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Example sentences for "plantation"

Lexicographically close words:
plantains; plantane; plantar; plantas; plantashun; plantations; plante; planted; plantedst; planter
  1. It may be that trade of its own accord will come to you; some soap manufacturer may try to buy your plantation or even the entire island.

  2. Noisy and disorderly, they never noticed that their nominal leader had left them, taking one man with him, and turned into the plantation by the roadside.

  3. You, like your plantation boss, are a man and a native; Miss Auriol is a woman and a European.

  4. The face of the country is considerably diversified by old wood, but we have only seen one plantation of young trees since we left Paris.

  5. At the head of the slope were a picturesque medley of colored folk, of true Southern plantation types, so seldom seen north of Dixie.

  6. While living upon that plantation I saw many of the horrors of slavery with my own eyes.

  7. I was born upon my master's plantation in Monroe County, Ala.

  8. It was in 1867 that I learnt the alphabet upon the plantation by the light of pine knots.

  9. You are sure the girls are still at the plantation house?

  10. To remain on the plantation as its mistress--plainly an offer of marriage, if you please.

  11. Probably they did not visit the plantation at all, unless it was to scout around.

  12. The plantation house became in time a rendezvous for all the wild spirits of that neighborhood, and stories of fierce drinking bouts and mad gambling were current in St. Louis.

  13. He has a plantation just above St. Louis, an old French grant.

  14. The plantation is irrevocably lost to the Beaucaires, but she possesses the power to defy him because of her mother's property.

  15. Not only this plantation is mine, but every nigger on it as well.

  16. The discovery of his horse in a distant part of the plantation had concentrated the search there.

  17. He was overseer on a plantation in Alabama.

  18. It showed them, not half a mile away, a plantation house.

  19. When Sally got back from school, she sat down in her hat and coat and drummed the plantation melodies that Negro minstrel troupes brought to town.

  20. She named him Samson, because he was blind, but on the plantation he was known as 'yellow Martha's simple child.

  21. Seems like we might have some good old plantation songs tonight.

  22. Father, what is the difference between a plantation and a farm?

  23. Having disposed of his property in this place, Mr. Elmer has purchased a plantation in Florida, upon which he will settle immediately.

  24. Perhaps what was known as the "Reed Valley" was referred to, near which Van Twiller had a tobacco plantation where the Indians of all nations came to trade.

  25. At, to or on a high place"--from which the stream and the plantation was located.

  26. Continuing onward from there, we came to the plantation of the Najack Indians, which was planted with maize, or Turkish Wheat.

  27. It lasted till we reached the little plantation by the roadside.

  28. We got him out of the plantation all right and on to the paved road.

  29. I rather hoped that we were going to wait till the men I had left behind in the plantation had come up.

  30. He led me into the Savaii plantation and the cocoa venture on Upolu.

  31. Reichner’s Battery A loads its Long Toms on an LCT to move to Piru Plantation from Tambusolo Island.

  32. Captain Reichner’s Battery A moved to Piru Plantation on 29 August and two days later began shelling the Vila area of Kolombangara.

  33. Illustration: Marine Corps Historical Collection Here Batteries A and B set up at Piru Plantation to shell Vila.

  34. The neighborhood of the next 'dobe-hole might be known by the three miles of cactus you went through before coming on it, a wide-set plantation of the yucca.

  35. Before midnight thunder was heard, and heavy showers of rain watered the colonel's plantation thoroughly; while it was remarked that the showers were so partial that the neighboring plantations were left almost as dry as they were before.

  36. On one occasion, Colonel Bird had gone to another part of the country, on business, and had left the care of his plantation to his overseer.

  37. Edward Loyd was held for twenty-one days, while his plantation was invaded, and his wife so frightened that she fell into labor and died.

  38. The planter at work in his fields might expect to find them lurking in the high grass, while their ambushes in the woods made communication from plantation to plantation very dangerous.

  39. In some cases several of these units were merged to form one borough, in others, a plantation or a town or a hundred as it stood constituted a borough.

  40. It would be a just reward for these services, he thought, to allow him for a year or two to ship the tobacco of his plantation into England free of customs.

  41. John Pott, whose private wrongs made him a leader in the popular discontent, was going from plantation to plantation, denouncing the Governor's conduct and inciting the people to resistance.

  42. More than once attempts had been made to force the people to build towns and to discontinue the desultory plantation trade.

  43. Pott could not believe that the proceedings against him were intended seriously, and, in defiance of the Governor's commands, left his plantation to come to Elizabeth City.

  44. At the plantation of a Mr. Harrison, where there were gathered seven men and eighteen or nineteen women and children, the savages set fire to a tobacco house and then came in to tell the men to quench it.

  45. It required but little exertion to ruin the tender plants, and the rioters, passing from plantation to plantation, in an incredibly short time accomplished enormous havoc.

  46. The investment of capital in the cultivation of cotton is extremely profitable, and a plantation judiciously managed seldom fails of producing an income, in a few years, amounting to the original outlay.

  47. All slaves on the Coffer plantation were treated in a most inhuman manner, scarcely having enough to eat, unless they would steal it, running the risk of being caught and receiving a severe beating for the theft.

  48. Slaves were never allowed off of their plantation without a written pass, and if caught away from their plantation without a pass by the Pady-Rollers or Gorillars (who were a band of ruffians) they wore whipped.

  49. Different from many other slaves, I was kept on the plantation from the day I was born until the day I ran away.

  50. After slavery was abolished, this colored slave family remained on the same plantation for one year.

  51. Mr. Price's plantation was situated in Webster County, Kentucky about half-way between Providence and Clay on Craborchard Creek.

  52. They were carried back to the plantation and the mother was mildly punished and imprisoned in an upstair room.

  53. Mrs. Cave was born on a plantation in Taylor County Kentucky.

  54. My mother took her family and moved away from the plantation and worked in the broom cane.

  55. Before the soldiers became encamped at the Mooney plantation they had camped upon a hill and some skirmishing had occurred.

  56. They left the plantation via Cloverport by boat for Evansville, Ind.

  57. The colored people on his plantation did not learn of it until the following August.

  58. When he returned he had every hand on the plantation stop regular work, and put them all to building the fence.

  59. Almost all the implements used on the plantation were made by the slaves.

  60. There was a section of the plantation known as "the quarters," where were situated the cabins of the slaves.

  61. It was common to have one or two exhorters on the plantation who claimed to be called to do service for God, by teaching their fellow men the principles of religion.

  62. On our plantation passes were never given, but the slaves did visit in the neighborhood, notwithstanding, and would sometimes slip into town at night.

  63. I remember very well that there was always a solemnity about the services--a certain harmony, which had a peculiar effect--a certain pathetic tone which quickened the emotions as they sang those old plantation hymns.

  64. The boat had passed safely through the first stretch of timber lands, and was now floating over a broad reach of open plantation country.

  65. Without picking up their mantillas, gloves or parasols, nothing, in short, that belonged to them, they fled through the plantation uttering cries of terror.

  66. Do you think that we are in the plantation and that I am some black wild creature?

  67. As for the plantation itself, I must confess that it appeared to me more flourishing three years ago, than at present.

  68. There is little or no weeding done; consequently, the plantation is overgrown with grass and bushes, and looks as if the forest might, at no distant day, reclaim its children.

  69. The mode of forming a coffee-plantation is simply to go into the woods (where the tree abounds), select the wild coffee tree, and transport it into the prepared field.

  70. A plantation has been commenced at Millsburg, and prosecuted with great diligence, but with no auspicious results.

  71. With these qualifications, he has employed five or six years in the experiment of raising coffee, and thus far, with little success, although his plantation comprises some thousands of growing trees.

  72. The revolt began on the night of August 21, on the plantation of Noé, near Cape Haytien.

  73. As the days and weeks went on the movement grew, many of the plantation hands joining the insurgents until there were several thousand men in arms.

  74. But if she persisted in rejecting them, he would sell her as a field hand on the worst plantation on the river.

  75. He had been on the plantation since my earliest recollection, and I had never known of his being flogged.

  76. The plantation being four miles from the city, I had to drive the family to church.

  77. Among the slaves on the plantation was one by the name of Randall.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plantation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anchorage; barnyard; clump; colonization; croft; crop; demesne; establishment; estate; fallow; farm; farmland; farmstead; fixation; foundation; grassland; growth; hacienda; hassock; homestead; inauguration; initiation; installation; installment; investiture; location; mooring; orchard; pasture; pen; peopling; plantation; planting; population; ranch; settlement; spread; stand; station; tuft