hi-ellen River.
Passing over to the north coast there is a strip of grazing land from fifty to ten rods in width, narrowing as it is followed eastward, which extends from the village named, unbroken, for five or six miles along the immediate seashore.
The grazingof the interior is very limited, owing to the density of the forest growth, its numerous swamps, and almost impassable deadfalls.
The levelgrazing country is also of small extent, a tract of about 400 acres situated on Sand Spit Point, south of the entrance to Skidegate Inlet, being much the largest found.
At Penton it should be always summer, with dog-roses and sweetbriar, with placid red cows grazing on the tender grass, with boats tethered in the lazy current round the bend of the Hook.
The White-bear knows how to approach the Seal on the flat ice, and the Indian how to get within striking distance of the grazing Deer.
Even Jake realized this, and ere his foggy wits had fully felt the shock he sighted the steed afar on a flat, grazing and stepping ever farther from the camp.
Off we scampered to aid him, turning on the way to drive up one of the mares, whom we accidentally found grazing with her foal in a secluded valley, "the guides forgetting, by the guides forgot.
Our horses were all safe, as they had been grazing on the far side of a stream in an adjacent valley.
The ground, which was rather swampy, was covered with an abundance of coarse green grass, amongst which we could see flocks of wild geese grazing in great numbers.
Mother sat down and put the blanket in its proper place, not grazing his cheek, and gave him a drink, and read to him out of Anatole France.
Happening to turn his head to look at the two camels which were grazing some two hundred yards in the rear, Jim suddenly caught sight of a figure running towards him, and waving an arm to attract his attention.
My journeying may be of use to you now, master, for the green spot of which I speak lies some ten miles only within the Hoad, and it is wide enough to give grazing to all your beasts.
The horses are grazing quietly in a little nook, a small valley which cuts into this long hill, and they are practically unwatched.
Through the sunny haze I saw the cows and deer grazing by the Serpentine, and out of the back of my eye handkerchiefs floated from the carriages banked at the gate.
We sat gazing at the building, which was bathed in the early sun, at the deer and sheep grazing in the park, at the changing colours of the young leaves as the breeze swayed them.
Heralded by the deep tones of bells, two steers appeared above the shoulder of a hill and stood staring at me with bovine curiosity, and fell to grazing again.
North and south of the village the emerald common gleamed in the slanting light, speckled red and white and black by grazing cattle.
There were loud exclamations of wonder when the Overlanders saw a lot of cattle, in charge of several herders, grazing less than a mile away.
Woo already had turned out the pack-horses, which were grazing out of sight of the camp, and the cowbells on two of them could be heard tinkling in the distance.
The animals were on their summer grazing grounds, having come up into the hills for the summer months.
The seedling pines extended almost to the game-herd and would offer concealment for the approach, but the animals were grazing into the wind, and their scent was much keener than their vision.
About a mile away, a herd of game was grazingslowly westward.
When he saw horses grazingon the bush grass near the abode of a rich man, he gave them to his companions.
Yesterday they took me for a madman and said I had eaten of the herb of Erin that maddens the grazing beasts.
A heavy drop of rain struck his face and a flash of lightning ripped the black curtain, outlining bare banks, trees, and grazing horses for a brief instant.
So, too, the stock grazing in the fields were of lilliputian dimensions.
Also we don't want your stock grazing on our property.
The creature on the other side seemed to go on grazing steadily, he had not heard it neigh; at times white stripes of water seemed to pass across the apparition.
Oh, yes, Iven; look, it's grazingjust like a horse!
Or, again, it may be that reference is made in this verse to the grazing of sheep in fields full of snakeholes or of poisonous plants.
A valley with its green grass, its quiet waters, its springing flowers, with shepherd and grazing sheep.
We camped that night at a lake whose banks were pebbled in the manner of an artificial pond, and whose setting was a thin meadow of the fine hair-grass, for the grazing of which the horses had to bare their teeth.
We reported to the official in charge, were allotted a camping and grazing place, and proceeded to make ourselves at home.
Furthermore theirs was the duty of correcting infractions of the trail discipline, such as grazing on the march, or attempting unauthorized short cuts.
Now I am convinced that he has a workshop somewhere among the great mountains where dwell the Seasons, and that his reindeer paw for grazing in the alpine meadows below the highest peaks.
They spent their time in grazing and running to and fro; but what astonished Grasshopper, although he often lifted up his head and directed his eyes that way, he could never see the stars, which he had so admired as a human being.
Three or four fine cows are grazing in the meadow, which is only separated from the garden by a hedge of honeysuckle--" "And from my windows I can see the cows?
I shall see the wildebeeste grazing on the horizon once more--and hear the guinea-fowl in the bush crying 'come back!
On the third day of the sleep of Ilya, Cloudfall raised his head from his grazing and pricked up his ears, for out of the north came a noise like an earthquake.
Shortly after the commencement of the fighting, Captain Falls was shot dead whilst talking to Major Clarke, the latter having a narrow escape, a bullet grazing his head just above the ear.
The runaway had stopped near one of the islands of trees, and was grazingquite close to its edge.
What we had to do was to drive the cattle, which weregrazing on the prairie in herds of from thirty to fifty head, to the house, and then those selected for the market were to be taken with the lasso and sent off to Brazoria.
I saw the horses that were once mine grazing among those of the chief.
The valley of the river Des Chutes, is also admirably calculated for a great grazing country.
By degrees the horses, finding themselves at liberty, took their route toward their customary grazing ground.
He half opened his closing eyes, and beheld two or three elks moving about the lodges, picking, and smelling, and grazing here and there.
At one time they were three entire days with-out a mouthful of food; at length they beheld a buffalo grazing at the foot of the mountain.
He had scarce glanced his eye round, when he perceived horses grazing on the opposite side of the river.
One morning, as they were about to visit their traps, one of the camp-keepers pointed to a fine elk, grazing at a distance, and requested them to shoot it.
At length, one of the scouts, who had made a wide sweep away to the head-waters of the Blackfoot River, discovered great herds quietlygrazing in the adjacent meadows.
On the 21st of July, as they were pursuing their course through one of the meadows of the Sweet Water, they beheld a horse grazing at a little distance.